His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 454

Chapter 454

Chapter 454

Chapter 454

Evadne gasped; it was only now that she noticed the blinking green light in a hidden corner. A camera had been set up without her realizing, and the whole sordid affair with the Fairhaven family’s smug denials and Gary’s bully–boy antics had been broadcast live!

Everything had happened so stealthily that even the detail–oriented Evadne had failed to notice in time.

The live chat was exploding with viewers pouring in. The viewer count had skyrocketed past five million!

[Holy smokes! The Fairhaven Group were beyond ruthless! To win a competition they would stoop to harming animals, and they nearly killed Ms. Ashbourne! That’s a crime! That’s murder!]

[Utterly despicable! Morally bankrupt! They’ve hit a new low!]

[The Fairhaven family were rotten to the core. Barry’s dad was nothing but a dockworker at the Skyrim ports back in the day, hauling sacks for a living before turning into a thug. But he was gutsy and ruthless, and it was that along with a stroke of luck that saw him rise to mob leader. That’s how the Fairhaven Group started.]

[Oh, it figures! Just street thugs at heart, no wonder they’re so utterly shameless!]

[Indeed, compared to a true blue–blooded dynasty like the Ashbourne family, they’re nothing! Edith trying to measure up to Ms. Ashbourne is like trying to touch the moon by standing on tiptoes!]

[Oh dear! Why does Mr. Jareth Fairhaven have to be tied to the Fairhaven family? He’s such a looker; it’s a crying shame!]

[The commenter above, what are you on about? Since when do we judge good from evil based on looks? Although, I must admit Jareth is quite the eye–candy.]

Thaddeus had been plotting the live stream long before it all kicked off, and he’d given Jareth the heads up.

At first, he had worries, but Jareth was nonchalant, waving his hand dismissively, “Go for it. And don’t just go for it; I want you to make a real show. Gary has high blood pressure; if you can get him bedridden for a couple of weeks, I’d owe you one!”

Thaddeus could only smile wryly, “You’re always such a rebel. But you should know, public opinion is a powerful thing – it can float you, and it can sink you.”

Jareth flicked his cigarette casually, “I used to think I was one of the Fairhaven family. But now I have my own life, so let the Fairhaven family be the Fairhaven family, and Jareth will be Jareth.”

The live broadcast utterly dissipated the Fairhaven family’s arrogance. Edith watched as her family was skewered by public opinion, berated and vilified. Rather than worrying about her grandfather who always doted on her, she was relieved that Duke hadn’t thrown her under the bus.

And she managed to keep her cool, not showing fear or wetting herself with panic like Elspeth. Imagine if that had been caught on camera – mortifying! The Fairhaven family might be shameless, but she had to save face!

Mrs. Fairhaven couldn’t handle the scandal. Physically and mentally drained, she was sweating bullets and could barely stand.

– how

“Grandpa Barry, Uncle Gary, Mom can’t take it anymore; I need to get her to the hospital!” Edith didn’t even wait for a response before she escorted her mother out, flanked by bodyguards, looking like a dog with its tail between its legs.

In the parking lot.

Edith helped her mother into the car and Mrs. Fairhaven’s color started to return. It was half fright and half not wanting to stay and lose face any longer. “Duke is usually so cautious and reliable; how could he act so recklessly this time? It’s a disaster!” Mrs. Fairhaven murmured non–stop.

“Mom, maybe Duke just didn’t want the Ashbourne family to win and wanted to show them who’s boss.” Edith soothed her mother’s back, her eyes filled with a sinister chill, “But now with this mess, it’s his own bad luck. Grandpa and Uncle just need to throw Duke to the wolves, let him take the fall as the Ashbourne family’s punch bag. If we insist this was all Duke’s idea and nothing to do with the Fairhaven Group, there shouldn’t be too much fallout.”

“I doubt it’s that simple.”

Though Mrs. Fairhaven was a sheltered woman, she was from a distinguished family and saw things clearly, shaking her head in distress, “You saw it yourself; the whole thing was broadcast live. Even if it truly is Duke’s fault, he’s still a member of the Fairhaven Group, and our attitude towards Thaddeus and Evadne was so confrontational. It’s like we’ve provoked a hornet’s nest. The public backlash is going to hit the Fairhaven Group’s stock prices and reputation hard; they’ll plummet by tomorrow. And your grandpa and uncle’s efforts to woo William and his son are probably in vain now!”

Edith’s face showed concern, but internally she was gloating.

What did the Fairhaven stock’s tumble have to do with her? Her father had already tucked away enough money for her and her mother to live lavishly for a lifetime. With plenty of assets and the

Fairhaven Group’s share’s in her brother’s possession, they had wealth beyond measure! Let her grandfather and uncle deal with the mess; as long as she could walk away unscathed.

The sound of someone tapping on the car window startled Edith. She looked up sharply and met Jareth’s icy stare.

“Edith, get out of the car, he commanded with an iron edge to his voice.

‘Jareth, Edith is your sister. Can’t you speak to her a little more softly?” Mrs. Fairhaven chided, defending her daughter.

“Out. Now, Jareth was unyielding, his tone even colder.

Edith pressed her lips as she stepped out, of the car. The siblings had an unspoken agreement to keep their conversation away from their mother’s ears, so they distanced themselves from the vehicle before speaking.

“Have you been busy spending time with that silly girl? You were oblivious to the thunderstorm brewing at home. Why show up at this hour?”

Edith threw Jareth a glare; with a flick of her manicured fingers, Edith feigned indifference while appreciating her flashy fingernails, “Why don’t you run along to your silly girl? She’s probably a mess without you likely to cry her eyes out.”

“Watch your mouth, Edith.” Jareth’s towering frame stepped closer, his eyes glinting with barely contained fury, “You should count your blessings that I still let Marilla be your sister–in–law. If you keep acting out, you’ll find yourself in the same league as the likes of Glynnis. My treatment of them will be a preview of your future. Don’t believe me? Just try me.”

Edith’s heart skipped a beat, but she lifted her chin, questioning, “Do you have something to say?”

“I know it was you. You were pulling the strings,” Jareth moved his lips, exuding cold menacing aura all over.

“What are you rambling about?”

“Duke. You put him up to it. No more lies, Edith – I know it was you, Jareth gritted his teeth, clenching his fists.

“He confessed, didn’t he? No one instructed him; it was all his doing.” A sinister smirk suddenly crept across Edith’s face, “And even if I did orchestrate it, where’s your proof? Show me the evidence.”

With a thunderous crash, Jareth’s fist slammed into the wall beside Edith’s head, making her gasp for air.

“Listen well, no one is lucky forever. No one gets to use others as stepping stones without paying a price,” he seethed, locking eyes with her, devoid of any sibling warmth, “Duke looked after you like his own since you were a kid. He was loyal to the Fairhaven family and took the fall for you. But not everyone is Duke. Your misdeeds will catch up with you. You’ll end up abandoned and damned.”

“Ahaha, Jareth, I wouldn’t lay a finger on me if I were you. You’ve lost our dad, abandoned your sister, and now you’d risk losing our mom? She loves me; I am her world. If anything were to happen to me, what do you think would become of her frail health? Could she even go on living?” Edith shook her head, her eyes glinting with cruel triumph.

Jareth was taken aback, his muscular arms tensing, veins bulging with pent–up rage.

Gary was fuming, thinking how cunning his brother’s family were. They were quick to claim victories and even quicker to dodge calamities.

“We should leave, Dad!” Gary was done; for all his cunning, he was at a loss on how to clean up this scandalous mess.

“We can’t just leave!” Barry’s weathered face was ashen as he gripped his cane, his hands trembling slightly, “Walking away now would be the end of the Fairhaven family’s reputation!”

So there he stood, maintaining the dignity of the family patriarch in front of a million viewers, cutting ties with Duke in a bid to salvage their name, “Duke, I brought you from the orphanage. You were raised alongside my sons, never wanting for anything. The Fairhaven family has treated you well. How could you commit such despicable acts? I’ve always considered you family. Where does this leave us? Duke, I am bitterly disappointed in you. Now that the evidence is clear, you’re guilty. Chairman Emeric Ashbourne, Mr. Thaddeus Abernathy, we will abide by your decision. Moreover, we will take full responsibility for the harm caused to Ms. Ashbourne.“,

Evadne watched, her lips curling into a cold smile. Moments before, the Fairhaven family had shown no concern, hoping to protect one of their own. Now they had quickly changed their stance, ready to turn with the wind.

Barry’s words sounded noble, as if he had considered everything. Thaddeus, however, was not satisfied. With a protective arm around Evadne, he spoke in a chilling tone, “Mr. Fairhaven, do you think this settles the matter?”

“Mr. Thaddeus Abernathy, our family has handed over the culprit, and we’ve committed to taking full responsibility. What more do you want?!” Gary, incensed, could barely contain his trembling rage.

“An apology is what’s needed.” Avery interjected smoothly, seizing the moment, “Mr. Fairhaven, Duke was raised by you. His premeditated crime has crippled a prized racehorse of the K Group and injured Evadne. The extent of her injuries remains unknown. Taking responsibility is expected, but as the head of the Fairhaven family, shouldn’t you also offer an apology to Mr. Emeric Ashbourne and Evadne?”

Avery had said exactly what Thaddeus intended to say, hitting the nail on the head. Thaddeus didn’t mind; this was the outcome he desired. Evadne’s expression, however, turned stormy, not at all pleased with Avery’s intervention.

[Wow! Who is this handsome man? Where have I seen him before?]

[That’s Mr. Avery Chambers, always the gallant champion of Ms. Evadne Ashbourne, helping her out of many tight spots!]

[His features are so refined, like he stepped out of a painting. I’m smitten!]

[And he seems so kind. If I were Evadne, I’d choose Mr. Avery Chambers over Mr. Thaddeus Abernathy. What’s the point of regret if the moment has passed? Missed chances are just that – missed, and no amount of regret can change that.]

[I totally get it, you know. Three years of marriage is enough time to get your fill of looking at the same old face. If it were up to me, I’d trade it in for a young hunk with more energy and better looks.]

The tension in the room was already as taut as a guitar string, but his words sent it plummeting into an ice age.

Barry’s temples throbbed with veins as anger seared through his chest. He’d been a titan of respect all his life. When had he ever been so humiliated, to be made a fool of by these upstarts?

That whippersnapper is stirring the pot again. What’s it to him?”

Bertha hissed in resentment, “If Thaddeus had said it, fine, he started this whole mess; he’s not afraid of burning bridges with the Fairhaven Group. But why is Avery butting in? He’s dragging our Chambers family into this mess!”

“You think he’s a fool? He’s sharp as a tack; he’s playing a double game. By stepping in now, he’s stealing Thaddeus’s thunder, making sure he’s seen by Evadne, currying favor with Chairman Emeric Ashbourne.”

Matthew’s gaze was icy as he watched Avery, “On the other hand, he’s taking a jab at the Fairhaven Group; Dad and the Fairhaven family have been at odds, biting their tongues in silence. Avery’s just aired out the grievances Dad’s been holding onto for ages.”

The siblings wore dark expressions. This youngest brother, he’d crippled Byron Chambers, cozied up to Chairman Emeric Ashbourne, and now he was even patching things up with their father. What was his next move? Everyone was on edge!

Ultimately, buckling under the weight of public opinion, Barry had to swallow his pride, and with great reluctance, he extended an apology to Evadne.

Gary was seething with rage, but they were in the wrong. If they didn’t bow their heads for the sake of saving face, the stock prices would plummet at the

opening bell tomorrow.

Today’s horse racing event turned into a stage bursting with drama, Edith slapping her own face trying to smear someone, Evadne’s fall from her horse, Elspeth caught with drugs and wetting herself in custody, and the Fairhaven Group’s covert attack on the Ashbourne family.

Each of these juicy scandals was more thrilling than the petty gossip of the celebrity world. Enough to feast on for years!

The four great families parted on bad terms, with the Fairhaven father and son duo leaving with expressions that could only be described as pitiful. William watched the whole series of dramas without mentioning the partnership again.

Emeric didn’t press either because he wasn’t that desperate for the project from the start. It was all icing on the cake for him; participation was the main thing. It was Evadne who insisted on fighting for the family’s honor, but her plans were marred by foul play; otherwise, the outcome would have been perfect.

As they were leaving the racetrack, Emeric patted Avery on the shoulder, appreciatively saying, “Avery, I owe you thanks today. Don’t worry; if the Fairhaven Group ever gives you trouble, you tell me. You stood up for Evadne. I won’t let you be put in an awkward spot.”

Avery offered a humbly modest smile, but before he could reply, Evadne’s voice, cold and merciless, pierced through, “Emeric, have you gone senile at sixty? He wasn’t there from the beginning; now after a couple of words, you’re giving him all the credit? Don’t be ridiculous!”


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