His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 498

Chapter 498

Chapter 498

Chapter 498

Evadne had always longed to hear those sweet nothings, which once seemed as elusive as dreams.

But now, Thaddeus was like a clingy talk show host, chattering away night and day into her ear until she almost grew tired of it.

Yet, each time he drew near, touched her, kissed her, her mind lit up like Fourth of July fireworks, and she found herself helplessly enraptured, letting him tease and seduce her.

Love, after all, wasn’t about what she said.

It was about her reactions: whether her cheeks flushed, her heart raced, or her body betrayed her will.

Breath slightly disheveled from his kisses, Evadne playfully wound her fingers around his tie, “Thaddeus, you used to be so serious. Now, you’re like some… some…”

She hesitated, deciding the comparison she had in mind was too crass to voice. Even if it was true, some modesty should be preserved.

Thaddeus, breathing heavily, desperation and desire pooling in his eyes, stroked her neck, their foreheads touching.

“Evadne, I’m your hound,” he confessed.

Her heart skipped, cheeks flushed like a rosy dawn, her fingertip poking his firm chest, “Stop it, you. Insulting yourself is like insulting me.”

He swallowed hard, biting her tender, blushing lip, “Today, luckily, we’ve got an SUV. It’s spacious enough for us to play.”

“I came for revenge, not to mess around in a car!”

Evadne’s cheeks burned, and she flicked his forehead, quickly changing the subject. “Speaking of which, where’s the Fairhaven clan today? Jareth is practically a CEO. Wouldn’t he want to horn in on this occasion? Can’t stand to let the Chambers family steal the spotlight?”

“The Fairhavens are still cleaning up the mess Edith left behind. They’ve been under scrutiny, and they’re afraid showing up now might stir controversy.”

“Smart of them,” she scoffed.

Thaddeus leaned in, his nose tickling her cheek, “Jareth also said he hates these kind of do’s. Would rather be home cuddling with his sweet wife.”

“You’ve been cuddling me for days, leaving me all sticky and uncomfortable every morning,” Evadne complained as she wriggled out from his lap, “We’re sleeping in separate beds tonight!”

He watched her move away, lamenting, “Don’t be so cruel, Evadne.”

Then a knock at the door.

Evadne lowered the window to see Gordon’s face.

“Mr. Thaddeus, Mrs. Abernathy, everything’s set inside.”

“Thanks, Mr. Gordon,” she replied with a nod, but added a stern reminder, “Be vigilant. Today’s event is crucial. The Abernathy family isn’t here. If you’re spotted by the Chambers family, they’ll suspect something. It could hinder our plans.”

“Don’t worry, Evadne.”

Thaddeus wrapped an arm around her waist, “I have my people inside, too.”

Relieved, Evadne opened her laptop, fingers dancing across the keyboard, green code cascading down the screen like a digital downpour.

Thaddeus was accustomed to his partner’s skills, yet he couldn’t help but admire her, feeling both awe and a touch of insecurity.

“Okay, all set.”

Evadne hit the enter key, stretching her fingers, “Let’s just wait for the show to start.”

He gently massaged her hand, ready to support her come hell or high water.

Inside the central hall, the atmosphere was tense, filled with Elmsworth’s top officials and industry leaders.

Mr. Bartley was giving a speech.

Politicians and business delegates sat at the forefront, while spouses like Bertha were relegated to the back.

In high society, Bertha, the lone heiress of the Chambers family, had clout. But in the political arena, it was a man’s world. She was just Edgar’s wife, without much say.

But she wasn’t one to accept this quietly. It was she who had pushed her husband to his current heights. Without the Chambers family’s influence, her father’s support, her careful curating, Edgar would never have climbed so high!

Pleased with herself, she sat with haughty pride, imagining the day she’d sit at the front like Mrs. Bartley.

Around her, whispers spread like wildfire.

“Look at her, acting high and mighty. You’d think she had eyes on her forehead!”

“All this election hubbub, and she acts as if Edgar’s victory is certain. A bit overconfident, isn’t she?”

“She’s been funneling money from her family to support Mr. Gardner like a rat pilfering grain. The Chambers family is fed up with her, yet she’s none the wiser.”

“I don’t trust Mr. Gardner. Corruption written all over him. If they get power, Elmsworth’s folks will suffer!”

Bertha ignored the snide remarks. They were just sour grapes, envious of her noble birth, her husband’s potential.

As Mr. Bartley concluded his speech, the hall erupted in applause.

The emcee stepped onto the stage with a commanding presence, his voice booming through the hall. “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Congressman Edgar Gardner, who will unfold Elmsworth’s three–year business blueprint for us!”

Edgar, bathed in the spotlight and a wave of applause, strode confidently onto the stage.

Bertha was on the verge of standing to clap, her heart swelling with pride. She wanted the world to know that the man of the hour was her husband.


Edgar, all smiles, approached the microphone. “I am thrilled to share with you the exciting future ahead for Elmsworth-”

He turned towards the big screen, and in a heartbeat, his composure shattered.

His cheerful expression darkened as if a thunderstorm had suddenly gathered above his head.

Instead of the planned project presentation, a handwritten ledger appeared on the screen.

It detailed, with alarming clarity, the years of bribes he had accepted – dates, locations, amounts both large and small, all meticulously recorded.

Edgar swayed, his mind reeling.

Bertha felt as though the ground had dropped from beneath her. Her face drained of color, her world spun in a whirlwind of shock and horror.

The murmurs below surged into a tide of whispers.

“What’s this? Doesn’t look like the project presentation.”

“Hey, is that a ledger? Like for bribes?”

“There’s Mr. Gardner’s name, right there! Isn’t that his dirty money?”

The screen shifted again. Now it cycled through a series of secretly taken photographs: Edgar entering exclusive clubs, accepting lavish jewelry, and, more damning still, flanked by two bombshells, heading into a private room.

The crowd erupted. The media went into a frenzy.

“Good Lord! Who’s behind this? This is some serious expose!”

“Whoever gathered all this evidence and released it now, they’re out to ruin Edgar!”

“Could it be Mr. Bartley? They’re political rivals in the upcoming election, after all.”

“Possibly, but do the Bartleys even have this kind of reach? Whoever’s pulling the strings must be a real heavyweight.”

Flashes from the media’s cameras captured Edgar’s every tremble and shiver on stage. Reporters, unsatisfied with mere snapshots, rushed the platform, aiming their mics and cameras like weapons.

“Mr. Gardner! Is everything on that screen true?”

“Did you take bribes? Engage in backdoor dealings?”

Edgar’s teeth chattered uncontrollably, his legs gave way as he stumbled backward. “It wasn’t me! Someone’s framing me!”

“What about the ledger then? How do you explain that?”

“It’s fake! All fake! I never took that money! Never!”

Sweat poured from Edgar’s face as he shouted in panic, “Security? Where’s security? Maintain order!”

As chaos unraveled, Jeff’s rage seethed, his face as dark as charcoal.

“Find out what’s going on! Now!”

His eyes bloodshot, Jeff struggled to breathe. “This isn’t just an attack on him; it’s a direct hit on the Chambers family! Who’s got the audacity to target us?”

“Right, Dad, I’m on it,” Matthew said, realizing the situation was spiraling out of control. “We should get you out of here amidst the chaos. Edgar’s your son–in–law–if this gets out, it could splash back on you!”

“No way!”

Jeff refused adamantly. “If we leave now, it’ll look like we’re admitting guilt. We can’t let people think the Chambers family can’t handle a crisis!”

Just then, Matthew’s phone vibrated.

He answered with a stern face, only to be interrupted by Bertha’s frantic voice. “Matthew! Come out here, I’m waiting in the hallway!”

When Matthew arrived, he found Bertha pacing like a caged animal, her face ghostly pale.

“What in the world happened?”

“Matthew! You have to save him!”

Bertha clutched at Matthew’s arm, her eyes wide with terror. “If word of this gets out, Edgar’s career is over!”

Matthew clenched his teeth, anger rising. “With so many officials and media here today, you think this can be contained? The storm has already started!”

Bertha stumbled backward, her heart nearly stopping.

“Are the ledger and those photos real?” Matthew exhaled a heavy breath, demanding an answer.

Bertha closed her eyes and nodded miserably.

“Idiot! You couldn’t keep your husband in check, and now he’s embarrassed the Chambers family? You’ve been bailing him out with our money, and this is how he repays us? A greedy ingrate!”

“Now of all times, you choose to scold! What about all the benefits you’ve reaped from him? Didn’t you think it was for your own sake when you helped him climb the ladder? His position as mayor benefits the Chambers family too!” Bertha screamed hysterically, on the verge of collapse.


“Enough! Keep it down! Do you want everyone to hear?” Matthew glared at her, his presence overwhelming.

Bertha’s sobs subsided, and she asked in a trembling voice, “Matthew, you have to save him! For the sake of the Chambers family’s reputation, please!”

“I know!”

Matthew took a deep breath, his gaze dark and troubled. “This scandal will likely bring an investigation on Edgar. I’ll send someone to lock down the scene, try to give you a chance to slip away.”


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