His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 605 - STRIKING A DEAL

Chapter 605 - STRIKING A DEAL

Shun tried to breathe evenly despite the discomfort.

When he was working with the physiotherapists, he refused to follow their movements once he experienced the slightest amount of pain. He knew that they could not force him to move his stiff body due to fear of injuring him. 

However, he was unable to play the same trick on Wang Che. 

No, it was not that he was unable to play the same trick. He just did not want to look weak and helpless before Wang Che. He did not want to tell him that he could not do it. So, he could only focus on his breathing and follow the stretching movements directed.

Wang Che was pleased to see Shun proceeding without complaining and threatening to leave. He continued through the upper body stretches he was taught by a physiotherapist he worked with when his arm was broken during a race. 

His hands lowered from Shun's upper back to his waist. Shun jumped in shock at the sudden grasp of his pelvic bone. He turned and pointed at Wang Che in anger. 

"What are you doing? You are taking advantage to grope me." He sputtered out. His face was flashed due to embarrassment and the exertion of the exercise. 

Wang Che smiled lightly before pulling him back to his original position. Shun could not escape from the tight hold on his waist. Wang Che used his superior strength and Shun's horrified inattention to guide his waist in a circular motion. 

"First of all, I am not taking advantage of you. I am helping you with your hip rotations to help your lower back and pelvic region recover from the injuries. Secondly, I do not need to use a ruse to touch my boyfriend." Wang Che said. 

Shun was annoyed. "I do not remember agreeing with you, so my consent has been withdrawn." 

Wang Che was not flustered. "You are right." 

"I am?" Shun was surprised for a moment before he recovered. "Of course, I am right." 

Wang Che chuckled as he continued with his work like a professional physiotherapist. "All I need is to make you fall in love with me again." 

Shun was dumbstruck again, but he recovered after a few moments. "Impossible. I do not like you. I do not trust you at all. You cannot make me fall in love with you. You are like a bad wolf. No, an evil wolf." 

Wang Che laughed with satisfaction at seeing the familiar prickliness and excitability in Shun. The doctors were right. His little bunny was still there. "You used to say that I was like an evil vampire before, but you still fell in love with me." 

"Do you think I believe you? My brother said we are not together. It is possible that you are just lying about me agreeing to be with you." Shun said. 

"Believe it or not, you are the one who confessed your love to me first." Wang Che said with a tinge of smugness. 

"Impossible!" Shun shouted and tried to turn to look at Wang Che. However, his body was held steady by Wang Che, making it impossible for him to turn around. 

"You might have forgotten your past, but you are still the same person you were. I am confident that you will fall in love with me again, even without your memories." Wang Che said. 

The exercise had once again become a little strenuous for Shun, so he did not respond right away. He tried to breathe calmly through the low-grade pain, following Wang Che's direction. He did not know if he was imagining it, but he felt like it was easier than when he tried it before with other physiotherapists. 

When Wang Che finally stopped the routine, Shun took a deep breath and looked back at him with his blazing eyes. 

"You are welcome to try, but it will not happen. You can keep up with your wishful thoughts." He said valiantly. "And once I am recovered enough, I will leave this place immediately." 

Wang Che's body stiffened at the threat. He expected Shun to make this claim sooner or later, but he was not willing to hear the words. The thought of Shun leaving him just after he agreed to be with him was unimaginable.  josei

He lowered his head, his eyes becoming darker than usual. He would never allow Shun to abandon him. All the years he quietly pursued Shun without saying anything because he was afraid of losing him altogether. 

He would rather have a part of Shun with him than risk not having him at all. This was something he reminded himself of when he felt his bottled up feelings welling up inside. 

Since the façade was broken, he stood to lose Shun completely if he left. His only chance was to have Shun fall in love with him again. Of course, he could hope that Shun's memories returned immediately, but he was afraid that there was no sign of that happening. 

A sudden possessiveness filled his heart. He was not going to lose Shun under any circumstances. If necessary, he would keep with all means at his disposal. With the springing durable power of attorney, he had everything he needed to make sure that Shun was always his. 

A dark satisfaction wrapped around his heart.

"Are you ignoring me?" A huffy voice cut through the darkness of his thoughts like a bright ray of sunshine. "If this is your brilliant strategy to make me fall in love with you, you should re-evaluate your plans. I will not fall for cheap high school tricks." 

Wang Che realised that he had almost sunk into the thoughts of the person he swore he would not become again. Shun had saved his life with his sunshine. He did not want to destroy that sunshine. He would find a way to keep his bunny happy with him. 

His lips stretched into a strange smile. "I am not going to use cheap tricks. Get on the treadmill." 

The exercise space in Wang Che's house was simple and filled with the most basic equipment. The minimalistic design was fine for general use, but it was a little depressing to Shun who subconsciously gravitated to anime-like motifs. 

"I want to run outside. This place is so depressing. You do not even have music or a TV in this excuse of a gym room." Shun complained instead of getting on the treadmill.

Wang Che looked around the gym and realised something. He never made an effort to decorate the house. Before leaving for Mountain Ridge, he stayed in his apartment because it was close to Shun and Clarion Motor City.

Therefore, his main residence was a little bare and cold. It suited him just fine, but he knew Shun's aesthetics. He liked his colours and textures. The house must be incredibly uncomfortable for him. However…

"You cannot go outside. It is too cold." He refused immediately. 

"I do not care." Shun folded his arms over his chest. 

"You will be the one with a painful body if you step out into the cold." Wang Che paused. "How about you run inside for now, and you can remake the gym however you like?" 

Shun thought about it for a while. If he could decorate the room, he would probably like to work out more. Plus, he could see that Wang Che liked minimalistic stuff, and he was a little bit like a caveman. It would be fun to change everything. 

He smiled craftily. "I do not like the whole house. I will only agree if you let me make the entire house the way I like. Otherwise, I am going back to Mountain Ridge immediately." 

Wang Che stretched his hand at the little bunny who had dug his own trap and jumped in. 


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