His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 430 - NICE GIRLS DIE

Chapter 430 - NICE GIRLS DIE

Akira looked at the empty shipping yard, and her face lost colour. Behind her, the former members of her team had looks of schadenfreude as their eyes rested on a port that looked abandoned and decrepit. There was not a single thing on the lot.

The feeling of apprehension in Akira's heart rose. 

The shipping yard and port was the same one that she and Kaito had visited on that night a while ago. It was the place they discovered the zombie drug for the first time. On that night, the port was full of shipping containers, and it had high-security features and multiple guards. 

Now, it was just a rough space. It even seemed like someone was preparing for construction, based on the markings on the ground that indicated a geotechnical survey. 

"Are you sure this is the place?" Fuji asked with heavy ridicule. "It seems that no one has been in this place for months." 

Akira did not pay attention to the sarcastic words because she was overwhelmed by the implications of the occurrence. If the private port was cleared, it meant that Kaito was not just delayed. He had fallen for an evil plot. Someone knew of their excursion that night.josei

What was she supposed to do?

The Chief had given her the appropriate credentials and authority to interrogate the workers on site. She was supposed to use the opportunity to find Kaito. The cover story was that smugglers were targeting small ports for transporting illegal goods. 

But now, there was no one to interrogate. 

"We have wasted our entire day by coming to a construction site. We could have been resting in the valley instead of being on a wild goose chase." Hiro added without a hint of respect. 

Akira took a deep breath and calmed herself down. Kaito was not a child. Even though he was in trouble, he was resourceful and should survive. For now, the only thing she could do was find out as much as she could and hope for a few leads. 

She turned to the disrespectful team that the Chief had insisted come with her with cold eyes. She knew that the Chief was just worried about her, but she was tired of their attitude. 

"Regardless of your feelings towards me, I am still your superior." Her tone held a chill. "I can see why you think I have mellowed out. But do not forget that a leopard never changes its spots. Right now, you are my subordinates, and I can order you as I like." 

"If I want you to start digging into this ground or to dive in the ocean, you will do it. I do not have time to play your little games. And I am not interested in team camaraderie. I have my mission, and you will help me accomplish it. Understood?" 

Her voice was like a chilly winter night. 

"Akira, you have to understand the team's dissatisfaction," Ryou spoke up like a good team leader. "We have just completed a difficult mission in Libya. We thought we would have a few days to rest and unwind before taking up another task." 

"I think it is unfair that we were assigned to help you, but you have not given us any concrete details about the mission," Miki added with her gentle voice. "We deserve to know our goal so that we can finish up as soon as possible." 

Akira lifted a dark brow. "Do you all feel like it is unfair?" 

The group of six, including Rin and Gofu who had not spoken up, looked at her and nodded. Their sudden assignment to the young woman felt unjust. She was no longer an active agent, but they still had to follow her orders. 

Akira laughed.

"The thing is I don't care. I have bigger fish to fry, and I don't have time to placate your feelings. You are here to do your job as agents of the Immortal Sword Brigade. And your current task right now is to do whatever I say." She said with a sweet smile that did not conceal the daggers in her eyes. 

The dissatisfaction from the entire group rose, but they knew that Akira was right. Their assignment was to follow her orders and help her as needed. But it was humiliating. She was younger than them, and yet, she could step on their heads. 

Akira turned from them and stared at the empty port and shipping yard, her eyes blazing with unknown darkness. She pressed down on the fear, anger and distress in her heart and allowed her cold and dark side to rise. 

If she continued letting her emotions rule over her, she would not find a lead on Kaito. It had already been three days since she last heard from Kaito. The promised period of a week had ended, so she needed to be more aggressive with her search. 

"The only thing I want to hear from you when I assign a task is 'yes, Teacher Akira'. Are we clear?" She said, dark energy filling her voice. 

The group of six became angry because it seemed like the young woman was set on humiliating them. She did not look interested in keeping up a front of cordiality anymore. Usually, they forgot that Akira was their superior because she treated them well. 

They had heard of her reputation as the 'Demon Samurai', but their fear reduced after the times they worked with her. They thought she was good at fighting, but her personality was quite mild, even though she was a bit cold. 

Over time, the team did not take her seriously like other people in the valley. They even treated Akira with disrespect because she had never lorded her high position over them. Additionally, their animosity grew as they realised she did not take them seriously. 

They had become bolder and bolder in their disregard for her authority. It was the reason that they did not treat her with dignity in the cafeteria. They believed that she would not do anything to them. But now, they were seeing a different side. 

When they did not answer, Akira turned to them with a smile. 

"I have always been lenient with you since you are passable as agents. But I have realised in the last few weeks that nice girls die, usually with a knife in their backs." She paused. "I will have a demerit recorded for each of you by the end of the day." 

The team members all became pale at the calm words. As field agents, they feared demerit points because they could only have three at most before a demotion. Once they reached three, they would no longer be able to do fieldwork. 

At most, they could only remain in the valley for menial work. It was difficult to get back on the field after getting three demerits. Moreover, they might even be expelled from the valley if they messed up again after the demotion. 

"You can't give a demerit point just because we have refused to become your puppets," Hiro spoke up with anger. 

"And that's two demerits for our dear friend Hiro. Anyone else?" Akira said. "Now, are we clear about your responsibilities as agents under my supervision?" 

"Yes, Teacher Akira." The group said with suppressed anger and shame. 

"Excellent! Miki, find information about the history of this yard and planned development. Fuji, review all the footage from the security cameras in the area that could indicate movement into the yard. Hiro and Ryou, conduct an assessment of the site, including the water and the neighbouring properties. Finally, Rin and Gofu, interview people around and find out more about past activities on site." Akira ordered. 

"Yes, Teacher Akira." The response still held animosity. 

The group dispersed after the assignments, leaving Akira looking at the site with clenched hands. The emotions in her heart were bubbling up again. She pressed down on them again. 

Right now, she needed to be cold and calm. 

She could not curl up and cry. 

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