His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 420 - SENZO AND SAYAKA

Chapter 420 - SENZO AND SAYAKA

Sayaka grabbed her phone back and found that the incriminating message had two recipients. She looked at Akira in horror while her daughter smiled with a demonic look in her eyes. She was not apologetic and even seemed amused by her mother's state. 

The crazy Sayaka stood and leapt at Akira, hoping to land a few slaps on her. Maybe, if she could, she would tear the younger woman apart, piece by piece. If Daiki saw the message, he would not forgive her for the betrayal. 

She knew that he was always patient with her, and he indulged her foolishness, but everyone had their limits. And she had crossed it. It was possible that she would not only get a divorce. She might even not have enough money to sustain her lifestyle. 

"How could you do this to your mother?" Sayaka asked as she stretched her hands to claw at Akira.

Of course, Akira was not about to stand there and allow anyone to beat her up. She dodged the crazy woman, trying to avoid a fight. She did not want to engage in unnecessary violence.  josei

"What do you mean by that? If you were not evil, would you be exposed? And I told you not to mess with me countless times." Akira laughed. "Anyway, you were the one who cheated on Dad. And with Takahashi Senzo at that?" 

The other three people in the room were shocked by the loud revelation. It was only Kaoru who had seen the photographs, so the information was new.

Kazuo was usually the first to say something, but he just remained in his seat. He felt completely disheartened by his wife and his family because of the revelations. Plus, he had taken Akira's words to heart. Since he was not smart, it would be better to keep his mouth shut. Defending people and accusing others without enough knowledge would only cause trouble. 

As for Chiharu and Hanae, they had a sort of schadenfreude expression on their faces. How could they not enjoy this final takedown after suffering through ups and downs since they came to the house? 

Furthermore, it was Sayaka who had invited them for the 'intervention'. If they had not been in this place, they would not have fallen under Akira's iron fist. It was good to see that the self-righteous woman was not getting away scot-free. 

At that moment, they forgot that their peaceful and happy lives had remained like that for many years because of Sayaka and her actions. If she lost her power in the Yamazaki family, none of them would survive. 

Still, the momentary happiness at someone's misfortune was worthwhile. 

Chiharu was particularly happy after hearing that Sayaka had cheated on Daiki. At least, she had not cheated during her marriage. She wanted to stand up and land a few slaps to repay for what Sayaka had done earlier.

"What do you know about my life?" Sayaka shouted. "Do you think you can understand my actions? You are not the judge, jury and executioner." 

"You are right. I don't know you. But you also do not know me. You made yourself a judge over my life. And now, you will pay the price." Akira responded. 

Akira remembered the time she met Chairman Takahashi, Takahashi Senzo. It was on that memorable occasion at the Saffron Garden after she went out shopping with her mother and Hanae. Elder Takahashi and Kaito had been there too. 

At the time, she thought that there was tension between Senzo and her mother. 

Chairman Takahashi had called her mother by her first name with a hint of intimacy, but her mother talked back coldly to him. However, instead of showing the irritation of powerful men at being shunned, he had seemed only a bit amused. 

She had thought it was simply the politics of the affluent families in Mountain Ridge. Who could have known it was because of a long-term on and off relationship between them? 

If her past self from a few months ago could see this scene, she would think that she had fallen into an alternate universe. She should have been suspicious when everything in the Yamazaki family looked so perfect in the past. 

A little bit of sorrow clouded her heart. 

Perhaps, she should never have come to Mountain Ridge. 

She felt like her coming to Mountain Ridge was a trigger that started a cascade of darkness for everyone near her, including herself. If she were not in this dreadful city, Kaito would probably still be safe somewhere, going about his assassination business. 

He had never told her the precise reason he came looking for her or how he had heard about her. But she was almost certain that he had come to Mountain Ridge for her. If she had retained her original lifestyle, he would probably have come looking for her whenever she was.

And he would be safe. 

Tears stung her eyes a little, but she suppressed the urge to cry. 

She had been crying too much lately. Even though it was hormones, she needed to calm herself and find Kaito. She was not a damsel in distress. She was a warrior, a samurai. 

The loud sound of a landing chopper covered whatever horrible things Sayaka was saying to her. And she was glad for the reprieve. These people were all so exhausting. They had sapped away all life from her in the span of a few hours.

She acted like she was having fun. Well, she did have some fun tearing their faces. 

However, she was now tired. 

And the immensity of her current situation was hitting her. 

She was pregnant. 

She had lost her boyfriend. 

And the said boyfriend was possibly in a bad situation if not dead. 

Not to mention, her other mother's psycho sister was dead, and there were some legal issues to address. Who knew what kind of legacy those crazy sisters left for her? If it was anything good, she would change her name.

Her life was a mess, and she was scared.

She did not know what to do. 

Despite her bravado, she was confused and afraid. 

She tried to organise her thoughts and plan her tasks. Going for a medical check-up for Little Precious, reviewing Kaito's movements, finding the informant, following the trail behind Kaito, checking in with the lawyer… 

Each of them had come up with a plan in case something bad happened. 

But the efficiency of the plan would depend on its secrecy, according to Kaito. Once she decided to execute his plan, there would be no going back. So, she needed to be sure that he was gone or in danger before triggering anything. 

She listened to the sounds of fighting outside as she looked at the broken and hopeless family members. 


She was definitely a jinx. 

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