His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 614 - TASTE OF FREEDOM

Chapter 614 - TASTE OF FREEDOM

Zhong Feng frowned at the additional information. The matter was more serious than he had imagined. If someone blew up Shun's car, they were probably prepared to get rid of him without leaving anything to chance. 

"Clarion Extreme is quite secure and getting to the Summit with explosives would not be easy. Unauthorised people should not have been able to enter the property without leaving a trace. Do you have clues on the people responsible?" He asked as he processed everything. 

Wang Che shook his head. "With the wedding, there was a lot of activity on the mountain. I have gone through the security footage around the property and reviewed the lists of people working on the property through that week. Whoever it was, they were extremely careful." 

"You must have some suspicions." Zhong Feng did not believe that Wang Che was telling him everything. 

"I have a lead, but I do not need your interference." Wang Che responded with unusual stubbornness. 

Zhong Feng smiled a little and nodded. He understood the man's pride. He wanted to protect Shun without depending on anyone else. It was a little foolish because more eyes would mean Shun was more secure. 

But a man's pride was also important.

"Very well. I will not interfere." He nodded agreeably. 

Of course, the same could not be said about Hu Lei once she found out. And she was going to find out. As a husband, he naturally had to share this new information with his wife. She was not going to sit idly if she heard that the horrible accident had a culprit to punish. 

Wang Che was surprised but pleased with the response, so he did not question the matter further. After clearing up everything, the two men left the study in harmony. 

Outside, Hu Lei and Shun were sitting under a tree, looking at the night sky. The moon was not bright, so the sky was a beautiful blanket of stars. The cool breeze felt great, and the silence of the night was a little enthralling.

"Thank you for visiting me." Shun broke the silence while staring at the twinkling stars. "I was starting to think I do not have friends in Supreme City. I cannot believe I moved to another country, and my family did not do anything about it. They always said I must always stay with them." 

Hu Lei laughed. "You know, when we met, I had also just moved to Supreme City. For the longest time, I did not have a place to call home. Back then, I remember thinking that you were like a puppy who had drunk too many energy drinks." 

"I must have been happy to be away from my family. My first taste of freedom… I cannot wait to remember everything." Shun tried to imagine how he would feel with those memories.

"Do not be too hard on your family. I think they just did what they thought was best for you. Maybe, they could have allowed you a little more space to grow. But they did finally respect your choice after seeing you thriving in Supreme City." Hu Lei said. 

Shun poured the final bit of the liquor in the bottle into his shot glass and drank it in one go. 

"You do not understand. It is not just their overprotectiveness. It is the way they exclude me from the family. I was always treated as if I am too delicate, so I was left out of all their fun activities. They never let me drive until the third year of college." Shun said.

Hu Lei laughed a little, but she held back her hilarious comeback about Shun's last driving incident. 

"You are right. I do not understand. I did not have someone to protect and smother me with love. I learned how to be independent at a very young age. It is not bad to be able to stand on your own. But you end up with a lot of scars." Hu Lei leaned over and pinched Shun's cheeks repeatedly. 

"You should be glad that you do not have those scars. If you did, you would be constantly worried and filled with self-doubt about making mistakes with your marriage, children and friends. It is good that you are still a perfect little animal." Hu Lei patted those cheeks soundly. 

"What are the two of you doing?" Zhong Feng asked.

Shun immediately pointed at Hu Lei in accusation. "She is the one harassing me." 

Hu Lei stuck her tongue out at him before turning to Zhong Feng. She stretched her arms up like a baby instead of standing up. "Hubby, let's go home." 

Zhong Feng was helpless before his wife, who was acting cute. "What are you doing now?" 

"I am too tired to walk. And I am so hungry." Hu Lei whined. 

Zhong Feng sighed and picked his wife, who had beaten up a man twice her size to a pulp, like a child. She clung to him like a koala. Oren was watching the security footage and felt like laughing and crying. He could not believe that this little lady had obliterated Zev. 

Zhong Feng looked at Shun. His beautiful eyes did not lose their softness. "If you encounter any trouble, you can come and look for me at Zhong Industries at any time." 

Shun was surprised. He thought for sure that Zhong Feng would be mad at him for being too close to his wife. Instead, the man offered a helping hand like a hero. The dim moonlight seemed to give Zhong Feng an angelic halo, causing Shun to be starstruck. 

His eyes shone, and his lips stretched into a smile. "Thank you. I will do that." 

Zhong Feng nodded before turning to leave. Wang Che looked at the handsome man carrying his wife and felt dissatisfied. He did not like that Zhong Feng had offered Shun sanctuary, even though he knew that it could only be beneficial.josei

But more than that, he was annoyed because of Shun's response. As expected, the stupid bunny could not resist the aura of the mighty Zhong Feng. He might as well have been hopping in excitement after the interaction. 

When the couple left, Wang Che looked at Shun who was sprawled on the grass. 

"Let's go inside. It is cold outside." Wang Che said. 

"No. I think I like outside. I am an outside Shun now." The other man responded stubbornly. 

"Oh, do you want for me to carry you?" Wang Che asked with amusement. 

Shun shot up to his feet, and his face turned redder at the suggestive statement. The thought had not crossed his mind. He just wanted to annoy Wang Che just for the sake of it. Every time he saw that calm face, he wanted to mess up his composure. 

Maybe he had some issues. 

The thing is, he was mad at Wang Che for no reason. No, there was a reason, but he knew it was an unreasonable reason. 

He was angry because Wang Che claimed to love him and said they were boyfriends. However, he treated him like a friend or a brother did. No, he treated him exactly like his brothers did. He was overprotective and denied him freedom. 

Moreover, he never got angry at him. He dismissed Shun's feelings, frustrations and outbursts as the tantrums of a child. 

And Shun, he wanted something more. 

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