His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Chapter 339


Dolores stumbled, her arms flailing wildly, her designer handbag sent flying. With a look of comic dismay, she fell flat on her back!

“Ouch! That hurts!”

She sat there on the ground, tears welling up in her eyes from the pain, her lips trembling.

Any regular guy would have helped a beauty like her when they saw her fall, especially if they were the cause of it.

But Thaddeus just ignored her as if nothing happened, and with a swift stride, quickly disappeared from her sight.

At this moment, Gordon also ran over.

He glanced at Dolores, who was in a pitiful state, and then followed Thaddeus,

In just a few seconds, Dolores began to question her usually high self–confidence in her appearance!

“Dolores? What are you doing sitting on the ground? You look ridiculous!”

Bevis had just come out for a smoke and frowned when he saw his daughter’s predicament.

“Dad! You see your own daughter fall and you don’t even help, but instead make snide comments!”

Dolores, using the coffee table for support, shakily stood up. Her ankle was swollen and her Chanel high heels were broken. She kicked the broken shoe away in anger!

“I bumped into Mr. Thaddeus. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be in this embarrassing situation. But I don’t know why he was in such a rush.” Dolores sat on the sofa, gasping due to the pain.

She had hoped that tonight she could make a memorable impression on Thaddeus, but instead, it turned out to be a disaster. She was so frustrated that she was on the verge of tears!

Bevis noticed the urgency in Thaddeus‘ departure and his expression turned grim.

In the underground parking lot.

“Mr. Thaddeus! Where are you going? What’s going on?”

Gordon, sweating profusely, followed Thaddeus, his voice trembling with anxiety.

“Evadne is in trouble. I need to find her immediately!” Thaddeus‘ expression was icy, his jawline sharp and handsome.

The veins on the back of his hand, which was pulling open the door of his sports car, were prominent. His dark, stormy eyes revealed his intense


“I’ll come with you! It’s better to have backup!”

“No need, you drive too slow! And you can stay behind to handle any aftermath!”

With those words, the engine of the sports car roared to life. Like a released arrow, the car shot out of the parking lot.

Gordon watched as the car sped away, leaving a cloud of dust. He sighed, his heart heavy with worry.

“Mrs. Abernathy must be okay. Mr. Thaddeus, you must bring Mrs. Abernathy back safely!”

The black Lamborghini sped like lightning down Elmsworth Street.

“Evadne, I’m coming. You must be okay. You must be okay!”

Thaddeus‘ forehead was furrowed, his heart pounding, as he floored the accelerator.

Meanwhile, on the passenger seat of the car, a blurry, obviously sneakily taken picture was displayed on his phone,

In the picture, Evadne was being held by a stranger in a suit. Her hair flowed like silk, her eyes were smoky and seductive, and her lips were enticing.

Who was the man holding her?

Was she drunk?

No, Evadne wouldn’t drink with men she wasn’t familiar with. The only two times she got drunk were with her brothers.

Was she drugged?

This thought made Thaddeus‘ heart painfully constrict. His knuckles turned white as he clutched the steering wheel.

At a hotel in the western district.

Thaddeus‘ suit was soaked with sweat. As soon as he walked into the hotel lobby, his damp phone began to vibrate.

He glanced at the screen. It was an anonymous call.

“Hello.” Thaddeus‘ voice was low, his throat dry.

“Mr. Thaddeus, it’s room 2051 on the twentieth floor.”

A strange male voice came from the other end of the line, “The key card is in the plant pot by the staircase on the twentieth floor. If you want to save Ms.

Evadne, you’d better hurry! If you’re a step late, things might happen that you can’t even imagine. Don’t regret it later!”

Thaddeus was about to move forward when he frowned, “Who are you exactly? Did you send the picture?”

The man confirmed.

“Are you a paparazzo, or are you acting on someone’s orders? How do you have the hotel room key?” Thaddeus, quick–witted, asked the key questions.

“Mr. Thaddeus, those are good questions, but unfortunately, I can’t answer them. The only thing I can tell you is that I have my reasons for doing this.”

Thaddeus felt that something was strange, but given the urgency of the situation, he didn’t have time to think too much!

He took the elevator to the twentieth floor and indeed found the key card for room 2051 in the plant pot.

As he approached the door, Thaddeus‘ heart pounded in his chest.

All along the way, he had been struggling with his thoughts, considering countless possibilities.

But no matter what he thought, he couldn’t convince himself to stand by and watch Evadne enter a hotel with a strange man!


Thaddeus used the key card to open the door.

His throat tightened as he stepped into the room.

The room was dimly lit and silent, the air filled with a faint scent of flowers. But the chaos he had imagined, the scene he couldn’t bear to face, didn’t exist.

“Evadne, Evadne?”

Thaddeus‘ heart pounded fiercely as he called her name in a hoarse–voice.

There was no response.

With a suffocating feeling, he took step by step towards the bedroom.

Just then, he faintly heard a rustling sound from the room. Immediately, countless horrifying thoughts surged in his mind!


Thaddeus couldn’t wait any longer. With red eyes, he violently pushed open the bedroom door!


A piercing female scream suddenly rang out in the darkness, echoing throughout the room with a sense of extreme terror!

The next second, Thaddeus‘ eyes were met with the sight of a woman’s delicate, porcelain–like naked body. It was as if a lychee had been peeled, still covered in a layer of dewy droplets!

Suddenly, a dizzy spell hit him, his dark eyes widened and his temples throbbed with tension.

The woman standing naked before him was unmistakably Edith!

Edith’s long hair draped over her chest, her body shivering under the soft filtered light.

She radiated vulnerability, inciting a protective instinct. Yet, her calm demeanor and her eyes, which held a hint of amusement, betrayed her devious


Thaddeus’s mind buzzed with confusion. He turned away abruptly, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.

The feeling of being duped, coupled with humiliation, sent chills down his spine, every nerve on edge.

“Thad, how did you get in here?”

Edith’s voice trembled softly as she crossed her arms over her chest, “Thad, did you see everything?”

“Put on some clothes.” Thaddeus’s fists tightened, his broad shoulders shaking with rage.

He had no way to explain himself. He had to leave immediately!

“I’ll call your brother. He can come and take you home”

Without looking back, he made to leave.

“Thad! Don’t go!”

Edith lunged towards him, clinging to him from behind, her naked body shamelessly pressed against him, as if she wanted to melt into him, “Thad, I’m scared. I’m really scared. Please don’t go, okay?”

He looked at her with disgust, coldly commanding, “Let go.”

“No, I won’t!”

Edith, not one to back down, rubbed her body against his broad back, which was radiating a masculine scent, “I’ve never had a boyfriend. My body is clean and untouched. Now that you’ve seen me, you must take responsibility, Thad!”


Thaddeus lifted the corner of his lips in a cold smirk, “The only woman I’ll be responsible towards is Evadne.”

Then he forcibly removed Edith’s arms from around him, easily freeing himself from her grasp.

Edith, unable to match the strength of a six–foot–tall man, was thrown onto the bed!

Before she could react, Thaddeus had already left.

“Thad! You ignored me even though I was throwing myself at you. Why, why?”

Edith punched the bed in frustration, her hair à dishevelled mess, looking like a deranged woman in the dim light.

Thaddeus, panting heavily, reached the door and pulled it open.

“Mr. Thaddeus! Mr. Thaddeus is coming out!”

Suddenly, Thaddeus’s surprised face was swallowed up by the blinding flash of cameras.

There were quite a few journalists outside the room, blocking the doorway, cameras clicking away furiously!

Thaddeus’s breath hitched, his handsome face turning pale and icy. His chest felt heavy as if it was being crushed by a massive weight, making it hard to breathe!

He finally understood.

From the moment he had received those photos, he had been drawn into a carefully orchestrated trap!

No, the trap was full of holes if he thought about it carefully.

However, the person behind this had accurately manipulated his love for Evadne, knowing he would lose his calm and make one mistake after another.

“Thad, ah! Why are there so many journalists?”

At that moment, Edith feigned ignorance, half–naked, with only a white bath towel wrapped around her, as she sauntered out of the bedroom.

She played the role of a frightened bird perfectly!

“Is that the Fairhaven heiress, Edith?”

“It’s Edith! It’s really her! Snap away! We’ve got our front–page story!”

“Thaddeus and Edith have a private meeting in a hotel, sharing a room. Edith isn’t even fully clothed. This is explosive!”

Edith, pretending to be shy, hid behind Thaddeus, looking as if she was dependent on him for protection.

Thaddeus’s face was ashen, sweat trickling down his chiseled cheek.

“Mr. Thaddeus! Are you and Miss Edith dating? Otherwise, why would you two be in a hotel room together?”

“Mr. Thaddeus! Just admit it, we’re all adults here, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about!”

“Miss Edith! Why don’t you tell us, what’s going on between you two?”

“Get lost.”

Thaddeus’s eyes were icy and fierce, his voice carried an ominous undertone, “All of you, get lost!”


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