His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 617 - POOR JUDGEMENT

Chapter 617 - POOR JUDGEMENT

The awkwardness between Wang Che and Shun continued through the next week. Wang Che occupied himself with work and checking up on his guards who were suffering under the hand of a man who claimed to be a housekeeper. 

Not only did this man who called himself Housekeeper Li force his people through hellish exercise routines, but he also criticised them endlessly. He would compare them with Young Mistress Zhong, who could do the same exercise in a fraction of the time. 

The guards did not dare to complain because they had seen Zev's condition and the video of him flying out. 

In addition, Housekeeper Li made them go through etiquette lessons. Like a super mean headmistress, he carried a wooden ruler to punish his students. And he could find fault in everything, including tone of speech, improper use of honorifics and even posture. 

Truthfully speaking, Zhong Feng told him that the guards had acted against Hu Lei. Therefore, Housekeeper Li was not only following orders. He was delivering punishment. To him, Hu Lei was the goddess who had brought life to everyone who worked for Zhong Feng. 

Shun did not know about the strange activities happening in another part of the villa. He was conducting the house remodel with an almost maniacal concentration. And he refused help from anyone, including Wang Che. 

On the following Friday, the two men left the villa. Shun was not as excited as Wang Che thought he would be about getting out of the house and going into the city. The calm and almost indifferent attitude made him worried. 

He cursed himself again for his lack of self-control on that day. If he had not acted like a beast, things would have continued as they were. At least, Shun used to talk to him, even though it was mostly mischievously and childishly. 

Now, he was just too calm. How could Wang Che not be scared?

"We do not have to have dinner with my friend if you do not want to." Wang Che said after a while. 

Shun did not look away from the passing scenery through the window. "It is fine. I should not stay in the house all the time. I might as well see the city. It might trigger something in my memories." 

Wang Che hands tightened around the steering wheel. "Shun, are you unhappy with me?" 

Shun turned his head from the window and looked at Wang Che for the first time since they left the villa. Wang Che glanced at him and saw the fire in those familiar eyes. It was the first time Shun had shown real emotions since that night. 

"Am I with you?" Shun asked sharply. 

Wang Che looked back to the road. "What do you mean?" 

Shun scoffed. "This is what I am talking about. Do you even truly care whether I am happy or unhappy? You claim that I agreed to be your boyfriend. The more time I spend with you, the more I doubt this. You probably just made it all up to fool me and my family." 

Wang Che's lips pursed in anger as he drove through the gate of the restaurant. "I did not need to tell a lie. Even without that information, I still had the right to make the decisions about your medical care. Regardless of what you think, the truth will not change. You agreed to be with me." 

Shun laughed harshly. "Great! Then, I can only blame myself for my poor judgement." 

Wang Che was frustrated. "What do you want from me?" 

"I might not have my memories, but at least, I am not an idiot and a complete ass. What I want is to be with someone who wants to be with me." Shun said. "I am tired of being in a house with someone who looks like they would rather be anywhere else." 

"You know that is not true, Shun." Wang Che said. 

"Do I know that?" Shun was blazing with anger as he said it sarcastically. 

Wang Che pulled into the parking lot and parked the car properly before he looked at Shun. "I have made an effort to spend time with you. But you refused to accept my help." 

Shun looked at Wang Che as if he was looking at an idiot. "That is my point. You made an effort to spend time with me. I do not want to be living with someone who has to make an effort like it is a chore. I want someone who cannot help but want to spend time with me." 

"You are intentionally misunderstanding what I am saying." Wang Che said. "You know what I mean. Do not try to put words in my mouth." 

"I literally just quoted you," Shun shouted. "I cannot for the life of me figure out how this happened. I must have been stupid. I do not see how we could have gotten together. I am sure that this is not how someone would treat their amnesiac boyfriend."

"I mean, you do not even make an effort to help me remember anything. Do you realise you have not shared a single memory of us even once? Was our relationship so boring that there was not a single thing about it that makes you excited enough to tell me?" He continued almost hysterically. 

Wang Che was struck silent. 

"Shun, I…" He started after a short moment, but he did not know what to say. 

"Well, I am waiting to hear what you have to say," Shun said, folding his arms over his chest. 

Wang Che pressed his lips together. His past friendship with Shun had a lot of good moments. It was a consistently good relationship, but it did not have highs and lows. No moment could be said to have been special enough to be a major point in their relationship. 

He had never made an effort to let Shun know he loved him and was pursuing him. In fact, he went out of his way to make sure he did not suspect anything. 

He never told him how cute he was when he was excited about a new project. Or how handsome he was when appeared in a magazine. He did not even try to hold his hand. In truth, almost all of their physical contact was initiated by Shun because he was a clingy drunk. 

And in the end, it was Shun who tried to kiss him first. And it was Shun who confessed his feelings first.  josei

"I am not a person who is fond of sharing his feelings. You should know how I feel about you." Wang Che said stiffly. 

Shun laughed and disconnected his seatbelt.

"Even now, you cannot bring yourself to speak something honest and from your heart. You know what? I do not have to stay with you. You are emotionally constipated and physically repressed." He said. "So, f*ck you. And I hope I do not see you again." 

When he unlocked the door, Wang Che caught his arm. He wanted to say that he was sorry, and he would try harder. But he could not. The words that came out were all wrong.

"You cannot leave. Do not forget that I have control over all your assets." He said with a hard edge in his voice. 

"Is that how you are going to play it? Well then, enjoy the money. I hope it will keep you warm at night. And do not worry about me. I learned from Hu Lei that I am quite a popular guy. I will figure out something." Shun said and freed his arm. 

He opened the door and stepped out.. As he walked away, he gave Wang Che the middle finger. 

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