His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy



When Sayaka and Hanae were leaving the house for their meeting, Double M was coming to the house. Akira had told Maria to bring him directly to the main music room where the twins were intending to give their performance. 

Maria and Double M stopped in the vestibule to greet the other two people. As a reliable butler, Maria introduced the unknown man as Akira's guest. However, she did not know his precise identity, so she could not give Sayaka more information. 

"Oh, you must be the agent Akira invited to meet with the girls." Sayaka greeted him warmly. 

Morie did not know if Akira wanted his identity to be exposed to other people in Mountain Ridge. Since she had not said anything to her mother, he did not feel it was necessary to display his power or inflate his presence. 

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Yamazaki. Sorry for intruding." He responded politely. 

Hanae also spoke a respectful word of greeting to the man. Even though her forte was classical music, she was not ignorant about modern music and the current state of the entertainment industry. Therefore, she recognised Double M with just a glance. 

She was a little star-struck because Double M had written and performed a lot of great songs. However, she could also feel that monster in her heart growing. 

She did not understand how Akira knew such an influential person. A connection between them seemed impossible. The only possibility was that all the information she had heard about Akira before meeting her was completely fake. She was supposed to be a simple cook with a hard life. 

Instead, she had proven to be a powerful and independent figure. Every time Akira was faced with a challenging situation and it looked like it would be the end for her, she would rise above and beyond. 

This realisation continued to overwhelm and overcome Hanae. 

She should be the one with the powerful connections. 

She should be the one to lord her superiority over a country bumpkin. 

But why was it she had fallen from grace while Akira continued to thrive?

"It is nothing. Feel at home. All Akira's friends are welcome. Thank you for taking care of my daughter." Sayaka responded. 

"How could it be? It is Akira who has been kind to me." Morie said. 

After a little more flattering chitchat, Sayaka and Hanae left the house while Maria led Double M into the house. When the two women entered the car, Hanae decided to say something.

"Auntie, did you not recognise that man?" Hanae asked.josei

"Is he that famous? I am not very familiar with the entertainment industry. I would not know a small agent." Sayaka paused. "But come to think of it, his face does look a little familiar. I thought it was just one of those faces." 

"He is famous. He is not an agent." Hanae said. "He is a musician, but he is also the CEO of one of the top entertainment companies in the country." 

Sayaka was surprised by this new information. She could not imagine that her daughter would have the clout to invite such a person to Mountain Ridge. Furthermore, Akira did not seem to hold him in high regard because of his position. 

Otherwise, she would not have invited him into the house. They would have met in his office or at least, a prestigious hotel. 

"Could you be mistaken?" She asked. 

Hanae took out her phone and searched for Double M's identity online. She opened his official information page before handing the phone to Sayaka. The older woman read the details with a lot of interest and examined the images. 

"It is really him! I didn't know Akira was so impressive." Sayaka said, but there was obvious pride in her eyes. 

Hanae tried to relax and not clench her hands into fists. She could not afford to strain her hands or injure her palms again. She needed to be in a good condition when playing the piano. It was hard enough getting an appointment with a potential mentor. 

The master they were meeting was recommended by Fujita Omi. If she did not impress this person, she would not have a stable footing in the industry. Of course, it would be different if she was signed into a major entertainment company. 

"He is an important person on the market," Hanae said. "If I could be signed to his company, I would not have to worry about anything in the future. It is incredibly hard for a classical musician to succeed in the mainstream scene. But Double M has managed to raise three artists in this line since he took over Black Avenue." 

There was a hint of lament in Hanae's voice as she spoke these words. She sighed a little as she took her phone back from Sayaka. There was no jealousy or desire to possess in her voice. She just looked a bit tired and weary. 

"Don't worry. Things will work out." Sayaka said. "You are an impressive pianist. Once you get a good mentor, you will be unstoppable. Meanwhile, I will ask Akira if her friend can consider auditioning you." 

"Since she introduced the twins to him, it should not be a problem." She added. 

"Thank you, Auntie. You are always so kind to me, even when I am wrong." Hanae responded. 

"What are you saying, silly girl? I watched you growing up, and I was with you every step of the way. How could I just abandon you?" Sayaka chuckled helplessly. 

Hanae did not say anything more. She looked out of the window and hid the happiness and contempt in her eyes. Her happiness was because she might manage to get signed up on to Black Avenue. It would be the beginning of her glory days. 

Her contempt was targeted at Sayaka. She could not deal with the fact that the stupid woman was the wife of one of the most powerful men in Mountain Ridge. She was manipulated easily. The little trick she had just played was learned from her mother. 

She did not even need to ask directly for what she wanted. If she were the one who had a powerful man like Daiki on her side, she would not waste her influence so carelessly. She would make sure that people valued her favours instead of handing them out cheaply, like cabbages in the market. 

Of course, she would not show her contempt for Sayaka directly. She had learned her lesson the hard way. It was difficult to survive in the cutthroat environment of Mountain Ridge without backing. She would not cut off her means for survival. 

For now, she needed to lay low until she found a way to gain and consolidate power. 

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