His Devious Rule

Chapter 487 The Torturous Life

Chapter 487 The Torturous Life

From head to toe, Casper didn't look like a patient who just had important heart surgery. Instead, he looked like an old man who was annoyed for admitting to the hospital with his unkempt gray stubble.

When Alvin drew the plan for her, Anya wished for Casper to come out of his character. Considering her terrible acting skills, Casper's temper should have flared.

Instead of pretending like a worried daughter-in-law, she would have loved to terrorize the man to hide in the hospital, afraid of facing her in the field of legal rules and proof.

Thus she was disappointed that Casper had so much endurance to hear the crap. Fine, she will make it harder for him. She will continue to press his ego until he can endure it.

Hiding her disappointment, She turned to the doctor, "Doctor Stewart, I suggest shifting Chairman Matthews to ICU." The annoying beeps of the machines and the patients on the other beds should be enough to make Casper feel sick. He couldn't act arrogantly as the ICU had security cameras and was monitored twenty-four by seven.

Doctor Stewart knew it wasn't a suggestion as she worded but a command to follow her. He continued his act, "Considering the unstable condition of Chairman Matthews, he needs undivided supervision and care from experienced staff." He agreed to shift Casper to the ICU.

Whereas Casper was impressed by the doctor by assuming the doctor was making the situation sound complicated. Anyway, he sat silently with the misunderstanding that he was looking like a patient.

Did she just notice a smirk?

She chose to take another step to wipe off the smug smile. Casper was a man who spent his whole life busy behind the company. There wasn't a single day he hadn't worked. Staying away from the company was hard enough for him, she should cut off his communication. He shouldn't hear anything that was happening outside the hospital.

Anya went to Casper and grabbed his mobile from the bedside table. She tossed it to Harrison. "I don't want anything to come between his recovery." It was an order for the doctor to stop Casper from doing anything he likes. And an instruction for Harrison to stop attending him.

Harrison: "…"

It was infuriating to see Anya doing as she wished. Casper slowly breathed to stay calm and scoffed in his mind thinking he could take his mobile back once Anya leaves.

Why would his men listen to Anya?

"Err…" Doctor Stewart glanced at Casper. He couldn't believe Casper was silently listening to Anya without flaring up. He was also afraid Casper would abort his plan and Anya will revoke his license. So he tried to stop the blazing fire from spreading, "Alright, patient's health is the priority. Don't crowd here."

Harrison doubtfully looked at autocratic Anya and exited the ward with Casper's mobile. The butler lowered his head when he met Anya's steely gaze.

Anya, who was leaving the ward, added, "I have requested a military Cardiologist to drop by and take a look at Chairman Matthews." It was to panic Casper, whereas she didn't know any military cardiologists.

She added, "I will keep an eye on everything." It was to scare the doctor from playing behind her back.

As soon as Anya stepped out, Casper breathed out loudly and removed his frustration on the doctor, "Don't let that f*cking b*tch enter the hospital."

Stewart was feeling strangled by the two. He hurriedly added, "Chairman Matthews, we will have to shift you to the ICU." Intense care is required for critical patients.

Stewart added a lie so that he could complete Anya's orders. "Anya Owen could be sending a military cardiologist for an inspection. I could only fake on scanning and reports. If they see you here, then we will be caught."

Casper gritted his teeth. Does he have an option? No. He could only curse Anya, "That vixen." He grunted to the doctor, agreeing to do what he said.


Outside the ward,

Harrison, who was asking about Casper's health, paused when the five doctors lowered their heads as soon as Anya stepped out of the ward.

Why are the doctors scared of Anya?

You don't fear a stranger unless you have done something wrong or guilty of something. Harrison gasped when he grasped the situation. He blurted out in baffle, "You are faking it." He couldn't believe Anya had all the doctors under her control.

Anya's brow sharply raised at Harrison's words. Harrison faintly shook his head and corrected himself, "Chairman Matthews is faking his heart attack and you are helping him fake it."

He wasn't a fool to think Anya started the fake heart attack using the doctors. He had that faith in Anya Owen. If somebody could do that, Alvin was capable of it. But Alvin doesn't trust people easily so using these doctors couldn't be his option. So Alvin was out of suspicion too.

"Why would you do that?" Harrison asked in a flow to Anya. He wondered if Anya was helping Alvin with something.

Anya hadn't done any kind of information digging on Harrison. Alvin had spoken about Harrison. The only person Alvin respected around the Matthews.

Judging by his words, Anya discerned that Harrison had no idea about the explosion in country A. Instead of letting Harrison know about Casper, Anya pointed her chin at the departing figure in the lobby, "He needs you."

Alvin won't stand as emotional support to Liam who had taken a huge blow. So Harrison would be a better choice before people tried to take a piece of Matthews's wealth by misusing Liam's state.

Harrison glanced at Liam. He understood Liam learned about Casper's act and Liam needed support. He followed Casper's last instructions, 'Liam isn't fierce enough to handle those cunning people. Help him out.'josei

They all know Liam was good with business, may it be negotiating or acquiring the business, or planning a long-term project. But talent means nothing if you don't are weak in managing the situation and controlling the people authoritatively.

Once Harrison left, Anya looked at the five doctors who had a role in Casper's drama. She had sent the nurses and attendants for a lavish breakfast and excluded the butler from the plan. Because they didn't have much to lose and they won't feel threatened by her or the truth she knows.

However, the six doctors would lose their medical licenses if the truth comes out or if they leak information about her to Casper. So she took control of the six doctors.

Doctor Stewart hesitatingly exited the ward and stood with the other five doctors. He felt his legs go weak when he felt Anya's sharp gaze on him. "W-we will be sh-shifting Chairman Matthews to ICU." He stammered.

"Mommy…" An adorable voice sounded in the hallway.

The tense air immediately relaxed. Anya cued with her hand to send the doctors away, while a smile hung on her lips watching her son sprinting her way with four well-built bodyguards in suits walking behind him.

Anya scooped the little man into her arms and walked towards the elevator. "Momma, we brought breakfast for you." He pointed at Mark's hand.

"My baby is so thoughtful." Anya fondly kissed his cheek over the mask and asked, "Did my baby like his breakfast?"

The doctors had goosebumps hearing her soothing voice filled with warmth. They went back to work, hoping they don't have to cross paths with Casper or Anya again. However, Stewart was stuck with the tragedy of his life.

Casper, who waited for Harrison to return the mobile, was shifted to ICU. When he demanded a mobile, he was shut off by pointing at the camera surveillance. Stewart asked him to pretend to rest and went back to work.

Thus started the torturous life of Casper Matthews.


In the car, Anya was smiling heartily hearing Zane about his encounter and his skiing experience in Country A. She was thrilled to know he was interested to learn everything and she was content that they were capable of providing him.

Zane changed his winter plans, "Momma, I can learn skating and football in the spring and summer. Why don't I learn to ski this winter before the snow melts?"

He pointed at Mark on the shotgun and continued, "Uncle Mark said, there is small terrain in the Oasis estate where I could learn skiing." He decided on the training ground too.

He stood on the seat and cupped her face. Flashing a winsome smile to melt her with his cuteness, "Please Momma. I won't catch a cold, I won't touch the snow with my bare hands. I will wear warm gloves and thick socks. I promise."

Anya struggled to hide her grin. Her husband and her son are very much alike. They fetch all the information and decide everything. The difference was, her husband informs her, and seduces her to agree with him while her son plays cute.

Zane blinked his big beautiful eyes, hoping for acceptance but the car suddenly jerked. "Momma…." Zane squeaked when he lost balance on the seat. The tyres screeched on the road and the car abruptly came to a halt.

Anya was quick to hold Zane from falling off the seat and buried him in her arms. She narrowed her eyes at the car that blocked them on the road.

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