His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 502

Chapter 502

Chapter 502

Chapter 502

Bertha, fueled by Avery’s provocation and a belly full of liquid courage, made her way to Skyrim in the dead of night.

Emeric was home that evening, with Dylan tending to his medications and Suri assisting in monitoring his blood pressure.

These past few days, Evadne had managed to send Emeric’s blood pressure through the roof. Yet, even as the formidable Chairman of the K Group, he couldn’t locate his elusive daughter.

Days slipped by, and his initial rage had subsided to mere worry for his daughter’s safety, his emotions gradually stabilizing.

He incessantly quizzed Cassius and the others for any news on Evadne, but they kept a tight lid on any information. After all, Cassius and Elvis knew that Emeric’s outbursts were born from a place of deep love and concern for Evadne. They figured that as long as Emeric was preoccupied with worry for her, his bitterness and hatred towards Thaddeus might be somewhat diverted.

“Emeric, I’m not trying to scare you, but you really need to take better care of yourself, Suri said as she packed away the blood pressure monitor, her brows knitted with concern. “You keep talking about being half in the grave, but I know you better than anyone. You want to live a long life, see your children happy and your grandchildren playing at your feet, to enjoy the fullness of your family. But if you keep neglecting your health like this, I’m afraid you might not see that day.”

Emeric’s response was to purse his lips, looking every bit the scolded boy.

ylan chuckled helplessly from the side.

Suri was the one person whose words could reach Emeric. Perhaps it was her commanding presence.

“I feel weaker by the day, and it’s all because of that damn girl Evadne! One of these days, she’ll be the death of me, then she can be all lovey–dovey with that cur Thaddeus every day, breeding a whole litter of…”

His rant was cut short as his heart clenched, and the words died on his lips.

The hushed study was enveloped in a sorrowful atmosphere.

“Emeric, please never speak such words in front of Evadne,” Suri’s voice grew stern. “You may be a lion outside, but don’t you dare bring that disrespect into this family. Otherwise, you’re nothing but a grumpy old man who’s lost his sense of decency.”

Emeric’s lips pressed into a thin line, his face etched with resistance.

“Evadne’s already suffering enough.”


Suri’s eyes began to redden as she took a deep breath. “As her family, we should be supporting her. We shouldn’t be venting our own frustrations without considering her feelings, stabbing her in the heart. Emeric, I’ve been with you from the start, I’ve seen how Evadne has grown, how strong and sensible she’s been. She’s never asked you for anything, has she?”

Emeric’s face turned pale, the grip of his lips betraying his turmoil.

“She’s never asked you for anything, and now, all she wants is Thaddeus. Why can’t you just grant her that?” When Suri spoke these words, her own heart ached.

“She’s ruining herself for that boy! If I keep watching her waste away, am I even her father?” Emeric’s heart was softening, but his stubbornness was unyielding.

“But Evadne has never truly been happy until now.”

Suri’s voice broke with emotion. “It’s only when she’s with Thaddeus that I can see, truly see, that she’s happy from the bottom of her heart.”


“Emeric, do you remember what Silvana told you on her deathbed?”

Emeric felt a shiver run down his spine, the memory electrifying him.

Of course, he remembered.

Even if he were to lose his sight and speech, suffer brain damage, he would never forget her face, her laughter. Even on his deathbed, the memories of the times they shared would bring a youthful smile to his face.

–“I’ve never lived a moment for myself.”

–“I hope my children, especially Evadne, can live freely, not like me, but have the power to chase their own happiness.”

Their own happiness.

He thought, “Silvana, but is the happiness our daughter chose truly hers? What should I do? If you’re watching over us, send me a sign, will you?”

At that moment, a knock on the study door interrupted his thoughts.

Before Emeric could respond, Aviana barged in, her voice loud and clear, “Emeric, Suri, that wild filly from the Chambers family is here, causing a ruckus demanding to see you and Myra! I didn’t let her in. She’s out in the front yard causing a scene, reeking of booze like she’s in a drunken fury!”

“Bertha Chambers? What does she want?” Emeric exhaled frustratedly.

“What kind of parenting is that? A young woman showing up unannounced at our door late at night, treating the Ashbourne family home like a public market? Where are their manners?”

Aviana crossed her arms in annoyance. “I asked her what she wanted, but she’s so drunk she can’t even speak straight. She keeps saying it has nothing to do with her, but who knows what she’s referring to.”

“No connection? She’s got some nerve!” Suri’s eyes narrowed as she rose swiftly, a chill in the air, “She thinks she can talk her way out of it because she believes Myra is soft–hearted and easy to manipulate? She thinks she can just act like nothing happened?”

Emeric was taken aback. “Suri, what exactly is going on?”

“At the banquet the other day, Nydia was nearly compromised by Byron’s scheme, and that Miss Chambers played no small part in it.”

Suri’s eyes blazed with a fury that could have ignited the very air around her. “Jason tried to rush in and get Nydia, but that witch Bertha and her cronies blocked the door, and they beat him to a pulp! His shoulder wound festered, and he nearly lost his sight in his left eye!”

“Lost his sight?” Emeric and Aviana gaped in disbelief, utterly shocked.

They had seen Jason with his eye bandaged in the past few days, but they never imagined his injuries were so severe.

“And yet, even then, he didn’t think of himself. He and his friends, including Evelyn, risked everything to pull Nydia out of the lion’s den. No sooner had Byron whisked Nydia away than Bertha came out to

block Jason. If that’s not tipping off her brother, then what is? She’s complicit in all of Byron’s dirty deeds. She’s nothing but an accomplice to tyranny!”

‘Damn that conniving witch! She’s not worth the dirt under our shoes!” Aviana clenched her fists so hard they cracked, itching to call Lionel again. This is absolutely despicable!” Emeric raged, his forehead throbbing with anger, as he grabbed an antique cup and hurled it against the wall. “The Chambers brood is nothing but a bunch of rotten apples–full of malice!”

“How dare that shameless wench bully my godson? I’ll give her a piece of my mind!”

Before he could storm off, the two ladies quickly restrained him.

“Emeric, she’s not worth your time. You’re a man of high standing; there’s no need to stoop to her level. She doesn’t even deserve your attention. Suri’s gaze was dark and solemn as she turned to Aviana, “Aviana, have the butler throw her out. We can’t let that filth upset Myra and Nydia, nor taint the air of Silverlake Harbor.”

In the yard, Bertha was relentless, tugging at the butler like a fishwife, insisting on seeing Emeric and Myra.

The butler initially treated her with courtesy but eventually lost his patience. A firm shove sent her sprawling!


Already tipsy, Bertha’s legs gave out beneath her, and she ended up on her backside, her skirt flipped up in a most undignified display.

The butler quickly averted his eyes, not wanting to be cursed with the sight.

Just then-

A bucket of yellowish, stinking water descended from above, drenching Bertha from head to toe, sending a chill to her bones.

The sour stench hit her nose, and she almost threw up her last meal.

“What is this smell?”

Sour and putrid, it was enough to make her gag.

“Who? Who did this. WHO?” Bertha howled to the heavens like an enraged bitch.

“Well, who told you to be out here causing such a scene?” Aviana emerged from the front door with her chin held high, her stride confident. “Looks like heaven itself can’t stand you, gave you a splash of water to sober up, shut your trap, and get back to where you came from.”

“It was you. YOU did this!” Bertha glared, shivering as the cold wind bit at her skin.

“And what makes you think it was me? Rain comes from the sky; why can’t a shower of sewage? Some folks just reap what they sow. Wouldn’t surprise me if one day they’re struck by lightning just walking down the street.”

Aviana hadn’t lost her taste for the sharp tang of sauerkraut, which she fermented in her cellar.

And there it was, last year’s batch of sauerkraut brine, coming in handy.

She had thought about using actual manure, but the idea of sullying her own doorstep over this lowlife seemed too much. So she held back.

“Sewage?. Oh.” Bertha turned as white as a sheet, retching uncontrollably.

“You know what you’ve done. We could’ve taken you to task, but you should’ve stayed quietly in your hole instead of making a scene at our doorstep. Mr. Ashbourne doesn’t even care to see your father

anymore, let alone you. Beat it and save yourself from further embarrassment.” Aviana pinched her nose, her eyes filled with disgust.

Realizing she had humiliated herself and would gain nothing from the night’s events, Bertha spat on the ground in fury.

With no choice but to leave the Ashbourne estate in a smelly, defeated state, she trudged away.

“I see.”

As Suri finished her story, Emeric finally connected the dots. “I was wondering why the Chambers family was suddenly in the clear and then, out of the blue, the finger pointed at Jeff. So it was Thaddeus’s doing?”

“Indeed, Mr. Abernathy orchestrated it. He did it to avenge Nydia, to show the Chambers that not one of our children can be trifled with.”

Emeric’s expression softened as he pondered.

Suri watched him closely, sensing a slight shift in his attitude toward Thaddeus.

This had been Evadne’s little assignment to her two days prior, when she had called. Her task was to find an opportunity to inform Emeric about the Chambers‘ downfall and Edgar’s arrest, accrediting all the merit to Thaddeus in an effort to salvage his reputation.

Initially, Suri worried about how to broach the subject.

But Bertha’s uninvited appearance tonight had provided the perfect segue.

“Hmm. Wait a minute.”

Emeric’s brows furrowed again in contemplation. That doesn’t add up. Arnold was the one who made the arrest. If Thaddeus was behind it all, why would Arnold act? I would believe it if you said Evadne arranged it. Besides, this style of letting someone live in misery, it doesn’t seem like Thaddeus. It’s more like something Evadne would do.”

Suri’s eyes flickered with uncertainty as she slipped her arm through Emeric’s, “Emeric, it’s late. You should get some rest.”

These days, Evadne had been avoiding Emeric’s visits to her Elmsworth home and didn’t want to stay in a hotel, so she had been living with Thaddeus at Jareth and Marilla’s love nest.

Marilla was thrilled. She adored her sister–in–law and missed her terribly due to their time apart. Now that she had the chance, she was sticking to Evadne like glue, becoming her shadow.

This left Thaddeus with the nights as the only time he could spend alone with his lady love.

Every night, he’d wrap himself around her in bed, relentless until she was utterly exhausted, pleading for mercy beneath him. It was as though he aimed to fiercely reclaim every moment of intimacy they had lost during the day.

Evadne was at her wit’s end.

She had seen nitpickers, but never one who counted every touch and caress in the bedroom.

Her last attempt at baking a cake was thwarted by an unexpected visit from Elvis. Tonight was a rare occasion when everyone was home. Marilla, donning a pink apron and looking eager to show off, planned to bake a grand cake for her sister–in–law and older brother.

Evadne had gone to bed early, flicking through channels, waiting.

But as the night darkened and her stomach rumbled, there was still no sign of activity from Marilla’s end.

Unable to hold back her curiosity, Evadne descended the stairs to investigate.

Just as she reached the living room, before she even made it to the kitchen, she was stunned to see-

Jareth had Marilla’s delicate form pinned against the countertop, his hand gripping her slender wrists above her head/devouring her lush lips with near animalistic kisses, tangled deep and passionate.

Marilla surrendered to the man’s advances, with soft, sticky moans escaping from deep within her throat.

And at that moment, with Jareth completely lost in desire, he lifted the girl’s slender left leg.

Evadne saw it and thought, “Oh my goodness! The scoundrel! The little bunny was about to be completely devoured by the big bad wolf!”

Evadne’s mouth hung open in shock, her cheeks flushed, her heart racing!

As she stood there, unsure of what to do, she felt the warmth of an embrace from behind, and the potent scent of masculinity enveloped her.

“Don’t be so startled, Evadne. Such things happen here every day,” Thaddeus whispered near her reddened ear, his eyes soft, “Let them be, let them move at their own rhythm. We shouldn’t disturb them. Alright?”

“But, but. Ah!”

Evadne helplessly melted into his embrace, torn between laughter and tears, “Oh well, my little girl has finally grown up, become a real woman. That rascal Jareth is going to enjoy the night! Lucky him,


Thaddeus‘ body tensed suddenly, his breath deep as he scooped up the petite woman in his arms, “Evadne, we, too, must make every second count.”

Evadne clung to his neck, her heart fluttering, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of red, “Wha–what are you doing?”

He brushed his lips against her forehead, repeatedly, his voice a deep growl,

“You know it.”


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