His Devious Rule

Chapter 479 A Gift

Chapter 479 A Gift

In the morning,

Anya got ready and went to find her son who woke up before them and left the clothes bag in the room and didn't come back again.

Entering the living hall, she noticed Zane back facing her. Shawn Rivas and his Secretary Milo Wen were sipping piping hot coffee. The housekeeper softly lowered her head at her while taking away the glass that had white residue.

Anya guessed Zane completed his morning warm milk so she flashed a smile of gratification to the housekeeper, "Thank you." Her eyes settled back on Zane who was intently watching something on the coffee table.

"Mommy…" Zane identified her mellow voice and beckoned her, "I want to show you something."

Before she went closer, her lips gaped in surprise identifying The Planetarium table clock. It was an antique Alvin was studying on a cruise ship. She wanted to show it to Zane but Shawn Rivas owned it.

Did Alvin manage to buy it?

Zane grinned at her reaction and excitedly started explaining about it, "Momma, This clock doesn't only track the time, we can see the travel of the planets. Mr. Rivas said the rotation and revolution of the planet are the same as the real planets."

Alvin stood behind her and let out a sigh. He murmured in a fake disappointed voice, "I thought you liked it. Looks like you wanted it for my little enemy."

Anya gently elbowed his stomach. She hadn't told him but didn't expect him to read her moment of excitement on the cruise ship. Looking at Zane's eyes sparkling, she eagerly asked, "You bought it?"

Money had failed to get the clock so Alvin used his little enemy's charms against the couple to get it. It was a gift to Zane. Since it was invaluable, Alvin was donating some antique jewelry to their charity auction.

Anya doesn't have to know all that. He gave a gentle push for her to enjoy with her son. Then he headed out to meet Rob who was waiting.

Rob quickly briefed about Casper's condition and the situation. He got to know at dawn. He had dialed Alvin to keep him updated but the call wasn't answered. Since the operation was successful and Casper was recovering in the ICU, Rob didn't hasten to reach Alvin.

When Alvin fell utterly silent, without revealing a hint of a reaction, Rob pondered if Casper's health was going to make Alvin go softer on Casper. Nevertheless, he didn't interfere further with their family issue.

Alvin pulled his mobile out and dialed Liam on speaker. The ring went till last before the call was answered. Alvin was quiet and Liam was oddly silent, unlike in past years.

[Alvin, we have to stop this. I don't want to put pressure on Dad.] Liam's grave voice sounded.

Rob faintly frowned while Alvin looked much more composed but provoked Liam, "I won't"

Liam hissed at Alvin instantly as if he had buried the frustration for years, [Is your revenge more important than our father's health?]

Revenge? No. It wasn't revenge. If they wanted to take revenge on Casper, he or Anya had attacked right after they became strong. They started to retaliate because Casper began to scheme and dream to get Zane - An heir.

He has to stop Casper to give a worry-free life to Anya and normal childhood to Zane.

'Our father?' Alvin scoffed in his mind. Casper was never his father.

If not for freedom of choice, Liam had everything. A large family to pamper him, the father who relentlessly focused on his improvement. Instead of love, Liam had the attention of Casper.

It was past, and Alvin sneered, "Should I let your father hurt my family and ruin our happiness?"

Rob noticed Anya and cued Alvin. The latter didn't turn off the speaker when Liam continued his blind concern, [Ruin your family?] Anya glanced at the mobile screen and crossed her arms to hear it.

[Alvin Matthews, we were broken, hated each other, and pretended in front of others, but we were still a family until you and your wife ruined our family.]

Rob clenched his teeth and buried his annoyance. Anya had a deep frown after hearing Liam. She had thought Liam had changed and become more sensible. But she was wrong.

Alvin ended the call and turned to his wife. He caressed her head, watching her eyes trying to read his expression for Liam's words.

He realized why Anya didn't trust Liam and didn't return to the Oasis mansion on Christmas eve. Liam gets influenced easily. He stated his theory with a question, "What are the chances of Casper faking his heart attack?"

Rob was rendered speechless at Alvin's deduction. He didn't feel impossible as the two shooters were caught. Casper could escape the law with medical papers in the name of treatment.

Liam could be again influenced by Casper's drama, sitting in the operation theater and ICU.

"Heart attack?" Anya tilted her head without understanding. "Casper Matthews faked a heart attack?"

Now she could understand why Liam's emotions were all over the place. Liam was guilty and he couldn't accept his actions put his father in danger. Overwhelmed, he was pushing the blame on Alvin.

Alvin shrugged in response to Anya. It was just a guess, considering how sly Casper was.

Anya gently rubbed Alvin's back. She hoped for Liam to be a good brother. She could easily find out the truth using her network and show the true color of Casper to Liam. However, she wasn't sure if she should sympathize with Liam and help him out or keep him away.

Rob noticed her hand, trying to soothe Alvin who was speechless. "We will find the truth out."

Alvin merely nodded at Rob and took his wife inside the mansion to break their fast. If Casper was faking it, he was successful in influencing Liam. Alvin wouldn't care even if Casper wasn't faking it. He will use Casper's move against him.

Selling the company to foreigners?


Nope. He will go with his first, best, and most stinging plan.

Anya pressed her finger at the corner of his lip and pulled it down. "You devious man, what are you scheming? You look like a devil out on a hunt."

Alvin chuckled at her blunt words. He smugly said, "Devil is said to be hot and sexy."

Anya hummed and mischievously said, "My husband is the devil." And made him heartily laugh, pulling him away from Liam's words.


At the hospital, in Narnia.

Liam groaned, failing to convince Alvin. The butler sighed next to him. "Young Master, how could the second young master insist on revenge when Master is on deathbed?"

Liam snapped at the butler, "He is not dying."

The butler gasped at the sharp voice. His expression altered for a moment before he continued in a gloomy voice, "Doctor said we shouldn't stress master. If the second young master didn't stop his stubbornness, I don't know what will happen to the master…" He sobbed, rubbing the corner of his tearless eyes.

Liam clenched his teeth. If Alvin continues to pressure Casper, Casper will have another heart attack and eventually heart failure. He impatiently tapped his foot on the floor without knowing how to stop Alvin.

'Anya Owen!?' He dialed Linus to get Anya's contact details.

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