His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy



Akira looked at the man and refused to blush. She lifted her face and turned her nose in the air with the dignity of a queen. But to Kaito, she looked completely ridiculous. And cute. She was like the sweetest treasure in the world.

Akira did not know Kaito's thoughts. She assumed that he thought she was ridiculous for acting so possessive. Her nose rose higher with pride, ignoring his laugh. She did not want to care about him because she thought he was making fun of her. 

But she did not do or say anything wrong. 

Why should she feel awkward and uncomfortable under his gaze?

However, she could not control her involuntary expressions. Her cheeks and ears did not listen to her. They turned into a beautiful shade of pink, causing Kaito to stretch his hands and pinch her. She slapped his hands away. 

"If you have something to say, say it." She puffed her cheeks. 

"What should I say? When I have you to defend my virtue, I feel very safe." Kaito teased. 

Akira's cheeks became a brighter red. She knew she had acted a little dramatically with Hanae, but she felt it was necessary. If she did not deal with that cousin, she would not feel good. Moreover, she could not stand the weird eyes that the woman made at her Kaito. 

She had come to think of Kaito as hers. 

And she did not like it when people touched her stuff. 

Kaito bent and kissed her lightly on her cheek. The gesture was chaste in comparison with the countless things they had done in all manner of places and positions. But Akira felt shy and lifted a hand to touch the warm cheek. 

"Mind the environment!" Seiji barked from behind them. 

Akira stepped away from Kaito, distancing herself from the unrepentant man. She was even more embarrassed when she saw her grandfather standing next to her brother. She did not expect the medical examination to take such a short period.  josei

"Brother-in-law, Grandpa." Kaito greeted. 

Seiji was used to hearing the playful greeting. Unfortunately, Elder Yamazaki did not know about the relationship between Akira and Kaito. He felt like he was losing his mind. He lost his serenity and cool when he realised his daughter was being abducted right before his eyes. 

"Who is your grandfather? What are your intentions with my granddaughter?" He asked. 

"Naturally, I consider her my one and only wife." Kaito did not hesitate. 

"Who is your wife?" Akira grumbled. 

"Have you gone through the appropriate channels to marry her? Don't you know the rules?" Elder Yamazaki regained his calm. 

Kaito lowered his head a little forlornly. 

"Akira and I do not know the rules or customs because no one taught us about the common practices. But we have already committed to each other for life. Formalities will not change anything because we know our hearts." Kaito explained. 

The elder felt a little guilty, but he was also disappointed that he could not vent his frustrations. He did not know how to scold Kaito or Akira about their relationship after hearing those words. 

People in Mountain Ridge were a little more rigid with the rules. It was uncommon to see issues like cohabitation. Most of the locals followed the systematic process of building a relationship. They would meet, get together for dates for a while and then, involve the families in planning a big wedding. 

In other cases, the marriages were arranged based on the power and relationships of the different families in Mountain Ridge. The process was even more formal than normal dating. 

It was uncommon to see such an affectionate couple.

"Fine, fine. I am old and I cannot be bothered with you." Elder Yamazaki sighed. 

The three people placated the old man, praising his youth, longevity and wisdom. Even though he was considered a powerful man with a deep soul, he was quite pleased with the tact of these children. He even reluctantly accepted the devious man dating his granddaughter. 

"Chairman Takahashi, I have received the special report on Takahashi Kaito." Senzo's assistant faced his boss with some trepidation. 

Chairman Takahashi looked up from the documents he was reviewing. He put aside the thick bound pages and accepted the small binder from his secretary. Despite the advances in technology, he still preferred paper reports. 

He looked at the contents of the binder with casual interest. However, after seeing the first few lines, his face became serious. His eyes widened, and his breath quickened. His fingers could not help scrunching up the papers as he reviewed the information. 

A world-class assassin…

He had underestimated his nephew to the point of stupidity. He was fooled by Kaito's careless behaviour and wild manners. If he was not wrong, that boy was trying to investigate him and trip him up. And once he found what he was looking for, he would probably not hesitate to kill him. 

And if there was anything Senzo feared more than losing power and control, it was death. He never wanted to die. 

If he had known his nephew was so formidable, he would have tried to draw him to his side. Based on the information in the binder, he was someone who could be swayed if the price was high enough. 

But their relationship was already antagonistic, especially after he sent those thugs after Kaito on that night. Furthermore, the trackers he found in the shipments indicated that their bond was no longer a possibility. 

It was likely that his nephew suspected him of killing his parents and had revenge plans in place. Senzo's eyes hardened as he continued looking at the papers with details on his formidable Kaito. He felt a wave of fear fill him as he turned the pages. 

When he finished, he did not hesitate to make the right decision for his life. He did not want to lose his life to that wild child. It was apparent that if he wanted anyone's life, he could take it. Such a hidden danger could not exist. 

He was not confident in dealing with Kaito, despite his current power. But his special business associates were more than capable of dealing with his nephew even with his powerful abilities. 

He needed to ensure that Kaito was taken out without a chance of survival. 

"What about the girl, Yamazaki Akira?" Senzo asked. 

"Our contact said that a report on the girl is unnecessary. Apparently, he and Yamazaki Akira are colleagues at the Immortal Sword Brigade." The assistant responded. 

Senzo was stunned for a moment before he laughed out loud. 

What an interesting couple!

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