His Dearest Wife

Chapter 382

Chapter 382

Chapter 382

Miss Lin looked at the expression of the beautiful woman in front of her eyes, carefully called her: "Mom, what he said is true?"

Chi minlan closed her eyes in pain, then forced her smile to miss Lin and said, "let Leng accompany you for a while. I'll go out and buy something to eat."

Leng Yaochen immediately throws a grateful look at Chi minlan.

Miss Lin's brain is dull at the moment. Naturally, he doesn't think about the implication of Chi minlan's words carefully. He just nods his head.

Chi minlan quickly stood up and walked out of the door.

As soon as she went out, she leaned against the wall outside the ward, her legs a little weak.

She painfully covers her face and remembers that for Pei Dongming's sake, she publicly misses Lin's identity. Her husband, who has always been gentle and caring for him, is completely like a changed person. For the first time, she slapped her hard.

That slap directly blindfolded her.

She can't believe that her husband, who has always been in love with her, will be distorted by politics and interests.

He even moved his hand to her and pointed to her face to warn: "if you want to stay in Pei's house, you should do as he wants, otherwise There's only one way to get divorced. "

Chi minlan is proud of his self-esteem for half of his life, and suddenly collapses.

Is the man in front of her still the man she loves? Is Pei Dongming still the one who shared weal and woe all the way?

No, he has completely changed. He has become so strange, so violent, and has lost his basic conscience.

Maybe in his life, he has never had much weight. He dotes on her and loves her. It's just a way for him to have a positive image. What he loves is only himself, his future, his face and self-esteem. josei

Chi minlan is in great pain. She didn't expect that a good family would suddenly face the crisis of dissolution.

If she does not support his collusion with Leng Yaochen, she will be expelled from the Pei family.

How can she be willing to watch her disband this home that she has been working hard for more than 20 years, all her hard work, all her sustenance and hope?

She can't afford to lose her face. She is nearly 50 years old. In the eyes of outsiders, she is bright, rich, powerful and powerful. She likes this decent life and is not willing to destroy it herself.

"Miss, you forgive your mother, forgive her selfishness." Chi minlan finally squatted down and cried.

In the corridor in the early morning, there were few pedestrians. The occasional passers-by were only the family members of the patient, and did not pay special attention to her identity.

At the moment, in the ward, the atmosphere is much more relaxed.

Leng Yaochen's eyes were tightly fixed on Lin's pale face. Although she looked very weak, her black and clear eyes were still shining and attractive.

Lin Xiangxiang is also looking at Leng Yaochen. Although she has lost her memory, her perceptual ability is still there. Therefore, she wants to use her eyes to see whether this man is malicious to herself.

"Miss, why do you look at me like this? Do you think I'm a bad person? " Cold Yao Chen suddenly a smile, dyed smile face, handsome and evil.

This is the first time that Leng Yaochen shows such a sincere smile, so his haze temperament is hidden, showing his young and true side.

Miss Lin found that the original, this man laugh, also very good-looking.

"If you are really my fiance, the man named Feng Yu just now still claims to be my husband? Which of you is more credible? " Miss Lin's brain is broken, and her ability to distinguish good from evil is still there, so she is also seeking truth.

"Feng Yu is not your husband!" Leng Yaochen replied very firmly, and then he said with a cold smile: "he is your ex husband!"

"What?" Miss Lin would be shocked by the information again.

She divorced at a young age?

"You don't need an accident. It's not your fault to divorce. It's too much to seal the family. Because you didn't have a baby, you were driven out of the house and divorced immediately." Cold Yao Chen light explanation all these.

The more miss Lin listens, the more she feels that there is a fire in her heart. She was divorced because she couldn't conceive her child.

Leng Yaochen's observation of her expression, see her small face are full of anger, his mouth hook up.

"Well, miss, unpleasant things, should forget, you don't get angry now, it's important to keep good health." Leng Yaochen immediately tenderly stretched out his hand, gently patted her cool little face, the action was intimate and ambiguous.

Miss Lin's whole body is tense in an instant. In her cognition at the moment, she has never been so spoiled by any man.

So, she felt very uncomfortable.

"What kind of family is Fengjia?" Lin asked.

Leng Yaochen was stunned for a moment, and then answered seriously: "very rich, you can use the rich to describe his family's wealth."

Miss Lin is a stay.Has she ever married into a rich family?

How is that possible? It's impossible for her to associate with that kind of man, OK.

"It's because his family conditions are so good that you may feel that your background is too low. At that time, you were the granddaughter of the Lin family." Leng Yaochen spared no effort to reverse Lin's thinking, hoping to pour the evil side of Feng Yu into her little head as soon as possible.

Lin Xiangxiang was taken askew by him as expected, very discontented curled a lower lip: "since he does not like me, then why does he want to marry me?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe I like your beauty." When Leng Yaochen said this, his eyes were still watching her tightly.

Miss Lin was so angry that he was in the hospital bed.

So she was fooled by the man just now?

"Miss, you don't think about it. The only thing you have to do now is to have a good rest. I can't say too much to you. You can sleep for a while, and I'll keep watch on you all the time." Cold Yao Chen tone low soft say.

Miss Lin also feel the head began to dizzy, had to nod: "good!"

She slowly closed her eyes, this time, she did not fall into a terrible gray world, but really fell asleep.

Maybe because of what she heard just now, she had a dream.

In her dream, she was wearing a white veil and walked towards a man, who was very tall, but his face was very vague.

She went to his side, suddenly heard around a sharp cry, and then, she was two men frame hands, mercilessly pushed out a door.

She trembled with fright, and a cold sweat came out of her forehead.

For the first time, Leng Yaochen looked at her so quietly. He didn't need to peep. It was very quiet. This kind of feeling was really good.

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