His Devious Rule

Chapter 130 A Silent Warning

Chapter 130 A Silent Warning

With the efforts to avoid hurting him, Anya didn't realize, she unawarely accepted the new sensations she had never felt or experienced in her first kiss.

Unbeknown, her attention shifted to every little detail. His warmth enveloping around her seized the coldness. His strong arm was around her waist, on her back. His fingers were in her hair and his large palm cupped her head, restricting her movements. His cold breath was fanning over her skin. Her eyes slowly shut when his soft, thin pair of lips moved against hers.

She wasn't experienced, yet she could feel a hint of hesitation slowly easing up. This wasn't how he had kissed her first time but this was inviting and sweet.

The shock waves pulsing through her, his hand gliding down to her neck and his thumb caressing her cheek… She could feel the butterflies going frenzy in her stomach with his actions.

His hand pressed her against him when there was no space left between them. His lips added more pressure and sucked her lips. Lightheaded, a faint moan slipped her lips when his tongue licked her lips.josei

Anya gasped hearing herself and Alvin's deliberation and control snapped at the sweet moan that tickled his ears. The slow, naive kiss suddenly turned intense, his feathery touch became firm. He tilted her head to an angle he could mold their lips perfectly.

He skillfully nibbled and sucked her soft petal lips. Her body unawarely leaning to him, the sweet moans she was holding back, her grip increasing on his arm were fuelling his desire.

Despite finding her frozen in his arms, he couldn't believe his body was getting excited for her. Greedy for more, he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth.

"Ahh…" A protesting cry left her lips when he took her lower lip between his teeth.

Using the opportunity he created, he easily slipped his tongue into her warm mouth. His tongue found hers and swirled around hers causing her to fall limp in his arms.

As he expected, she tasted sweet. The sweetness made him hooked to it instantly. He sucked her tongue causing her to moan giving up all control. His sweet intense kiss turned greedy.

After what felt like an eternity, Anya was in Alvin's arms in a daze. Her parted, swollen lips were in delicious red. Alvin carefully held her in his arms, savoring his view. Her half-opened eyes were looking at him in a haze. Her face flushed to a red that made her look even more enticing.

She didn't hear him asking her to breathe. She was lifelessly lying in his arms and his hand was cradling her head. Her lashes trembled, suddenly she gasped for air as her eyes focused on the sexy smirk of his lips.

'knock, knock.'

A faint baby voice hit their ears, "Momma, are you in here?"

Alvin, who was waiting to scold her, saw her face suddenly glow and her eyes brighten. She found her strength out of nowhere and got away from his arms. He stood speechless seeing her sprint away.

Alvin: "…"

Why did he feel like she just enjoyed his kiss and tossed him away for another man?

Fine, a little man who she gave birth to.

Jealousy with a hint of annoyance surfaced in his heart when he saw her smile with pretty dimples on her cheeks as she spread her arms. The little meatball ran to her arms, grinning ear to ear.


After peeking inside the study room, Zane shifted to the next room and knocked on the door asking if Anya was there. Catalina and Dennis sighed looking at Zane's eagerness who was running around without listening to them or wearing his shoes.

Zane was shifting to another door when he heard the door open. He saw his mother come out with a smile that widened as soon as her eyes fell on him.

"Momma…" He sweetly called her and ran back.

Catalina and Dennis smiled standing by each other and seeing their daughter and grandson.

"My baby." Anya's soft voice was filled with motherly love and longing. She kneeled on the floor spreading her arms.

Zane leaped to her arms, wrapped her hands around her neck, and rested his chin on her shoulder.

Anya hugged her son, her cuddle bug, her lifeline. She gently rubbed his back, "Oh Baby, I missed you... I missed your hugs." She heard his chortle that broadened her smile.

"Momma, I missed you too." Then he faced her and contemplated, "Momma, I missed your hugs." He repeated her line and added more, "I missed your food, I missed playing with you. I missed…"

Catalina cut in recalling whenever Zane was recalling Anya the most, "Eating with you, sleeping next to you, watching the TV show, while shopping, while snacking…" She listed all and chuckled at the end.

Zane put his arm on Anya's shoulder and turned to Catalina who was making a list. With his mother next to him, he didn't mind when his grandmother stole all his words.

Dennis shook his head in resignation and reminded Anya, "Your son will never leave your side."

Zane nodded, and hugged his mother, "Momma, I will stay with you."

Anya caressed his head, sighed inwardly, "I am sorry, Baby. Momma will make sure to have you around."

Zane tightened his arms. He was a smart kid. He knew he might have to go to his grandparents' place if she had a lot of work.

"I am sorry for making you cry. Did my baby feel very bad reading all the news?" She asked, trying to comfort Zane.

Zane looked at the long legs and lifted his head to see the man whose eyes were on him. He flashed Alvin a cute smile. Alvin had told him Anya will come to the mansion for him. So Zane was happy. However, he didn't get the smile back.

Hearing his mother, he let go of Anya's neck and looked at her, "Momma always protected me from getting bullied. Now, Momma is getting bullied, I don't know what to do. Even grandpa and grandma don't know." Hence he cried. He simply wanted to protect his mother and tell the people that his mother is not a thief to steal things.

Catalina and Dennis sighed together. They wished they could solve the troubles of Anya but they were helpless.

Alvin narrowed his eyes at the two frames in front of him, especially the little gentleman of his Little Donut. He could feel the helplessness in his tone and urge to defend his mother.

Anya cupped Zane's face with a smile. "Momma is strong. I only need my son with me. I will teach the people who bullied me."

Zane nodded, trusting every word of his mother. He seriously took a pledge, "When I grow up, Momma, you be with me, I will teach the bad people who bully us." He swapped the roles.

Excluding Alvin, everyone chuckled. Anya endearingly kissed her son in the cheeks and hugged him, "Okay. Momma won't stop you then,"

Zane was delighted with the response and hugged her back.

Anya wanted to get up with him in her arms but felt weak. So she stood up first and noticed his bare feet, "Zane…"

Hearing his name from his mother, Zane followed her line of sight and grinned at her instantly. He lifted his arms for her to carry him. "Momma, I wanted to see you." He indirectly asked her not to be angry. He still wanted to get pampered.

Anya shook her head helplessly and tried to scoop him to her arms when she noticed a different pair of hands lift her son.

Alvin carried Zane knowing she was exhausted. Anya, who watched Zane with his biological father together for the first time, stood completely stunned.

Zane was carried to the arms of other men when he was even younger. However, she never felt emotional until she saw these two in a frame.

She always knew whatever she might do, how hard she might try to be both father and mother, it wouldn't be enough to fill the father's space completely. She unawarely relished the view in front of her.

Zane disapprovingly looked at Alvin thinking he might have something to say to him but the man was silent.


Zane's eyes fell on the little bruises on Alvin's lips. He looked at Alvin's eyes which were looking at his eyes before Zane shifted his gaze to his mother. Shaking off his thoughts about the bruise, he extended his hands, "Momma…" He wanted his mother.

Anya snapped out of her trance and lifted her hands to carry Zane when Alvin bluntly stated to Zane, "Your Momma is tired."

Zane's hands that were extending towards her, slowly dropped. He was aware he wasn't little anymore to easily carried so he didn't want to tire his mother.

Whereas Alvin flashed her a smug smile.

Anya: "…"

She couldn't believe Alvin understood Zane enough to use the right words to stop him. She ignored him and pouted at her son, "I want my baby." She looked pitifully cute.

Zane extended his hands and went to her arms without a second thought. He was hugging her when Anya stuck her tongue out at Alvin. Zane was her son, she knew him better than anybody else.

Alvin: "…"

He couldn't believe she acted in front of her son and was teasing him. He glanced at her parents. He behaved seeing them smiling at the mother and son.

Looks like they were used to this Young Mommy's mischief.

Zane wanted to get off Anya's arms after hugging her but Anya carried him saying he wasn't wearing shoes and she grumbled that she won't be able to carry him after a few months.

Meanwhile, Alvin noticed Linus waving his hand at him from far. Unwillingly, he had to leave from there to meet Linus, completely aware it was something serious.

Anya took her parents and Zane to the room next to Alvin's. She needs to get fresh and speak with her parents about their stay.


"Bro, Dad is coming here for dinner," Linus reported. He wasn't sure if Alvin would prefer for everyone to dine together or arrange for the Owen family to dine separately.

Alvin had heard Anya's suspicion on Bernard. He was also aware Bernard knew about the cruise vacation beforehand, yet Bernard had put everyone on the ship in danger by announcing the press conference. He also felt Bernard wasn't as blameless and righteous as he was showing to everyone.

From the looks of it, Linus wasn't aware of it either. So Alvin didn't tell Linus anything. If Anya could think of him and his family, Alvin thought he also shouldn't affect the father and son relationship.

So in other words, Bernard was there because of Alvin's arrival and to know some details. "Let's dine together." Alvin meant eating with the whole Owen family.

He was simply going to give a silent warning to Bernard. So that Bernard doesn't dare to blame Anya or use her family as his pawns. If Alvin was going to protect her and her family, then it would be from everyone.

Completely unaware of the situation, Linus grinned when noticed a faint bruise on Alvin's lips. Alvin wouldn't bite his lips so, "I see, your Donut got some sharp teeth." He was happy for his brother.

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