His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

After an hour of kitchen chaos, a few edible dishes finally graced the dinner table.

Thaddeus could handle simple stir–fries, yet it was clear that he lacked proficiency in more elaborate culinary endeavors.

This modest success came under the watchful eye and stern direction of Evadne, who supervised the kitchen operation. Left to his own devices, Thad might not have managed to serve dinner until the wee hours.

Wiping the sweat from his brow and pulling his drenched white shirt away from his back, Thaddeus looked like he had battled with the kitchen equipment.

Seeing him in this state, Evadne felt a rush of affection. She reached for a napkin and dabbed at his forehead as she pouted, “Emeric is such a pest! With a horde of chefs back home and Myra, the culinary wizard holding down the fort, what delicacy can he not lay his hands on? Why must he stay and make life difficult for us?”

“Evadne, it’s been a long time since you last saw Emeric, and you mentioned you wanted him to stay for dinner to sample my cooking,” said Thaddeus, unperturbed by the trouble. Instead, he relished the cozy kitchen moments with his beloved.

Evadne felt guilty for her sharp tongue, her cheeks flushed with irritation, “I was being sarcastic! Can’t he take a hint?”

“Don’t worry about it, Evadne.”

Wrapping his arm around her waist, Thad soothed her with his gentle tone, “I’ve always wanted to do something nice for Emeric, even if it’s just a simple meal.”

“Are you trying to win him over?”

Clinging to him, their noses almost touching, Evadne whispered, “Drop it, sweetheart. He’s a tough nut to crack. You could lay on a feast, and he’d still give you the cold shoulder. Besides, you don’t need to go through all this trouble. We’re together, who cares if he approves or not?”

“Cough, cough!”

Emeric’s deliberate cough interrupted the couple’s intimate conversation.

Evadne rolled her eyes–this old man was such a mood buster!

“Hah, I thought you were making me breakfast, Mr. Thaddeus,” Emeric snorted, seating himself with an air of


Thaddeus remained silent.

“Heh, you were the one who insisted on staying for dinner, sir. Nobody forced you.”

Evadne retorted, her eyes narrowing slightly, “Just so you know, this is the first time Thaddeus has cooked for anyone other than me. You better appreciate this treat and not be picky.”

It was Emeric who remained silent in this turn.

Thaddeus smiled at the sight.

They truly were father and daughter. Their expressions and tones were exactly alike, mirroring the images of each other.

Emeric began to eat with a stiff back, his posture as rigid as his demeanor.

Thaddeus’s heart raced in anticipation as he watched Emeric taste his cooking. It felt like an ugly duckling’s first swim.

“Soy sauce doesn’t cost a dime?”

“Did you murder the salt merchant?”

“These veggies are overcooked, lifeless. A disaster!”

Emeric didn’t hold back, critiquing as he shoveled the food into his mouth.

Thaddeus anticipated a harsh review, but not a roast. Ail he could do was offer a bittersweet smile.

However, having Emeric at their dinner table was more than he had ever dared dream.

Evadne lost her temper, “Enough, Emeric! If you can’t eat it, then leave! Thaddeus worked hard on this meal, and if you can’t appreciate it, at least don’t squander his goodwill! Besides, if it’s so terrible, why are you eating so much? Are you punishing yourself?”

“I flew here non–stop to see you, and I haven’t even had a drink of water! I barely managed to mooch a meal, only to find this kid’s cooking is so laborious! I’m starving! Do you think I enjoy this? It’s like culinary armageddon! Barely edible!” Emeric complained, though he continued to eat voraciously as if to spite Thaddeus.

Evadne, initially fuming, couldn’t help but laugh at her father’s dramatics.

Emeric, seeing his daughter’s smile, couldn’t suppress the smile of his own.

Thaddeus and the others sighed in relief as the family tension thawed, transforming the once tense atmosphere into something resembling a cozy family dinner.

The father and daughter seemed to reach an unspoken agreement, avoiding any topics that might sour their mood.

“Hey! Are you guys having a private feast without me? Is that any way to treat family?!” Aaron burst into the room, stomach grumbling, and plopped down at the table, “Evadne, that’s not cool, hoarding all this grub. I might eat a lot, but I can’t out–eat Thaddeus. Are you afraid I’ll eat up all your food?!”

Emeric and Evadne turned to the unexpected guest and in unison said, “We forgot about you.”

After dinner, Emeric prepared to leave.

Evadne stood on the steps, watching as Emeric and Dylan departed, but Thaddeus wouldn’t dare show any less respect, accompanying them all the way to their car.

Before getting into the vehicle, Emeric paused, throwing a piercing look at Thaddeus, “Don’t get cocky. I stayed tonight only because I missed my daughter and wanted to spend time with her. I’ve never acknowledged you, nor have I forgiven you.”

Thaddeus stood tall, his voice rough with emotion, “I know I’m far from perfect, which is why I’ve never expected your forgiveness. All I ask is for a chance to make Evadne happy. For her, I’d risk everything.”

Emeric’s eyes narrowed, his tone filled with scorn, “Thaddeus, how you act in front of Evadne is your business. But in front of me, there’s no need for you to put on this act of deep affection.

I have a heart of stone for everyone but my family. Even if you were willing to die for my daughter, my disdain for you would remain, and I’d never approve of you two being together.

In the end, all your efforts will be in vain, and when that time comes, you’ll find there’s nowhere to buy regret


“The only thing I regret in my life,” Thaddeus’s voice quivered, barely containing his emotions, “is not recognizing my own heart from the start and not cherishing Evadne as I should have. Even if it comes down to the very end, and I don’t get the outcome I hope for with Evadne, I will always protect her. Until the last moment of my life.”

Emeric stared at him unblinkingly, silent for a long moment before getting into the car.

It wasn’t until the Ashbourne family’s line of luxury cars had disappeared into the distance that Thaddeus turned and walked back to Evadne’s side.

“What did Emeric say to you?” Evadne looped her arm through his and nestled close.

“Chairman Ashbourne said you should hit the hay early, eat your meals on time. You’re not as tough as you think, and you shouldn’t overwork yourself.”

Thaddeus bent down and lovingly pecked her cheek, “And no more ice cream when it’s that time of the month; it’s not good for you.”

“The first two lines might be from Emeric, but that last bit is all you, isn’t it?” Evadne squinted her almond–shaped eyes at him, seeing right through his little trick.

“Well, I can’t hide it from you.”

Thaddeus smiled wryly, “So, will you listen to me just this once, please?”

“Alright, alright. But really, what did he say? I bet it wasn’t anything nice!” She pestered, not willing to let it go.

The man’s lashes fluttered, and he chuckled lightly, “No matter what he said, you’re still here with me, aren’t you? Chairman Ashbourne didn’t take you away, and that’s all I need.”

On the way back, Dylan didn’t dare say a word to Emeric.

The atmosphere in the car was tense, but he felt it wasn’t because of Thaddeus.

After a while, Emeric blurted out of nowhere, “Actually, the kid’s cooking is not half bad.”

Dylan’s eyes widened, but he just smiled and said, “It’s mostly thanks to the young lady’s guidance.”

“He’s got patience, I’ll give him that. If it were me, I couldn’t stand a woman buzzing in my ear all day, like thousands of mosquitoes were around, annoying as hell.” Emeric clicked his tongue.

“Madam used to chat and laugh and nag at you too, and I never saw you get impatient:”

Dylan accidentally brought up Chairman Ashbourne’s first wife, the young miss‘ mother, and he abruptly stopped, fearing he had touched a raw nerve.

Emeric’s hawk eyes took on a thick layer of sorrow, his throat constricted tightly, and his strong hand on his knee shook as he clenched it into a fist.

After a long silence, Emeric murmured hoarsely, “Dylan. I miss Silvana.”

Dylan opened his mouth but didn’t know what to say to comfort him.

“Everything else is negotiable. But that one thing. When Evadne said I never knew what her mother wanted, it truly broke my heart.”

Emeric slowly closed his eyes, as the neon lights cast a mournful shadow on his wet lashes, “In this troubled world, apart from me, who else understands her?”

“Chairman Ashbourne, the young miss is full of youthful vigor. She hasn’t experienced many things from the past and is unaware.”

Dylan sighed deeply, “If she ever gets the chance to learn everything about the lady, she will come to understand the depths of your intentions one day.”

After seeing off Emeric, Lily took Marilla upstairs to rest, and Evadne sat down in the living room with Aaron to talk business.

“Evadne, I swear I’m not the snitch!” Aaron declared, holding up three fingers.

“I know. We Ashbournes aren’t like that. Even Bennett, who has the biggest grudge against Thaddeus, wouldn’t stoop to using Emeric to pressure us.” Evadne’s eyes were somber, her gaze reflecting deep– seated trust in her family.

“We’ve been staying here these past few days. If Emeric had anything, he would have come by now. This means there’s a blabbermouth who can’t stand to see you two doing well!”

Aaron rubbed his chin in confusion, “Hmm, who could it be?”

“It’s gotta be Snakey Avery.”

Evadne didn’t hesitate, “I’ve been cooped up these last few days, asking Thaddeus to take me out for a walk. Elmsworth is crawling with Avery’s spies; it’s possible one of them spotted us and followed, then reported back to Emeric to make himself feel important. It’s very likely.”

Suspecting Avery was ingrained in her DNA. The man’s name was synonymous with villainy to her.

“Damn, Avery is that despicable?” Aaron shook his head in disgust.

“That does not matter anyways. Let him play his petty games. Their schemes won’t affect us here,” Evadne said, turning a charming, coy face up to Thaddeus.

Thaddeus’s gaze was tender and intimate as he kissed her lips, as if no one else was there.

She never had to ask for a kiss; he was always eager.

“Damn, get to the point already, I’ve got to get back to the station.”

Aaron turned away, feigning disgust, “Your public displays of affection are overwhelming, even more so than a heavy meal!”

Back on topic, Thaddeus opened the file Captain Ashbourne had brought, and he and Evadne leaned in together to review it.

“The Elspeth Case is going to trial soon, and here are the details my brother and I have compiled, including what might come up in court. Take a look, see if there’s anything to add.”

Aaron’s expression turned serious, “This is our only shot, we have to seize it and not give the Abernathy group or Elspeth any chance to breathe!”

Thaddeus held the documents, feeling their weight like a mountain.

The day of reckoning was nearly upon them.

“Aaron, and my brother, thank you.”

Evadne squeezed Thaddeus’s hand, grateful, “But as for the Elspeth Case, your assistance ends here. It’s already against the rules for you to bring this material out for us. And it’s more than enough. As for the rest, Thad and I will handle that. You and my brother need not worry any longer.”

Aaron pursed his lips, nodded, “Good luck.”

“We will.” Thaddeus’s lips curved slightly; each word heavy with resolve.

The evening had worn late, and Aaron insisted on leaving without an escort. He rose from the plush sofa and made his way towards the foyer.

Just as his hand reached for the doorknob, the door swung open from the other side.

A chill breeze swept through the entryway as the figure of a man appeared, dusted from travel. It was none other than Jareth, who had hurried back from his journey.

Jareth’s eyes widened in shock at the sight of Aaron.

What in the world was Aaron doing in his house?

Aaron, however, remained unfazed. “Excuse me,” he said coolly, asking for space to pass.

Jareth’s temper flared at the casual dismissal. His eyebrows arched mischievously, his gaze with a subtle hostility. “Well, well, who do we have here? If it isn’t the young star from the TV screen.”

“I might be the guy from the TV, but who might you be?”

Aaron cocked his head to the side, his own presence as commanding as ever. “The overprotective Bro Jareth, perhaps?”


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