His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Every year, Elmsworth held a widely anticipated horse racing event.

The aristocratic families would converge at the racecourse, exuding an atmosphere of camaraderie but underneath, it’s a battlefield of strategy and cunning.

Meanwhile, this event also served as a rare opportunity for the wealthy elites to mingle and network.

Many major projects across Elmsworth, even the entire country, have been sealed with a handshake right at the horse races. Hence, many people would do anything to secure a ticket to the event, hoping to climb the ladder of success.

Ever since Frederic forbade Glynnis from attending the event, she was furious, so much so that she developed blisters in her mouth from the stress, causing her to lose her appetite.

She couldn’t understand why Frederic would punish her so harshly for merely scolding a few servants.

Could it be that her fall from grace was tied to Elspeth’s own downfall?.

Men! They’re all heartless brutes!

Now, she could only hope that Jareth would discard Marilla like a used rag once he’s done with her.

When that happens, she would spread the word in their circle, letting everyone know Marilla was nothing more than a plaything for Jareth.

The door knocked, interrupting her thoughts.

“Glynnis, the lady requests your presence.”

Glynnis walked in to see Elspeth with a look of resentment.

“mom, I’m here.”

As she entered, she was met with a peculiar smell, quite unpleasant.

“mom, what are you doing? What is this smell?“:

Glynnis scrunched up her nose as she made her way towards the bedroom.

Upon opening the slightly ajar door, she was taken aback.

She saw Elspeth, wearing a crumpled nightgown, kneeling on the floor, fervently wiping a yellowish puddle on the floor.

“Mom, what is it?”

Elspeth cut her off harshly, “Who gave you permission to just walk in?! Can’t you knock?!”

–“Mom, you asked–for me.”

Glynnis trailed off her eyes wide in realization. “Mom! You didn’t?”

Before she could finish her sentence, Elspeth interrupted again, “Don’t you dare say a word, do you hear me?!”

Glynnis nodded fervently.

“Mom, you need to stop using that drug!”

Glynnis followed her, her eyes filled with worry. “What’s the difference between using that drug and being a junkie? Victor is just out to harm you! Look at the state you’re in! If this continues, your health is

going to decline! You’ve worked so hard to win father’s affection, to stand on equal footing with Thaddeus. If you ruin your health, all your past efforts would go to waste!”

For once, Glynnis spoke sensibly, showing a genuine concern.

Elspeth took a deep breath, “I know. I want to quit, but I can’t! Without it, I feel like I’m better off dead!”

Glynnis may have never used the drug, but she could understand the agony Elspeth was suffering from her twisted expression.

“Did you take care of Ward?” Elspeth suddenly asked in a somber tone.

Glynnis hesitated, then whispered, “I’ve arranged for someone to do it, but I haven’t received any news yet. I think he hasn’t succeeded yet.”

Elspeth’s eyes flared in anger. “Useless! All of them!”

“mom, it’s a prison. The fact that I found someone willing to do our bidding is already an achievement. He’s limited in his actions inside. So please be patient. We should hear something soon.”

“Wait?! How can I wait! As long as Ward is alive, I can’t sleep or eat in peace!”

Elspeth was in a frantic, “Evadne and Thaddeus must have seen him by now, and they’re probably trying to pry his mouth open to testify against me! If I don’t get rid of him, it’s only a matter of time before he implicates me!”

Glynnis understood the stakes but didn’t have a better solution.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, startling both women.

“Who is it?” Elspeth moved to the living room and asked through the door.

“It’s me, ma’am.” Dennis’s voice came through.

Elspeth’s face hardened as she cracked the door open and peered at the man standing outside.

Dennis bowed respectfully, “Ma’am, Mr. Abernathy sent me to deliver a message. He would like you to accompany him to the horse racing event this weekend.



“Frederic wants me to go with him?! He’s not ignoring me anymore?!” Elspeth flung the door open wide, her voice trembling with excitement.

“The annual horse race has always been attended by you and Mr. Abernathy. This year should be no exception.”

“Good, good! I will definitely attend, I will definitely go!”

After closing the door, Elspeth was overjoyed, on the verge of tears.

After a month of being cooped up, she was finally getting her freedom. Did this mean that Frederic was no longer mad at her? That their relationship was improving?

Elspeth, however, recalled her embarrassing condition. Without her medication; she had no control over her bladder. She never knew when it would happen.

If she were to lose control of her bladder in public, at the horse races no less, she would be humiliated. And Frederic would be disgusted by her.

But if she didn’t go, she would be disrespecting Frederic, which was even worse.

Glynnis approached her as she was weighing her options. “Mom, are you worried about your health?”

“What can I do, Glynnis? I’m in such a mess!” Elspeth admitted, sinking to the floor in despair.


“I can’t control myself without that stuff, I even can’t sleep. My mind is a mess, and I’m always hearing things. It’s driving me crazy!” Hallucinations. She was starting to see things.

Everything was spiraling out of control, but once she took the medication Dr. Victor provided, all the symptoms disappeared.

Not only that, she felt rejuvenated and full of energy.

She was dependent on the medication. She really couldn’t do without it.

“Don’t worry, Mom. I’ve got a solution,” Glynnis whispered in her ear. “You can wear adult diapers. Nobody but me will know.”

Adult diapers? Elspeth was,mortified at the suggestion.

But Glynnis was right. The opportunity to mend her relationship with Frederic was rare. She had to seize it.

“I guess that’s the only option.”

She would wear adult diapers. There were other adults who wore them, and as long as Glynnis didn’t tell anyone, nobody would know.

“Mom, can you do me a favor?” Glynnis asked, seizing the opportunity.

“You’re pushing your luck, Glynnis,” Elspeth scolded, feeling like her daughter was crossing boundaries.

“Mom, listen!”

Glynnis then told her the exaggerated story of how she had been banned from the horse races after Frederic caught her berating a servant.

“Mom, if I go to the horse races, I can help you. And there will be plenty of eligible bachelors there. Don’t you want me to marry into a wealthy family and help you out?”

Elspeth thought about it and nodded slowly. “Alright, I’ll try to convince your father to let you go.”

“You’re the best, Mom!” Glynnis hugged Elspeth, a wicked glint in her eyes.

Evadne finally decided to go home.

That night, they soaked in a warm bath together. Evadne sat in front of the mirror in her robe while Thaddeus stood behind her, gently drying her hair with a hairdryer.

“You’re really good at this,” Evadne said, her eyes closed in contentment. “If being a CEO doesn’t work out, you could always become a masseuse. I’d definitely be a regular customer.”

“You seem quite pleased with my services, Ms. Evadne,” Thaddeus said, running his fingers through her hair and leaning down to kiss her earlobe.

“Can I get a tip tonight, ma’am?”

Evadne blushed, feeling a tingling sensation run through her body. “You should give me a break tonight, Thaddeus, I have a long journey tomorrow. And when I get home, there’s a lot for me to do. You can’t keep draining me like this. I’m practically falling apart.”

Thaddeus laughed, his heart full of affection for her. “Alright, I’ll wait until you get back.”

They lay in bed together, Evadne nestled in Thaddeus’s arms.



“When you’re not too busy, could you make me another suit?” Thaddeus asked cautiously. He had treasured the suit she had made for him, keeping it safe from anyone else’s touch.

But he wanted a new one from her, a good luck charm that would symbolize a fresh start for them.

“Do you really like the clothes I make?” Evadne asked, scratching his chin. “I could make you another one, but if you don’t like it, don’t force yourself to wear it. I don’t want you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with, even if it’s just wearing a suit.”

Thaddeus was silent for a moment, his emotions overwhelming him. “I’ve always liked it. I was just too stubborn to admit it. Can I ask for a chance to make up for my mistakes?”

Evadne laughed lightly, not wanting to dwell on the past. “Sure, I can make you a suit once I’m done with all my work.”

Thaddeus was moved. He leaned in to kiss her, his fingers intertwining with hers.

The next morning, Cassius sent a car to take Evadne back to Skyrim.

Thaddeus wanted to accompany her, but she insisted that he stay and rest.

He watched as the Rolls Royce drove away, standing still for a long time after it had disappeared from sight.

He missed her already.

“Hey, I was taking out the trash and I saw a huge rock by the gate. Gave me quite a scare,” Alva said, brushing dust off her hands as she approached. “What rock? Where?” Thaddeus asked, confused.

“As distant as the horizon, yet as close as the blink of an eye – a landmark known as Lover’s Lookout!”

Thaddeus turned a shade of rose.

When Evadne returned to Silverlake Harbor, Emeric was away on business, not to return until the evening and the three ladies were also out, leaving her with no choice but to retreat to her room for a nap out of sheer boredom.

She woke up in the afternoon and barely had time to stretch before her phone rang with Victor on the line.

“Ms. Evadne, Elspeth did indeed reach out to me.”

Victor could hardly contain his excitement, “The medicine I gave Glynnis last time has run out. As per your instructions, I didn’t provide her with a refill, so currently, I have her on a string.”

“Without her usual dose, will she experience withdrawal symptoms like incontinence?” Evadne asked, yawning.

“Indeed, she could lose control of both her bladder and bowels.”

Victor chuckled icily, “From the subtext of her conversation, it seems like she’s really struggling. Her physical withdrawal,appears to be quite intense. Also, she mentioned that she would be attending the Elmsworth Horse Racing with Mr. Abernathy this weekend. She hopes to meet me there, so I can hand her the medicine.”

“Oh? Is Frederic feeling generous enough to let that bitch out of her cage?” Evadne smirked.

“Despite everything, they are still legally married, and Frederic, being a man of stature, is extremely image–conscious. He’s well aware of the adage ‘don’t air your dirty laundry in public‘. So, he would still bring Elspeth along for appearances‘ sake.”

“Well, what’s a good play without some drama?”

A plan began to form in Evadne’s mind, “Dr. Victor, call Elspeth back and agree to her request. Tell her you’ll hand her the medication at the Horse Racing.”


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