His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 414

Chapter 414

Chapter 414

Chapter 414

ArFredesigned the contract, weight was lifted off his heart and he sighed with rele

The success of this substantial project had revitalized the company’s more, and some of the lost prestige had been regained

Back in his office, Frederic couldn’t wait to reconnect with Chad

“Dad, congratulations, you’ve railed yet another significant project partnership”

At this moment, Chad was already in the car on his way back Bows slightly curved, his soft brown eyes exuded a warm gentleness, and a faint smile, graced his lips

In terms of looks. Chad wasn’t as handsome as Thaddeus, nor as sharp as Jareth, and certainly not as delicate as Avery

His relaxed and elegant features held unique charm that was approachable and imiting made one want to know him to be near

Despite his chronic illas that confined him to a wheelchair Chad never wallowed in self–ply. His smile remained bright, and his gaze deaçit was as it that traumatic kidnapping incident had never happened

“Chad, this partnership was all due to your efforts. I should be thanking you” Frades voice was filed with admiration and excitement.

“Dad it’s nothing. There’s no need for such formalities between us

Chad said a faint smile on his lips, “Everything I do is for the Abernathy family for the Abemathy Group. It’s what I should do as One of the Abemillys Hearing this, Frederic was even more touched. He asked

with concem, How are you feeling, son? Is your health better than it was a few years ago?” I’m fine, Dad. You don’t have to worry about me.”

Til check my schedule in the next few days and by over for a reunion!”

“Dad, there’s no rush to come over

Chad chuckled lightly “Parhaps, we might meet in Elmworth soner than you think.”

“You are coming back? Frederic was stunned hardly daring to believe his own a

“Yes, home is where the heart is. No matter how long I live abroad, it’s not my home. I’m looking forward to reuniting with my family. And I don’t know how Thaddeus’s been: these years, I really cant well to see him.”

Although Star Island was not particularly large in Country T, it took up quite a larg this mysterious island even more eerie, hiding unpredictable dangers

I was covered with dense forests, complex terrain, and the arrival of nightfall made

After much deliberation, Thaddeus and Cassius decided to leave Janeth outside the jungle backup

“What the heck! Why! I’m inching for a fight too! Why am I stuck doing logistics

Jareth was stomping his feet in hrustation, licking up dust, 1 dort eam I want to go tool I might not mọi bullseye without a miss!”

-bly as well as you guys, but I’m a sharpshooner canha

Jareth who Cassius used to think was quite straightforward and funny, but when it came to critical moments, he seemed like such a fool

“Do you still want to marry Manillar Thaddeus looked at him throwing a tantrum cxepressionlessly

“Yes! I even dream about it

“The stay here and behave

“Son of a biscuit! Thaddeus, after twenty years of friendship you’re threatening mel

Howevet Jareth could only clare at him, g ing his teeth, Fini! You win! But remember to signal me, you must sigrial ma, or we’re through”

His Achilles‘ heel was firmly grasped by Thaddeus.

“Alright, you guys be careful too!

After saying this, Thaddeus and Cassius exchanged a glance and in deeper into the forest

“Thaddeus, you must retum safely with your brother–in–law Jareth silently prayed for them in his heart.

The Velvet Haven in Emsworth

Inside a top–tier laurious private room, Avery was having a jovial conversation and toasting with a military official from Country T.

He had worked together on many projects with this man called Eden since he started his business in Helgen, and their interests were closely aligned Eden had earned a fortune from their collaborations, and in turn, he provided Avery with many convenience in Helen and Country T.

Now Avery was a tycoon in felgen, while Eden had been promoted to the rank of Colonel in the Royal Army

However, their relationship remained largely unknown to outsiders over the years,

Elsie Archer accompanied them throughout, pouring drinks and playing the role of a glamorous charming bait

As she leaned over the generous cleavage on her chest was tantalizingly visible

Eden was so amused that his mouth went dry and his pulse quickened. He stared intently at her hall– exposed bat, so much so that he didn’t even notice the wine spiling from his glass

At this moment, the door was knocked and Harvey rushed to Avery’s side, whispering M. Chambers. Thaddeus and Janeh have antved in Country T. They are now leading team into Star Island it seems they plan to copture Ward tonight”

“Ch, just the two of them very elegantly sipped his red wine

And Me Ashbourne’s older brother Cassius

Harvey looked a bit discomforted. “M. Chambers, should we still proceed as planned? President Ashboue gets hurt, it won’t be good. After all, he is Ms. Ashbourne’s

A singlin fashed in Avery’s eyes, and gnawing his teeth, heard, Te seen it clearly. The Ashbourne brothers are of no use to me, they’re just stumbling blocks on my path to getting Evadhe. In that case, let’s take this opportunity to get rid of them once and for all.”

Hearing this, Harvery broke out in a cold sweat.

Elsie, who was pouring the wine, also trembled slightly, and her lips tightened

Suddenly, the image of Elvis, with his flamboyant handsome face, flashed through her mind.

“Why at these men fussing over Evidne? Mine adoration should be more than enough for ha

“Hahaha! That’s the Mr. Chambers I know! Bold and domino!ke it Eden laughed heartily, clapping his hands in amusement. “Appreciate the praise, Avery slightly used his chin

“When’s the wedding of you and Ms. Ashbourne I will make sure to bring a generous gir

“Soon, but whether we’ll have this wedding or not depends on whether you, Colonel Eden, would lend a helping hand”

Avery lifted his lips in a cruel smirk, “I need you to kill to people for me.”

What Eden asked ally.

“Thaddeus, and Cassius, Avery spit out these two names between clenched teeth

Eden was shocked, his plump face trembling, Mr. Chambers, is this some kind of joke? I may be from the country, but I know who those two are. They’re not to be messed with Especially Cassius, his father Emeric Ashbourne is the richest man in Skyrim, and they have connections with the royal family. If i mies with him and it gets traced back to me be in big trouble”

“I’ve got that all covered”

Avery leaned slightly forward, his eyes flashing with a hint of menace, “The people they’re trying to capture is one of the key personnel under your arme dealer!

“What?” Eden was surprised.

“They aren’t local, yet daring to cause trouble on your turf and creates. I believe the royal family wouldn’t stand by and watch they would definitely punish them. Instead of waiting for orders from above, why not take the initiative to get rid of these violent in–dors, these the royal side, and earn some brownie points?

Eden’s eyes were whirling clearly tempted.

“And besides, they may wield immense power there, but in Country They’re like fish out of water if you take them out in the chaos and dispose of the bodies in the sea, doubt no one would End out.”

Avery squinted. “You’re the best at this kind of job”

“Hahaha! Mr. Chambers, you’re very meticulous, considering all aspects! But if i help you, how will you thank ma?

“Moneyland, nome your price.

“I have a desire right now as he spoke. Eden greedily scanned Elsie’s alluring body

The next moment. Avery grabbed her arm and shook violently

Caught off guard, Elsie let out a cry and fall onto Eden, immediately being hard tightly by the strong man, enduring his nauseating advances.

Avery slowly alond up. wing the room without a backward glance.

“Tonight, she’s yours!

That night, Eden enjoyed fine wine and the woman, left the Velvet Haven with the task Avery act for him, fulfilled and conten

Elsie lay on the bed, bruised and battered, like a discarded, broken yet beautiful toy

Her beloved red dress layton to shreds on the floor along with those oply, frightening tools, silently mocking how pitiful and humiliated she was tonight.

Then the door opened

Familiar footsteps approached, Avery stood by the bed, looking coldly har naked body

“I didn’t expect he had such a fatish, just like my older brother”

Through her disheveled hair falling on her pole face, Elsie looked at the man she had loved for hall har älg, tears willing in her s

“You did a good job tonight. Whatever you want, tel Harvey Avery’s

His eyes only burned passionately for Evade all other women were just tools for him to use.

want my red dress, Elsie’s Ips trembled as she spoke

Avery’s expression was indifferent, “Fine, Il get Harvey to buy it for you.”

“This dress was my birthday gift from you two years ago.”

Elsie choked on her words, gldching the sheets tightly her tears silently rolling down her beautiful cheeks

Avery’s eyes darkened, he nonchalantly lifted the comer of his lips. “Do you know why I gave you a red dress? Because Evade loves red. So, I love seeing you in red”

Elsie felt a bone chilling cold spread throughout her body her heart ached as if it had been brutally cut open, her bloody heart torn out by him, ruthlessly trampled and

Knowing the answer would involve Evade, knowing asking would only bring humiliation, but she couldn’t help but want to ask over and over again, as if she could somehow receive a different answer

“Best well. And you know what you have to do nee, don’t you? You volunteered”

Avery turned to leave Just then, Elsie suddenly rolled of the bed, desperately grabbing his cold hand

“Ave, did you ever have any feelings for me? Ave?

He looked at her his eyes dark and void of light

Elsie was crying. “Not even a Lote ba? Aher all these years or even a tiny bitT

“Do you find your question ridiculous?

Avery forcellly shook off her hand, laughing densively, “I knew you were such a banal woman, I wouldn’t have saved you back then.”

The door slammed shut and the man left, leaving Elsie naked on the floor, crying her heart out feeling even more pathetic than her torn dress.

The cold rain on the island lashed against Thaddeus, his steps heavy but determined.

Cassius was walking side by side with him, even though he didn’t show it, he couldn’t help but sigh that Thaddeus moved too fast!

True to his military background, his years of privilege hadn’t made him slack off or weakened his physique and will. Whenever needed, he was ready to face battle

Cassius had to admit, apart from himself, Thaddeus might be the only man in the world who could provide absolute security for his sister.

“What a pity.” He sighed.

“What?” Despite his rapid movement, Thaddeus managed to hear clearly.

Cassius was about to speak when suddenly a violent shake rocked their view! Just as Thaddeus knocked him to the ground, a hall of bullets whizzed past where he had just been, leaving a horrific trail of bullet holes in the dirt

Cassius, despite having faced many a critical situation, could not help but break out in a cold sweat! A second’s difference, and he would have been turned into a sieve. It was Thaddeus who had saved his lif

“You okay?”

“I’m fine.” Cassius took a deep breath, “Thanks”

“We’re being ambushed. From now on, we can’t afford to let our guard down, Otherwise, Evadne might lose two close ones in one night Thaddous’s eyes were sharp and vigilant as they scanned the surroundings

Thanks to the flashlight held by one of his man; visibility was limited but Thaddeus’s keen eyesight and hearing made the danger lurking in the dark quite apparel

“Mr. Abernathy! President Ashbourne! We’ve b been ambushed! You guys need to The warning from their charging subordinate was abruptly cut off

A bullet landed squarely in his chest, causing him to collapse to the ground with a thud

A hailstorm of bullets ensued, scattering everyone like leaves in the wind. The men were too busy saving their own skins to protect Thaddeus and Cassius!

They took cover behind a large boulder and swiftly retaliated. Both were sharpshooters, taking down four assailanta in quick succession, but the situation was still diret

“What’s going on? Did Ward’s people find us?!!

Cassius’s brows knitted together as he reloaded his gun whilst keeping an eye on the surroundings, “Our whereabouts are top secret, impossible for anyone to know!

“But the news of our movement tonight has been leaked,” as he spoke, another bullet whizzed past, barely grazing Thaddeus’s gar

Cassius’s heart constricted while Thaddeus remained calm, his eyes icy as he suddenly tumed to fire two shots, taking down another assallant!

His performance was testament to his experience on the battlefeld his mental fortitude and quick response were remarkable

No wonder his little sister was head over heels for him,

“Who could it be?” Cassius hastly asked.

“I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that aside from Elspeth, there are people in the country who have secret dealings with Ward and want to give him a and behind the scenes. At the same time, they want to get us out of the picture,” as he spoke. Thaddeus couldn’t help but think of a name he had always tried to forget -Avery


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