His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: My Kyo is Adira

Ari doesn't have anything left in this world. Her family is dead and the first husband is also dead. She found out that she lived another life on another planet. A god is her lover from another world. She creases her forehead while bathing quietly.

"A god?" She splashes the water in frustration. After what she has seen and heard last night, it's hard not to believe the guy. He sounded genuine. His words moved her. He said that he would take her to that planet.

Did she fall for an alien in her previous life? An alien god? She slaps her cheeks. "What was wrong with you? Were all normal men dead in that world?"

The god killed Tristan. Now, she knows why.

Strangely, she doesn't feel bad for Tristan. Is it because Adira is more beautiful than Tristan?

Is the world strange or she is?

God made beautiful things to be appreciated.

"He's a god." She grasps her head. "A sexy god. Why I am complaining? An eternity with him doesn't sound bad at all."

But she wants to remember.

"Did I really love him that much?" She murmurs to herself.

She takes time while choosing clothes. What should be good for space travel? Wait, he's a god. Then, are they travelling through a spaceship? Would it be something else? She decides on simple clothes — trousers, long tunic, and boots. She ties her hair high, revealing the back of her neck. She almost looks like a teenager from the 21st century Earth.

"Should I pack luggage?" She has another problem now.

Adira walks into her room. To make things easy, he simply made the emperor believe that his son is not interested in the throne and he's abandoning the empire to go on a long journey to east with his daughter-in-law. Before returning to Ari, he has returned to his original appearance.

"Don't pack." He smiles at her and takes her hands. "We have to make a stop somewhere first. Then, we will go home."

"Where are we stopping?" Why is she believing everything that he's saying? She wants to see if he's really a god. She will take a chance.

"I need to take care of some lowly bugs." The smile on his face doesn't meet his eyes. He looks to the right and says an incantation. She can't grasp the sounds. It pulsates through her body. A door appears on the wall. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." She's excited to see the magical door. "I can't wait to see that world."

Adira coils his arms around her waist. "It's better than the world you saw last time."

He pushes open the door. It opens to the room with a screen showing the room that they have just left.

"This is..." Ari's face contorts in anger. "Were we being watched the whole time?"

Adira's expression isn't any better. He sees the script on the couch and the alternations. His face turns darker. These two gods!

"Ari, can you wait for me here for a moment?" The anger in his voice can't be mistaken.

"Okay." Ari doesn't mind. She sits on the couch. Adira disappears from the room. She sees the script on the floor. She picks it up and starts reading. Her expression turns uglier.

"Damn gods!" She curses the people who wrote the script. She believes Adira now. She's reborn in that world after living another life on Iravan.


Adira finds God 2 first.

"Please forgive me." God 2 pleads. "I saved your wife's life."

"You could have healed her completely with the soul healing treasure." Adira cracks his knuckles. "You have committed way too many mistakes."

"Pardon me!" God 2 stands on his knees and raises his arms. "Your wife is alive because of me. I healed her soul. Please let me go this once."

Adira loves his wife so much.josei

"I can forgive you for giving me a hard time, but sending another man to her..."

God 2 bones are unravelled one by one and thrown in the different part of the galaxy. God 2 spends his 5000 years looking for his bones.

As for God 1...

He kowtows to Adira when he finds him sitting in the space and waiting for Karma.

He looks at Adira with a grave expression, "Please punish me. I need you to clean my Karma cycle. Otherwise, she won't see me again."

Adira didn't expect him to be like that. Since he didn't ask for pardon, he is lenient with God 1. He only breaks half of his bones and throws them in 10 different galaxies.

It takes 1000 years for God 1 to recollect his bones and fix it. When he's done, Karma comes to him.

Karma: Now, Naughty Naughty is clean.

God 1: Karma~ I missed you so much!

Karma hugs him.

Karma: I didn't miss you. I was busy dealing with the sinners.

God 1: I can miss you enough for both of us.

Karma: Naughty Naughty loves me.

God 1: Karma, will you marry me now?

Karma: Naughty Naughty, you are the only one who likes being tortured by me.

God 1: There's so much love in your tortures.

Karma: I will marry you and torture you every day.

God 1: I can't wait to start my life with you.

Karma and God 1 gets married and he gets tortured every day like he wished to.


Adira returns and finds Ari reading the script. He sighs. "Do you feel bad?"

"No." She shakes her head. "I remember now."

"What do you remember?" Adira sits beside her and asks her curiously.

"Why I found your eyes familiar?" She smiles at him. Her gaze is different. "My Kyo is Adira. Adira is my Kyo."

He widens his eyes. How did she remember suddenly?

"I was reading this script." She flips the pages. "When I read from the start to the end, I saw my life passing through my eyes. Then, I pushed harder to think back further. It suddenly appeared in my mind all at once. I remember who Kyo was and who you are."

"Am I different from your Kyo?" Adira stares into her eyes.

Ari smiles at him like Kresi used to. "You told me that I taught you how to love. But what if I say that it was you who taught me how to love? When I met you, you didn't have your memories. I gave you the name Kyo because you looked at me like the way my cat used to. Each day, I learned how to love a pure person like Kyo. When I got to know him more, I could already see that more of Adira is showing up in him. I understood. Kyo is a part of Adira. Loving someone doesn't mean loving only the good part of someone. Before I knew it, I already accepted the dark god who was supposed to kill me. I don't see Kyo different from Adira. Just like, Ari and Kresi are not different."

Adira plants a kiss on the back of her hand. "You forgive me for trying to kill you in your last life."

"That depends." Ari looks at him playfully. "If you play the role of the husband well, I will think about forgiving you."

"This husband will do his best." He leans closer to her. "Should I start doing my best now?"

"No way." She pushes him away. "I am just 19. You are ancient. I am not having children just yet."

Adira frowns. Didn't she say that she wants to have a family? "Are you 19? You were complaining that I was younger than you are."

"That was before I found out that you were a god." She grumbles. "I want to start a family after a few more years."

"We will have children when you want. I am a God. Don't worry about those things." Adira puckers his lips. "Give me a kiss. Come now. You promised that you would kiss me twice every day."

"What a baby!" She rolls her eyes when she sees the man-child. Seeing his longing eyes, she gives in after a while. She sits on his lap and raises his chin. His eyes are smiling at her with amusement. She chuckles before she leans down and pecks on his forehead twice like she used to do to Kyo.

"I need to teach you a lot." He pinches her nose. "Shall we have a short lesson before we go home?"

She shakes her head and laughs. "Not here. Who knows who is watching us? I don't want some pervert to see us like that."

Adira's expression becomes ugly again. The two Gods! He should have incinerated them.

"Calm down, husband." Ari smooches his lips to appease his anger. "Let's go home. I want to see Mogrok and everyone else. It's been a long time."

He sighs. He just got here and now, he has to share her with that spirit beast again.

"Don't forget about me after going back."

"Can I ever forget my Adira?" She winks at him. "That's never happening."


"Master!!!" Mogrok recognizes her the moment he sees her. Out of habit, he still calls her master. Her appearance might have changed, but her gaze and the scent are the same. He turns into his piggy form and jumps toward her. Before she could catch the pig ball, Adira slaps it away.

"She's my wife. Keep the distance." Adira warns Mogrok mildly. "You aren't her spirit beast."

Ari rolls her eyes. Kyo or Adira, he's still the same.

Mogrok starts crying. "I missed you so much, Master Kresi."

"Kresi!!!" She hears a woman screaming from the sky. A green dragon is hovering over them. Deia is sitting on the dragon's head, grinning at Kresi. "I saw you in my vision. You are really back."

"My name is Ari." She yells back. "Come down. Are you going to make me yell all day?"

Damin takes his human form and brings Deia to the ground. Deia runs to Ari to hug her. Adira steps toward her. He stops when he sees Ari's glare. Clearing his throat, he holds himself back and looks away. It's a female. He won't be jealous.

"Ari." Deia hugs her tightly. "I am so happy to see you back."

"I am happier." Ari chuckles. "I am back. Everyone's here. My Adira, Mogrok, and you."

Adira can sense the happiness in her soul.

He will make her happy like this every day in their life.

It's the beginning of their new life together.

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