His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 349 - A SICK HAPPINESS

Chapter 349 - A SICK HAPPINESS

Kaito looked at the dissatisfied and defiant but still adorable face before him. 

When he decided to come to Mountain Ridge to look into her life, he thought she was just an amusing target to break the monotony of his life. 

However, from that moment he faced her in Moonpoint, he discovered she would never be a simple mystery to him. 

He did not know what it was about her that made him unable to treat her like he would any other target or person that roused his interest.

He could not figure it out. 

Perhaps, it was those intelligent, large eyes that looked at him with a hint of challenge. Or maybe, it was the look on her face that said she was resisting his provocation, even when she wanted to beat him up. Or even, her beauty that perfectly incorporated tough and soft…

He did not know. 

But he knew she was his. 

He would not let his little prey escape from him.

"I won't warn you about strange men again." His lips stretched into an amused smile. 

Akira felt a little disappointed. She did not want to think deeply about the reason for that dissatisfaction. She should be happy that he was not poking his nose into her business anymore. 

Kaito looked at her and held the arms of the chair on which she was sitting, preventing her from backing away from her on the small wheels. He leaned closer to her, allowing his unique sweet and cool scent to suffuse her senses. 

Akira's heart beat a little faster as he drew closer to her face. 

She felt her body become hotter at what was coming. He was going to kiss her, and this time, she was aware of his intentions. The last time in the garden, it was merely a few bites of her lips to punish her. 

But this time… She licked her lips nervously. 

However, Kaito did not make the expected move. 

Instead, he leaned to her ear, his breath washing over the delicate shell of her ear. 

"Next time," he whispered. "I will directly eliminate the strange men so that they will not appear before you again." 

With that, he straightened his back and began looking at the room as if he had not made a shattering statement. 

Akira's heart beat even faster at the declaration, and a sick kind of happiness filled her heart. 

Yes, it was sick. 

She was supposed to be a guardian of global justice. However, when a dangerous assassin threatened to kill men who came near her, she felt happy.  josei

She wanted to chant the anthem of the Immortal Sword Brigade to remind herself of their mission to keep the world at peace. However, she could not seem to remember the words, and all she could hear was her galloping little heart. 

Despite her best efforts to hold back, a smile formed on her lips. 

The goal of the Immortal Sword Brigade was not of absolute good, after all. Their objective was to keep the world balanced. In any case, she was not that much of a stickler.

After a few moments, she recovered her composure and looked at Kaito who was touching things around her suite like a curious child. 

"So, why are you here?" She asked. 

"Naturally, to ask you out on a proper date." He responded. "We have already done so much, but I have not taken you out. I am not such a rogue." 

Akira's face reddened a little. "What do you mean we have done so much? I do not recall doing anything with you." 

Kaito turned and approached her once again. "I can remind you." 

"Not necessary." 

Akira stood up quickly so that she would not be trapped on her chair again. As for whether a small part of her wanted to be imprisoned between those arms, only she knew…

"What kind of person sneaks into someone's house to ask for a date?" She rolled her eyes a little, even though she was interested.

"I could always come through your front door. But I am not sure if I can explain our relationship within a short period to your mother. It might delay the fantastic date I have planned." Kaito smiled secretively.

Akira felt that strange happiness as well as anticipation rise within her. 

It was an embarrassing thing to admit, but she had never been on a date. A few people had asked her out, or so she thought. Everyone who invited her outside for a meal would always give an excuse such as discussing some work matters or exchanging pointers on a subject. 

She always turned them down for two reasons. 

One, she did not want to waste her free time on serious issues. She already worked too hard to waste a minute of her personal time not enjoying her life. Of course, by enjoying, she meant watching movies, sleeping and snacking. 

Two, she would never go out with a man who did not dare to ask her out directly for a date. She preferred someone who was open and unapologetic when asking her out, like Kaito. 

People who hid their intentions behind a façade were shady to her. They were the kind of people who would deny ever going out with someone if things did not work out. After all, they could say they never really asked one out for a date since they never said it was one. 

At least, that is what she was told by that 'Nag'. The information seemed reliable because that woman had a list of exes as long as the Shinano River. 

"It seems that meeting the parents is inevitable. Shall I go through the front door?" Kaito sighed after Akira remained silent for a while. 

"No!" Akira shouted and stopped him as he went to the window. 

She did not want her mother and father to meet Kaito yet. She was not sure if they had the kind of relationship that needed that kind of introduction yet.

For now, she decided that she would simply have a little fun while she was in Mountain Ridge. Whatever happened next, she could not predict. Of course, she would also keep an eye on the dangerous assassin. 

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