His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy



The question made it impossible for the lawyer to keep poking into Akira's business. Moreover, he was a little anxious to tell Akira the news that he had received quite some time ago. In truth, even though he referred to Akira as Helen Brown's daughter, he knew the backstory. 

However, the situation back then did not allow Helen to return Akira to her home. It would have only put the little girl in danger. Due to their old friendship, he decided to keep treating Akira as Helen's daughter even after she started using the name Yamazaki again.  josei

"You know that your mother had a twin sister, and she was not a good person." He began. 

Akira thought it was a little ironic for him to say that because they both knew that her mother was also not an angel. But again, the degree of badness could be argued. 

Her mother, Helen Brown, was not a good person because she had the heart of a cold businesswoman. She looked at life in terms of profits and losses, and she would take the path that maximised profits and minimised losses. 

On the other hand, her twin sister, Harriet Brown, was bad in that she did evil things on a whim. She thought it was entertaining to see people suffering. She would do bad things to fulfil the dark demon in her. 

The first time Akira could remember meeting her, Harriet picked her up from the house while Helen was away. Harriet told her that she was her real mother, and she was taking her out to play in an aquarium park. Even though Akira was scared, she had no choice. 

The two of them enjoyed a lovely day at the park, looking at the lovely fishes and eating snacks. Akira let down her guard and enjoyed herself. When the park was closing, they did not leave. Harriet said that they would watch a special night show.

The little Akira was tired and dozed off. When she woke up, she was tied up and being dangled over a shark tank. And Harriet was watching with excitement. She started asking her complicated mathematical and scientific questions. 

If she got one wrong, she was dropped a little lower. Even though she was a clever girl and Helen taught her well, she could not get everything right. She was terrified as she saw herself drawing closer and closer to the pool with swimming sharks.

It was fortunate that Helen came back on time. Since then, she tried to forget the incident and that evil woman. 

"You should also already know that Harriet is the one who kidnapped you. The truth is that she found that you were a brilliant child and wanted to raise a prodigy. She discovered you by chance when you were just four years old and found opportunities to test your abilities." The lawyer sighed. 

"From what I heard from your mother, Harriet convinced your maternal aunt to sell you. Then, she could place her baby at your biological mother's side. The selling point was that the devastation of losing you would guarantee that your mother would have more attachment to her niece. If you ask me, it was another of her crazy experiments. Unfortunately, Harriet did not know that taking care of a child, even a smart one, was a lot of work." 

Akira was surprised. "You knew Harriet?" 

Lawyer Oda shook his head. 

"I knew of her. Your mother shared with me things about her because she was worried about you. She wanted to make sure that you would be safe if she was gone. She was not sure Harriet would not come for you. She used a lot of favours to send you to the Immortal Sword Valley for the same reason." He explained. 

"Couldn't she have stayed with me?" Akira was always a little bitter about Helen shipping her to the valley. Even though their life was not perfect, she liked it.

Lawyer Oda sighed. "That is one of the things that Helen did not want you to know until Harriet was dead. Harriet wanted her to go to head one of the projects in her company in Antarctica. She threatened your mother with different things, including taking you back to her side. Your mother could not allow you to be by that woman's side, no matter the cost." 

Akira felt a little lightheaded. She had never thought that Helen truly cared about her. She always thought that she dumped her off to the Chief because she did not want the burden anymore. She even though that the woman returned to America. 

But more importantly…

"Did you say Antarctica?" She asked. 

Finally, she remembered where she had heard the word Antarctica. She had been eavesdropping on Helen Brown just before she was sent to the Immortal Sword Valley. It was a long time ago, so she must have forgotten about it. 

Lawyer Oda pursed his thin lips as if he was unwilling to speak. However, he still opened his mouth after a while. 

"The matter involving the company your mother was working for in Antarctica is the primary reason I called you. I wish you did not have to know the details, but you will probably see it more clearly once you access the data your mother left for you." He said. 

Akira felt confused. "Just explain clearly." 

"Have you heard of the International Health Alliance?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I think everyone has, especially after the big scandal." She responded. 

"Your mother and Harriet Brown worked for that organisation. You might have heard that they were not prosecuted, but the truth is, they were involved in a lot of bad things." The old lawyer said. 

Akira felt a little cold. "Like kidnapping people and torturing them?" 

Lawyer Oda did not find it unusual for Akira to say that since the speculations on the media had covered all the crimes that the IHA had committed. 

"On the surface, they were a charity medical organisation, but they were also involved in things like human experimentation. Harriet Brown was the head scientist for these underground operations while your mother was managing the Antarctica laboratory." He shook his head with sorrow. 

"The two of them did a lot of bad things, and they had an equally horrible ending. Your mother was imprisoned in a black site in America, and you know how that ended. As for Harriet, she tried to kidnap one of the Antarctica survivors for more experiments. She died at the hands of the Interpol." 

"When did she die?" Akira asked out of a normal reflex. 

"About a year ago. The news was held back due to the sensitive nature of the issue. Since the matter is official, your mother wanted me to ensure that you had all the information about the deeds of the International Health Alliance." Lawyer Oda said. 

"Why? I am not interested in learning about that." Especially if Hu Lei was one of their victims. 

"It is essential that you have the information for your protection." The tone was firm. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Harriet Brown sent a lot of information to you over the years detailing the activities of IHA. I believe it was a precaution in case they turned against her. The incriminating evidence could be used for prosecuting the top people in the organisation. She was not a trusting person." He said. 

"But I have never received anything from Harriet Brown." Akira was confused again. 

"Your mother did not want you to get caught up in the matter. She set up a system to intercept the information over the years and led Harriet to believe that you were on her side. Harriet never questioned the validity, especially with me overseeing the operation." There was a little pride. 

Then, the tone changed. 

"Knowing Harriet, she would not have kept quiet completely about you or her plan. She would have made an effort to activate you as her sleeper agent before she died. If any information about you has leaked out, I am afraid that you will be in danger." Lawyer Oda added. 

"I was entrusted by your mother to give you access to the information. You can decide what to do as long as you are safe. Whether you want to prosecute or negotiate, you can use the material as you wish. But you have to make your decision before anyone makes a move." 

Akira thought of the recent assaults on her. 

Could the International Health Alliance be behind the attacks?

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