His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 508

Chapter 508

Chapter 508

Chapter 508

Aaron glanced at Lily.

Lily shot him a look back, her expression souring. “Did you invite Chairman Ashbourne here?” She asked with accusation in her voice.

He stared, feigning innocence and setting a boundary. “Geez, that is an insult! Sure, I’m Emeric’s son, but I’m no traitor. My loyalty’s always been to Evadne!”

Lily couldn’t help but smile at his cheeky retort, whispering, “What do we do then? Should we open the door?”

Hands in his pockets, Aaron scoffed, “If you don’t open up, believe it or not, my old man will rip out this whole doorframe!”

Lily found herself lost for words.

Not wanting to disrespect such an important figure, she took a deep breath and opened the door.

The Ashbourne family’s bodyguards crowded the yard of the villa, a formidable presence.

Emeric stood at the doorstep, his expression cold as a winter’s day, with Mr. Dylan behind.

A storm brewing in his belly, Emeric had his stern face all set. But the moment he saw his youngest son, his mind went blank.

Mr. Dylan was equally taken aback. “Young Master Ashbourne?!”

Aaron scratched his head awkwardly. “Dad.”

Emeric looked from his son to Lily, and then took a large step back to double–check the house number.

“Chairman Ashbourne, you haven’t gone to the wrong place; this is it,” Mr. Dylan said, finding the situation awkwardly amusing.

“I see.”

Emeric nodded slowly, and then his eyes lit up with a sudden thought, blurting out, “This lady is your girlfriend? Oh, I see. You like the glamorous type. I should’ve known–that way, I wouldn’t have introduced you to all those girl–next–door types.”

Lily’s eyes widened in shock, while Aaron facepalmed. “Dad, can you please stop pressuring me? If you keep this up, I’ll join a monastery! Do you have any idea why I became a police in Elmsworth? It’s because I couldn’t stand the daily nagging about getting married and having kids! I’m not a breeding donkey!”

Lily pressed her lips together, amused to find that even the scions of a wealthy family shared the same mundane woes as everyone else.

“If you dare join a monastery, I’ll come drag you out myself! That’s a promise!”

Emeric went from harsh to soft in a second, turning to Lily with a smile. “Miss, how old are you? What’s your name? Where do you work? Are your parents from Skyrim or Elmsworth?

You might have not realized it, but my son likes to play it cool. I’ve had his wedding gift ready for ages. Marry into the Ashbourne family, and you’ll be Ms. Ashbourne, living a life of luxury. Don’t hesitate, it’s better to settle these big question sooner rather than later!”

“Dad!” Aaron was on the verge of tears, now regretting ever opening the door.

“Chairman Ashbourne, you’ve misunderstood. My relationship with Mr. Ashbourne is strictly professional; I’m Mr. Fairhaven’s secretary,” Lily replied with composure.

Emeric’s disappointment was evident as he gave Aaron a look of disapproval.

“Chairman Ashbourne, Mr. Ashbourne, perhaps we should continue this conversation inside,” Mr. Dylan, suggested, a wry smile on his face. The Ashbourne children, each one cherished by Emeric, yet each one

seemingly his nemesis.

Emeric and Aaron sat facing each other in the living room, the atmosphere thick with oddity.

“Did everyone know about Evadne staying here except me?” Emeric asked through gritted teeth. “Am I even your father?”

Aaron picked up an apple from the fruit bowl and took a loud bite. “Or we should consider a DNA test?”

Emeric took a deep breath, struggling to keep his composure.

Lily wasn’t easily amused, but watching this father and son spar, she struggled to suppress her smile.

Suddenly, the sound of light footsteps approached.

Marilla, with impeccable manners, carried a tea tray to Emeric and placed a teacup on the table.

“Mr. Emeric, please enjoy your tea.”

Hearing the girl’s gentle, soft voice and seeing her delicate face, Emeric couldn’t help but feel a surge of affection. “Ah, Marilla! Didn’t expect to see you here. Keeping your sister Evadne company, are you?”

“Y–Yes,” Marilla stammered, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment. She was no fool; she couldn’t very well admit to cohabiting with Jareth, so she skirted the truth awkwardly.

“Well, let’s not worry about that now!”

Emeric beamed, pulling the young girl closer, sizing her up. “No boyfriend yet, right? What do you think of my youngest here? One is quiet while the other is energetic, close in age–you two would get along great.”

Aaron choked on his tea, spewing it out in disbelief.

Marilla stepped back, fingers nervously twisting together, her delicate skin reddening.

Aaron might have been rough around the edges, but as a detective, his eyes were sharp. He noticed something off about the girl-

She was overly shy, possibly even socially anxious.

As she nearly bit her lip through and her doe–like eyes shimmered with tears, Aaron’s heart twinged with sympathy.

He spoke up earnestly, “Dad! Did you travel all the way from Skyrim to Elmsworth to abduct a girl? I’ve told

you a thousand times, I want to focus on my career, not get hitched! I’m not getting married!”

Emeric narrowed his eyes, “Do you think you can do whatever you want? If you had a choice, you wouldn’t come out of your mother’s womb.”

“F…” Aaron’s retort almost slipped out, but he swallowed it back, his face turning red!

He just couldn’t understand!

Though Hubery was gone, he still had four older brothers. Why was Emeric fixated on him as if he were the only sheep to shear?

Forget the fact that he might not want to settle down–His current job had him jet–setting all the time, always on call for some high–stakes mission. What woman would be happy being married to a workaholic like him? If he were to tie the knot, he’d want to wrap his future wife in the kind of blissful happiness he just couldn’t provide now. How could he selfishly string someone along just to carry on the family name?

Emeric was still trying to play matchmaker when Lily quickly moved to Marilla’s side, wrapping her trembling shoulders in a comforting embrace, and stared directly at him.

“Chairman Ashbourne, I appreciate your interest and admiration. But I’m sorry, but she;s already betrothed.”

“Tsk, betrothed to whom? Whose son could possibly be better than mine?” Emeric scoffed.

“Actually, it’s Mr. Fairhaven.”

Lily’s tone was nonchalant, but the hint of a smile playing on her lips was unmistakable. “Our young master’s relationship with Ms. Marilla is well known to Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Frederic, and they have never interfered with their relationship. Moreover, Mr. Jareth Fairhaven is about to be appointed as CEO of the Fairhaven Group. He will soon be visiting Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Frederic formally to ask for her hand in marriage.”

Even though Jareth had been whispering sweet nothings about marrying her, hearing it afresh sent a thrill through Marilla, her cheeks flushing with bashful delight.

“Oh? I thought it was someone else.”

Emeric muttered, clearly having underestimated the situation. He turned to Aaron with a look as if handling a task to him. “So, the proposal isn’t official yet. Aaron, she’s spoken for doesn’t mean you can’t win her heart. You’ve still got a shot.”

Aaron was exasperated, wishing he could just dig a hole and bury himself.

Just then, the sharp sound of determined footsteps broke the tension as they approached.

“Emeric! Why have you brought a whole entourage to stand around my yard? What is this, a coup?” Evadne stood with hands on hips, her irritation directed squarely at his father.

Now, calmed and nurtured by love, she no longer felt the need to resist or fear confronting Emeric.

Even if this indomitable man used all the clout of the K Group to pressure them, it wouldn’t matter.

Last night, after having intimate moments with Thaddeus, Evadne flipped over and let her creamy body pressing against her man. She gently touched his damp lips with fingertip, whispering, “Thaddeus, what are you thinking about?”

Thaddeus playfully bit her finger, his hands caressing the curve of her sweat–dampened back, “I’m thinking what challenges may lie ahead for us.”

“Why worry about that now?” Evadne turned her head to rest on his chest, “We’ll cross those bridges when we come to them. As long as we face things together, there’s nothing we can’t overcome. Hey, you’ve hesitated once before; you’re not going to be a chicken again, are you?”

Thaddeus frowned and pinched her waist affectionately, “Evadne, I was not a chicken, I was just—”

“Shh, I know, I’m just teasing.”

He was speechless. Teasing him by calling him a chicken? Alright, he had been a bit of a coward before.

He’d take it as his woman wishing for his betterment.

“Only death will part us,” Evadne mumbled, half pouting, half coquettish.

“Yes. There is no force that can separate us, by no means.”

A warm look filled Thaddeus’s eyes as the couple intertwined their fingers, “In life, we share our trials; in death,

we’ll share our rest.”

Seeing his daughter after several days, Emeric was momentarily taken aback.

Evadne was dressed in casual sportswear, makeup–free, with a bag of groceries in her left hand– obviously just back from the supermarket.

His precious daughter, the apple of his eye, attended by servants since born, was now shopping for groceries herself, looking nothing like the heiress she was!

Just as Emeric was about to lose his temper, he caught sight of Thaddeus behind his daughter, arms and hands laden with bags full of heavy groceries, and nowhere left to hang another bag.

Emeric’s frown deepened, a fierce pang of heartache and a twinge of inexplicable envy spreading through his chest.

Thaddeus, sensing Emeric’s eyes red, thought he was still angry and hastily set down his bags to bow deeply.

“Chairman Ashbourne, I apologize.”

“Apologize for what? Emeric should apologize to you–if there should be an apology. Resorting to violence was wrong whatsoever!” Evadne glowered at her father.

Emeric felt a sting in his chest and sighed heavily, his voice cold, “Evadne, you’ve had your fun, and you’ve seen who you wanted to see. I have limited patience. It’s time for you to come back with me.”


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