His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 471

Chapter 471

Chapter 471

Chapter 471

Ever since the day Nydia asked for a break, Jason had been on a relentless quest to find her.

His calls were incessant, the madness undeniable. Night after night, he kept vigil outside her Silverlake Harbor residence, each time leaving more disheartened than the last.

His lovesick demeanor was no less dramatic than when Thaddeus had fervently pursued Evadne.

Nydia dared not step outside, locking herself in her room, neglecting her meals, growing thinner by the day, her pillows soaked with tears.

Whenever she missed Jason, she’d stealthily peer out the window at the end of the hallway, drawing back the curtains just a smidge.

And whenever she yearned for him, he was there.

His figure stood against the wind, tall and resolute, his gaze burning with unwavering intensity toward her room.

Even the slightest thought of him sent waves of pain coursing through her, a constant heartache that felt as if it were cleaving her soul.

She felt she had let down Jason, her guilt immense. But who could tell her how to have the best of both worlds?

In the end, she was selfish too.

Caught between Jason and her family, she ultimately chose the latter.-

Nydia stared blankly at her phone when Byron, curious, craned his neck for a glimpse.

His expression clouded at the sight, but he forced a dry laugh, choosing retreat over confrontation, “Ms. Nydia, if you have urgent matters to attend to, I’ll leave you be. Go on with your business.”

“No, it’s nothing. Nydia steeled herself and hung up.

Fearing another call from Jason, she decisively shut off her phone.

It was time to be firm.

Better a sharp pain now than to raise his hopes sky–high, only to shatter them completely later on. It was kinder to break his heart. cleanly than to leave it in pieces.

Byron’s eyes sparkled with excitement, his voice trembling. “Then, may I sit here?”

Nydia nodded slightly, moving aside to maintain distance.

Byron staggered forward, his uneven gait betraying him as he lurched forward!

“Whoa! Careful there!” Nydia instinctively reached out to steady him.

Her innate kindness didn’t allow her to think twice.

She would’ve helped an old lady cross the street, so how could she ignore someone about to fall right before her eyes?

Byron seized the opportunity to clutch Nydia’s arm, the warmth of her skin sending his heart into a flutter.

He caught his breath, looking at her with gratitude, Thank you, Ms. Nydia.”

Not far off, Emeric and Jeff were having a lively chat.

“Hey Emeric, look over there? Jeff exclaimed, patting Emeric on the shoulder.

Emeric glanced lazily, noting Nydia and Byron chatting amicably, his brows knitting slightly.

“It seems your little girl is getting quite cozy with Byron.”

Jeff, ever the matchmaker, chimed in, “Avery was head over heels for Evadne, everyone knew it. Now with our families uniting, if Nydia married Avery, it’d be awkward for both, and unfair to Nydia. Byron has mentioned to me more than once how much he likes Nydia. It’s rare for him to talk about fancying any girl in front of me, but he seems sincere about Nydia. Forcing a match is never sweet, Emeric, you know that. Maybe we should consider someone more suitable for her.”

Jeff tried to plead his case, but seeing Emeric’s disinterest, he sighed with a mixture of frustration and resignation.

Byron, before his injury, was quite the charmer, a regular Casanova. Seeing that Nydia was not repulsed by him, he exhausts every trick to entertain her.

Yet Nydia remained aloof, uninterested in his attempts at humor, and Byron’s efforts were like fireworks against a fortress,

leaving him hot and bothered.

To Byron, Nydia was just the daughter of a mistress; if it weren’t for his disability, why would he have chosen her?

What right did she have to act so high and mighty?

Bertha, watching their lackluster progress, fretted for her brother.

It was time for some underhanded tactics.

are you of

Byron’s secretary hurried over, halted by Bertha’s call, “Where to in such a rush? Can’t you see my brother is busy?”

“Miss Bertha, there’s a small issue,” the secretary hedged

“Out with it. You’re not treating me like a stranger, are you?”

“It’s the former secretary of the Ashbourne heiress is outside waiting.

A sly glint crossed Bertha’s eyes, “Jason?”

“Yes! Isn’t he Mr. Thaddeus’s rival? His timing seems intended to disrupt Mr. Thaddeus’s plans. I figured I’d better warn Mr. Thaddeus quickly. Right now, that man can’t enter without an invitation, but if Ms. Evadne finds out, she’ll surely help him. That would put Mr. Thaddeus in a rather awkward spot, wouldn’t it? The secretary was a loyal henchman, analyzing the pros and


“Yes, well done. I’ll handle this. Don’t disturb my brother just yet,” Bertha drawled.

“As you wish, Miss Bertha.”

Once the secretary departed, Bertha’s mind raced, and she texted Byron:

[Byron, your rival is at our door. I’m going to chase him off for you. How will you thank me, hm?]

[Dear sister, haven’t you always wanted that ruby–encrusted necklace? Consider it yours.]

[Ah! Thank you so much!]

[But since the man has come to us, the Chambers family’s hospitality dictates we shouldn’t send him away empty–handed.]

Bertha gave a wicked smirk, her fingers curling into an “ok” sign with a sinister twist.

The mansion blazed with light, a stark contrast to the desolate chill outside.

Jason’s fingertips trembled as he listened to the cold, mechanical tone of the phone shutting off. The festive glow that surrounded him felt like an arsenal of blades piercing his heart.

Without an invitation, he was left to stand outside, a silent sentinel.

He could reach out to the young mistress, ask her to let him in. But this was personal, and he just couldn’t bring himself to voice

the words.

Jason’s gaze dropped, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed down a cocktail of inferiority and guilt.

Was he really out of his league?”

The woman he loved was inside, and his longing for her bordered on madness.

Yet, the stark disparity in their status was like a fortress wall, denying him even the slightest glimpse of her presence.

“Well, well, well, who do we have here? You look familiar,” a mocking, sharp female voice sliced through the air, and Jason’s head

snapped up.

Bertha emerged, arms crossed over her chest, followed by her secretary and bodyguards. She looked down on him from atop the steps, high and mighty.

Thought I recognized someone. Isn’t this Ms. Evadne’s little errand boy, my sister–in–law’s ex–flame?”

Jason’s eyes darkened with anger. “What are you talking about?”

“Aw, you really are out of the loop, aren’t you? Poor thing, Bertha clucked her tongue, handing her phone to the secretary “Show our pitiful little errand boy here what he’s missing. Might just wake him up.”

The secretary walked over to Jason, holding up the phone.

It was a snapshot of Nydia supporting Byron, their bodies close in what seemed like a tender embrace.

Boom–a thunderclap of darkness struck Jason, splitting him in two, heart and soul, flesh and blood.

“It can’t be. It just can’t be. How could it?”

“Oh, but it can.”

Bertha watched his devastated expression with glee. The Chambers family has formed an alliance with Mr. Emeric’s, and it’s all

set. Nydia is to become the second lady of the Chambers. Look how happy they are together, Love needs family blessing, doesn’t it? Otherwise, it’s just mutual torture, a waste of everyone’s time.”

“You’re lying!” Jason’s whole body shook, his eyes bloodshot with panic.

“Don’t believe me? Go ask Nydia yourself.”

Bertha’s eyes narrowed, sly and cunning. “Oh, but I think Nydia no longer wishes to see you. If she did, would you be left out here, freezing your butt off, unable to even catch a glimpse of her?”

Her words were like a bullet through Jason’s heaving chest, leaving a raw, gaping wound.

“I don’t believe you. I won’t believe your lies! Nydia would never be with Byron!”

Jason bolted toward the gate, his mind a blank slate, desperate to confront Nydia!

No, there was nothing to ask.

He could not believe that Nydia, who loved him deeply, would agree to such a marriage. He had to take her away!

“Stop him,” Bertha commanded, and the Chambers‘ bodyguards sprang into action.

Jason’s eyes blazed as he threw punches, his martial arts training evident in each powerful strike. He could easily take these men under normal circumstances, but he was still recovering from a previous fight, his strength not fully returned.

The bodyguards overwhelmed him, and as his focus wavered, one of them struck his old shoulder injury with a baton. A grunt escaped his lips as pain seared through him, sweat soaking his suit.

Another kick to the gut made him stumble, but he stood his ground, teeth gritted in defiance.

Bertha’s eyes glinted coldly as she sneered, “Who do you think you are? What is the Dempsey family, anyway? Just a former watchdog for the Ashbourne Group, and you think you can compete with my brother for a woman? Why would an ambitious girl settle for the likes of the Dempsey’s humble abode? Don’t delude yourself into thinking you can own her Better to kill that fantasy now and scurry back to being Evadne’s lapdog.”

Jason’s fury was palpable, his fists clenched for another strike, but his shoulder screamed in agony, his arm barely able to lift.

The bodyguards stood firm, an impenetrable barrier.

Humming a tune, Bertha turned on her heel and sauntered off, gesturing for her secretary to come closer,

“He’s injured and no match for you. Make sure he’s ‘well taken care of,” she said, her voice dripping with malice.


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