His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 515

Chapter 515

Chapter 515

Chapter 515

Gordon gasped, having skipped breakfast, and this breath filled him up.

“No, no. Planes are cool, but I’d rather not take a one–way trip to the afterlife!”

“Come on, Thaddeus. Mr. Gordon is sincerely loyal to you. No need to get angry over a plane.”

Evadne’s slender fingers traced the sharp jawline of the man, her voice teasing, her eyes as imperious as a queen’s, “For your birthday this year, I’ll get you a jet better than Snakey Avery’s, okay?”

Damn, he was jealous!

Private jets as gifts? The Skyrim’s richest heiress truly lives up to her reputation!

Thaddeus opened his starry eyes, grasping her delicate hand with a seriousness that belied his usually cool demeanor, “Evadne, I’m your man; but I’m no gigolo living on a woman. I should be the one giving you gifts.”

“Pfft! What are you talking about? We share everything, a few bucks mean nothing.”

The lady’s domineering statement made Jareth and Gordon jealous!

They weren’t not gigolo either; but which man didn’t want the finest cars, the biggest tanks and the sleekest jets?

Thaddeus shook his head softly, a touch of sadness in his eyes, “Evadne, you don’t need to get me anything more. What you’ve already given me is more than enough. The gifts you gave me before are now displayed in a room I’ve set aside. Every time I come home, I enter that room, look at each one many times, touch them many times.”

Back then, having lost Evadne, he was like a serious fetishist.

Frequently, he’d spend hours in that room; sometimes even slept there at night. Mr. Thaddeus, who was usually calm and collected, appeared like a lovesick madman in places where no one could see, internally spiraling out of control and into madness.

Evadne looked at him, her gaze deep and steady, though her hand trembled lightly as she caressed his cheek.

“Besides, what else do I need as a gift? You’re the best gift that life has ever given me.” Thaddeus repeated the line, but each time it felt as heartfelt as

the first.


Evadne didn’t need to say more. Evadne sealed any unnecessary words with a k*ss, expressing what thousands of words couldn’t.

“Alright, alright. I must be the ultimate straight guy, because I don’t get this romance stuff. But listening to it, why does it sound a bit kinky?” Jareth couldn’t help but shudder at the thought of Thaddeus mooning over Evadne’s gifts.

Just then, the sound of rushing footsteps echoed-

Lily, sprinting like an Olympic runner, dashed down the staircase and swiftly arrived in front of Jareth.

“Sir! We’ve got a lead on Eden!”

“What?! Eden’s been spotted?!” Evadne and Thaddeus both sat up abruptly, their excited expressions perfectly mirroring those of a married couple!

After searching the whole city for so long, the villain had finally shown up. Jareth was so excited that he was almost incoherent, “Where, where is that scoundrel now?! Didn’t our guys catch him?!”

Lily shook her head, her expression grave, “Sorry, sir. Eden wasn’t alone. Our guys got into a fierce shootout with his crew. Our guys suffered serious injuries, and even now, two of them are still in critical condition!”

Evadne and Thaddeus looked at each other, stunned, while Jareth exploded in disbelief and fury, “This is Elmsworth, not Helgen Star Island! How could they be brutally attacked right at our doorstep? Didn’t they call for backup?!”

“They did, but it was too late!”

Lily was just as furious, her cheeks flushed with anger, “Our guys had the upper hand at first, but then Eden’s backup arrived!

Those guys were skilled, armed, and seemed determined to wipe us out! It’s already a miracle that some of them came back alive!”

Jareth, full of resentment, slammed his fist onto the table, the abrupt knuckles making a cracking sound!

Eden sl*pped through their fingers, and his men almost faced total annihilation. For the fiercely competitive Jareth, this was like having his face trampled under someone’s shoe!

“Um. Jareth, what’s wrong? Who’s made you so mad?”

The room fell silent as they turned toward the staircase.


Marilla stood there, wearing a white sundress and clutching the teddy bear Evadne had given her. He rubbed her sleepy eyes with an innocent and ignorant expression.

As she spoke, her dress strap had sl*pped down from her round shoulder, revealing the smooth, porcelain–like skin.

It was a hair’s breadth away from an immediate wardrobe malfunction!

Not only that, the red marks on the girl’s neck and collarbone were unmistakable bite marks left by a man.

Last night’s wild embrace was evident!

Gordon quickly closed his eyes, while Thaddeus wiped the sweat from his brow and fixated on his own woman.

Oh no, oh no, oh no!!

Jareth’s blood pressure soared and his inner self screamed like crazy!

He swiftly lifted his long legs and ran to his petite wife, whose heart seemed about to fall out of her chest. He enveloped her soft b*dy in his arms, shielding her from view.

Marilla’s face buried in his shoulder, her big eyes glistening with innocence as she cooed, “Jareth, please don’t be mad. I’m scared when you’re mad.” “I’m not mad, sweetheart, I’m thrilled! Let’s go back to our room!”

Jareth, red–eyed with urgency, swept Marilla off her feet and stormed upstairs, whispering fiercely, “Don’t let others see, only me!”

The living room fell into an awkward silence.

Gordon was completely dumbfounded and quickly stammered, “I–I didn’t see anything, I swear! Sir, you’ve got to believe me!”

Lily, terrified and pale, had rushed to report to Jareth, only to walk into an embarrassing situation.

“Relax, Lily,” Evadne said soothingly, “You’ve been taking great care of Marilla all on your own. It’s been tough. And you know how she is, sometimes she’s just a big kid. Nob*dy’s perfect. If Jareth dares to vent his anger on you, both Thaddeus and I are here to support you.”

Thaddeus nodded slightly.

“Thank you, Ms. Evadne, thank you, Mr. Thaddeus. Really, I’m fine. The one who has it the toughest is the young master himself.”

Lily pressed her parched l*ps tightly together, “The young master is committed to loving his wife for a lifetime, to taking care of her forever. What little I’ve done is nothing compared to his dedication.

Evadne lower his gaze, and she remained silent.

Thaddeus, sensing her despondence, took her hand and gently caressed it, “Evadne, I know you’re worried about Marilla. But look, now she has Jareth to love her, cherish her, and spoil her. Jareth is strong enough in both ability and family background to protect Marilla.”–

“Yes, I know, I am actually quite grateful to him.”

Evadne was not thanking Jareth for accepting Marilla. She was grateful for his transcendent vision, appreciating the beautifully simple girl like a piece of jade and being willing to patiently accompany her.

After a while, Jareth returned, looking even more worn with darker circles under his eyes.

“Jareth, you’ve been working hard,” Thaddeus sighed deeply.

“She’s my wife; everything I do is willingly done. There’s no hardship in it.”

Jareth didn’t blame Lily; instead, he continued to inquire, “Where did we leave off? Right! I am just thinking, Eden’s a fugitive with no power or influence in our country. How could he possibly bribe so many people to work for him?!

IS it Avery’s doing?! Is he protecting Eden in the shadows?!”

Evadne and Thaddeus had the same thought.

After all, Eden was Ward’s superior and had been involved in the attack on Star Island; and for them, he was a critical witness to deliver a devastating blow to Avery.

Avery certainly wouldn’t let such a crucial piece of evidence fall into their hands. That would be like setting his own head in the crosshairs.

“If Eden has shown up, that means he’s still alive, still in Elmsworth. As long as he’s here, he can’t escape. It’s just a matter of time.”

Thaddeus’s eyes were as dark as the abyss, and the restrained hatred in his voice made it hoarse, “Nothing is more important than human life. I can’t stand to see innocent people sacrificed for scum like Avery and Eden. It’s just not worth it.”

Jareth felt an indescribable discomfort.

His good friend, who was cold and unfeeling on the surface, actually had a heart warmer than anyone else.

“Um. I have a question.” Gordon suddenly raised his hand to speak.

“What is it?” All three of them asked.

“I’ve always been confused; why Avery would go to such lengths to protect Eden? We’re not in Helgen anymore; we’re on his territory. If I were him, wouldn’t it be convenient to kill and silence him?”

“Eden isn’t alone; he’s a military officer and his men are mercenaries, skilled in a one–against–ten situation.

And both the Fairhaven group and Mr. Thadueus’s men have been actively searching for them, with strict controls at customs, railways, and ports. If Avery really clashes with Eden’s men, the significant disturbance will undoubtedly draw our attention, exposing himself.”

Lily explained, showing a deeper level of cunning, “Besides, Eden’s men are all desperadoes; In a direct confrontation, Avery may not gain any advantage.” Gordon still wasn’t convinced, “Avery is cunning and full of tricks. Can’t he just find a way to quietly get rid of Eden without anyone noticing? After all, as long as that man is alive, it’s a time bomb for him.”

His casual remark struck Evadne like lightning!

Her mind raced, and at this moment, all the clues came together-

“Oh no! Avery’s going to make a move on Eden!”


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