His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 416

Chapter 416

Chapter 416

Chapter 416

Everyone, as if by some unspoken agreement, looked up at the sky, all struck dumb.

If this world had angels descending to earth, then this woman was one if this world had goddesses descending to earth, then this woman was ond

And in the midst of their turned disbelief, Evidne’s eyes hoidened, a bullet loaded, and she fired three shots at Ward

Bang, bang bang!

Didn’t hit him? She’d try again!

Bang bang bang, bang!

Right now Evache was seeing red, taking aim at Ward and firing relentlessly!

The recoil from a Desert Eagle was a lot for a girl to handle, but Evada had the gunst her movements professional, demonstrating her stansive training

Unfortunately, her aim was off and not a single bullet found its target.

Ward was like a badger, darting through the jungle with an agility that was almost cere!

“Elvis! Can you fly a little lower?! It’s still too far Evadia shouted, her brow furrowed in Inistration, to Elvis who was piloting the plane

Thready flying as low as I port Any lower and we’ll be landing in the din

Elvis was pushing the plane to its limits, the continuous sound of gunfire making him break out into a cold sweet, his heart pounding like it was about to leap out of his chest, Evadel Are you serious? Who told you to show yourself? Get back here!

“No! want them to know what happens when they mess with my man!” Evade’s eyes were glowing crimson with cage as she fired another shot, hitting

one of the

Thaddeus eyes were narrowed his pace following her every move, his entire body on high alert, his blood rushing in his wins,

He was both captivated by her courage and world for her safety. He hated that he was too far to protect her, his fingers tingling with diety, his heart tightening in fearl

“Damn! I shouldn’t have listened to you and brought you here! This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done in my liter Elvis was filled with regret, his insides churning on the verge of tears.

With no other choice, he changed direction, preparing to forcibly take his sister sway To him, nothing was more important than his per’s salty!

However, Evache wasn’t about to give Him that chance. Seeing an opportunity she let go of the ladder and leaped

“Evadner Elvis heart skipped a beat, his face tuning deathly pale!

The bowling wind pulled her in rushing past her ears, in the moment she jumped, her mind went blank. All stewarted was to be by Thaddeus” side, fighting alongside him, facing life and death together

Just like when Thaddeus had fought off the terrorists to protect her in the battlefield of Zenithia, carving a path for har with his bloodied blade.

Now, she wanted to protect him with the same sodesaness, never luming his side

In that moment Evadna’s breath hitched in her chest, her eyes blurry, as if she had just woken from a dream

Actualy Thaddeus never owed her anything.

Thirteen years ago, he had saved her young file. On the battlefield of Zenithia, he had helped escape from danger.

Although she had also tried her best to bring him back to camp, ithout him, she wouldn’t how the slightest chance of survival

Her the years‘ failed marriage suddenly seemed so insignificant in the face of life and death.

What’s more important than? Then survival? Without Thaddeus, there would

As her thoughts swirled her body falling like a shooting star, was about to hit the ground

“Evadnel” Thaddeus‘ heart pounded in fear!

At this moment, he forgot about the excruciating pain from his wounds, and without a second thought, he ran forward opening his arma and catching the woman he loved

The gunshot wound on his left shoulder was to open again as he caught Evadne, his black shirt soaked with blood, but he didnt feel any pain, instead, he felt relieved and a small smile crept onto his face.

He remembered when he was a kid, whenever he got hurt or had to get a shot at the hospital his mom would give him a place of candy and eating the candy made the pain

go away.

Right now Evade was his candy Holding her he could endure anything

Evadno, held in the man’s arms smelled the strong scent of blood on him, heard his heavy strained breathing, and her heart ached Uncontrollably, hot tears spilled onto his heaving chest

“Liar Fool! Why did you come alone! You could have died” She sobbed, pounding him on the chest, her body trembling.

Thaddeus held her as if she was the most precious thing in the world, his hand gently stroking her neck, his smile filed with indulgence, “But I was afaid you’d follow me. I

“Aren’t you afraid that I worry about you? Exache asked, gripping his shirt, her voice choked with tears.

Thaddeus was taken aback, a strong current of shock running through his heart, his eyes weling up with tears. He had never considered that belone, because he knew he

But now was not the time for sentiments. In the next second, Thaddeus stood in front of one, picked up a machine gun, and wiped out the assassins in front of him

And Evade was not to be outdone, standing back to back with him, she fred her gun and took out the assassins behind them!

In a daze, Thaddeus felt a jolt in his heart, a familiar name fasting through his mind–Palomal

Back in Zet, he had lought alongside a girl in a white coat to break out of their encirclement

They badn’t seen each other since, but Thaddeus never forgot her, considering her a friend for life.

He though he would never have the chance to see Paloma again, but why did he feel that Evade was so smarto Paloma, the woman who saved his life?

“Word is getting away! Let’s go aher him!”

Seeing Ward running into the seemingly endless darkness of the jungle, Evadne shouted and anim

Tvadnel Don’t run off; it’s dongesus!

Just as Thaddeus was about to follow her, his vision blurred, his tall body swaying, almost collapsing!

Right now, he felt a chill spreading through his body, his body cold barely having any strongth leh. He gritted his teeth, using his incredible determination to follow Evde, Irving a trail of bright red blood behind him, seeping deep into the earth.

The terrain of Star Island was complex, with dense forests that could easily make people lose their way.

Evade’s delicate skin was streaked with blood from the brombles, but she paid it no mind, her sole focus on capturing Ward

Suddenly her foot triggered something hidden on the ground her heart clenched, and she swiftly acted, har body agilely springing away!

An image burst from the ground just as she left, suspended ominously in the airl

Evadne stared at the cage suspending in midt parning heavy her beautiful face slick with cold sweat Had she reacted a second later, she would’ve been trapped like a helpless animal!

Achilling laugh echoed from the shadows.

“Ward Show yourself!

Since childhood, Evade had tried with C and B. Her hearing was excellent, She instantly located the source of the sound, her hands clutching her phytol and aiming at the shadowy figure

A cold dread washed over her. The earlier shootout had dined her ammunitioni

frantically, she reached for her spare ammo only to find it missing

Panic set in. She spotted her ammo a few steps away likely dropped during her evasion of the trap. As she moved to retrit two Bullets hit the ground by her feet, Teing her in place!

“Ms Ashbourne, your skills are admible. Truly a formidable lady Ward emerged slowly from the darkness along with his sister argirk, a sleek crossbow in his hands. The tip of the arrow gleamed in the low light, aimed right at Evice.“Our top has caught everything from rabbits to wolves Not one has ever escaped. I have newfound respect for you. Pritty rich, and skilled. No wonder en a proud man like Thaddeus fell for you

“Erough bullshir

Evan’s expression remained steely, her fear hidden behind her intense gaze, “Wird you have one choice. Return to Elmawaith with me testify against Elspeth’s crimes, and face legal judgement Otherwise, tonight will be your last!”

Whahahaha, Ms. Ashbourne, you’re just like Thaddous, word face reality unit’s too late. Or is it that you rich folk truly believe wouldn’t dare kill you?” Ward let out a furious guffaw

“Touch me and guarantee the Ashboume family would raze this entire Star Island to the ground Evedne snarled, her voicing with raw power

“Shoot me today, and my brothers will ensure you pay tenfold. Your into severed head decapitated, and left to rot in the wildemess. Do you want to try?” Exade’s threatening words made Wardhesitate.

Unlike the bastard Thaddeus woman was different. She wasn’t exaggerating those sons from the Astbourne family were,hot to be killed with, and there was her father who even the royal family would show respect for

While Ward was distracted, Evade swiftly reached for her ammo, skindly reloading her gun, her movements swift and quic

Startled, Ward fired an arrow at Exacha’s cheat without hepation

Evacre froze, her body rigid with shock. She didn’t have the time to dodge or five back! Her eyes widened in terras a sturdy figure suddenly shit her, taking the anaw

meant for her.

Astonished, Evadne snapped her eyes open which met Thaddeus’s sweaty pale face. He gazed at her eyes bloodshot yet his gaze gentle and affectionate, “utne, are you okay?”

Evade was slammed, endless tears streaming down her face.

“Don’t cry. I’m okay, I’m okay” Thaddeus comforted her his hand caressing her back his voice barely sp

The next second, with already worn out body, the man collapsed onto her unconscious

Thaddeus, Thaddeus!” Evadne clung to him,caling his name desperately. However, Thaddeus who had always responded to her at any time didn’t her any replay any longer

“Evadne! Thaddeus?

“Evachel Elvis is here! Evadhol?

“Thad! I’m here!” At that time, Cassius, this and Jareth finally arrived.

Cassius fed two shots, one shattering Ward’s kneecap, the other hitting his am, causing him to drop his crossbow

Even so, Ward won’t ready to give up yet he started to crawl towards his weapon, intending to fight back.

Elvis was quick. He stepped on Wade hand, twisting his heel.

“Ah Halles echoed in the soulstiming darkness, the sound of bone cracking frightening.

Ward’s hand, which had been used to conduct countless vile crime, completely useless.

The rest of Ward’s accomplices were ether dead, injured or captured Ward himself was apprehended, and the Stars and hideout was

Not only that, dangerous weapons with high destructive power were found by the Fairhaven Group’s men. As a matter of fact, Jarth was thinking to take them all back to Elsworth, but he didn’t have a large vessel at hand. Moreoves right now the most important thing was to am Thaddeus to the hospital as fast as possible.

There was no time to delay or his condition would get more severel

Thaddeus, wake up, please wake up”

Evape clung to Thaddeus’s hand as they boarded the helicopter. Her face was tear–streaked and her eyes bloodshot from crying her grieved sobbing dabused her broth extremely

Usher’s armed, Thaddeus had been shot in the left shoulder At that time, he was already losing blood profusely but he stood firm in front of the thugs, refusing to

show any signs of weakness. Even when she jumped from the helicopter, he caught her in his arms, ready to shed his last drop of blood to protect her.

Why was she so stubbom, so willful? Thaddeus was one of a kind. Why couldn’t she value him?


Cassius and this stood behind her, watching her cry inconsolably, their hearts aching with sympathy

Jareth was also full of worry. Usually he was the life of the party, but now he could not even crack a smile. His fats were tightly clenched, his heart pounding with fear

After Thaddeus was loaded onto the helicopter, Jarth personally escorted him, leaving Star island before the others to seek the best medical care in the capital of Country T

Evadne covered her lace with her hands, trying to suppress her sobs, but tears still slipped through her fingers.

“Evade, Cassin walked over and hugged her, She buried her face in his chest and finally let herself cry Thaddeus will be okay. God will protect the kind and brave, those

who live for love.”

“Really?” Cvacne’s voice was choked with sobs, her words coming out in fugments.

Cassius closed his eyes and prayed silently for Thaddeus. He wished for Thaddeus to pull through this ordeal, for him to reconcile with Evadne, and for them to spend the rest of their lives together

If he could, he would give up his own life to ensure their happiness and peace for the rest of their days.


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