His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

In a heartbeat, the room temperature seemed to plummet to sub–zero levels.

Evadne’s eyes widened, a sour swell of grievance churning in her chest, “Nydia, what are you implying with that?

“Do you mean to say that I’m someone who only cares for my family’s safety, indifferent to the lives of others, utterly selfish?”

The sisters, who had been thick as thieves since childhood, were now for the first time, at loggerheads.

Thaddeus‘ heart raced with anxiety, the awkwardness leaving a bitter taste under his tongue. He gently tugged at Evadne’s sleeve, trying to placate her, “Evadne, Nydia would never think that of you. Don’t take it to heart.

“Me, taking it to heart? Then let her explain what she meant by that!” Evadne pulled her sleeve out of Thaddeus’s anxious grasp.

Thaddeus felt a pang of distress, his lips pressed into a thin, disheartened line.

She could face the outside world’s scorn with composure, but this time, it was clear she was genuinely incensed

He knew all too well that what troubled her most was being misunderstood by those close to her. It was agony more excruciating than scraping the flesh from her bones.

After days under immense psychological pressure, her nerves stretched thin, she had finally snapped, directing her fury at her beloved younger sister

“Evadne, you haven’t answered my question.”

Nydia, unyielding by nature, slowly stood up and asked again, word by word, “If I wasn’t your sister, would you still stop me?”

“If your question is based on the assumption that I’m a selfish person, then I won’t dignify it with a response.”

Evadne, struggling to contain her anger, spoke in a low voice to Thaddeus, Thaddeus, get the car ready and take Nydia home.”

The sisters parted on sour terms.

After Nydia left, Evadne stormed into the kitchen and flung open the fridge, chugging down a whole bottle of ice–cold water, desperately trying to cool herself down physically.

Yet, it did nothing to quell the flame of irritation in her heart, or the blood pressure climbing

“What the heck! Jareth’s so–called chill–out trick is totally useless. Maybe another bottle will do the trick!”

As Evadne reached for a second bottle, Thaddeus’s strong arms reached over her head, his long powerful hand pressing the fridge door shut with a thud.

Evadne lifted her dewy, delicate face, her eyes inadvertently meeting Thaddeus’s deep, captivating gaze, and suddenly, her anger began to dissipate.

“Stealing a cool breeze behind my back again.” Thaddeus murmured, a crease of fond exasperation forming between his brows, his warm breath fanning her nose, while his eyes softened. “My little ice– cat, when will you give me some peace of mind, huh?” “I’d hop on a plane to Antarctica and jump into

the sea if I could!” Evadne pouted, arms crossed, leaning into his solid chest. “You and I,” he replied in a low voice, sealing his words with a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Ha, not this again. I’m in no mood for your games right now.”

Evadne turned within his embrace to speak, but was interrupted by a deep, breathy kiss that silenced her words.

Their lips and tongues intertwined, playfully tender,

Evadne’s arms wrapped around Thaddeus’s neck, her mind slowly overtaken, the irritation in her heart slowly dissolving.

They parted reluctantly, knowing any more would leave them gasping for air.

“Ugh. Why all of a sudden? Imagine if Alva walked in, that would be so embarrassing.” Evadne murmured, her lips a ripe shade of annoyance.

“I didn’t want you jetting off to Antarctica, so I thought I’d cool you down myself”

Thaddeus’s breathing was still unsteady, his voice husky, “Feeling any better?”

“Sort of, but I’m still hurt, still frustrated,” Evadne admitted, her eyes misty, sniffing slightly.

The pathetic look in her eyes melted Thaddeus’s heart.

He cupped her flushed cheeks in his hands, their heat sinking into his palms, “Look at you, as hot with anger as if you had a fever. It’s not worth it to get upset over the likes of the Chambers family. Let it go, okay?”


Chapter 533

“How could I stay mad at my own sister?”

Evadne’s lashes drooped despondently, “But i’m angrier at myself. I didn’t crush Byron when I had the chance, giving him room to breathe. Who else can I blame but myself?”

Thaddeus frowned with concern, “Evadne, don’t say that. It’s not your fault.”

“Nydia says I’m selfish. Yes, I arn. I want to seek justice for those innocent girls, and I also want to protect my family.

Nydia was protected too well by Emeric and Myra, She’s never seen the darkness of the world or the evil in human nature. She’s the Ashbourne family’s precious daughter, her noble status can protect her, but it can also destroy her.”

Evadne took deep breaths, her heart clutched by an invisible force. “She didn’t think things through, but I always remember, she has dreams of being an actress.

If she wants to be an actress in the future, being sexually harrassed will be a stigma that never fades. Mentioning Nydia’s name will only bring up this event. She’ll be tied to Byron’s name forever. How’s she supposed to make it in the industry? How’s she supposed to handle herself? Words can be a silent killer, Byron may be gone, but she could be haunted for a lifetime!”

“Evadne, I understand your concerns. But Nydia is our sister. With you and me to protect her, who would dare to harm her?” Thaddeus’s voice was a soft comfort.

With tears glistening in her eyes, Evadne shook her head miserably, “Myra had Emeric’s protection, and what happened? Until Elspeth self–destructed, she lived under that psychological shadow. I don’t want Nydia to end up like that.

I know it’s different. Myra was framed, while Nydia is an openly acknowledged victim. It’s brave enough for any girl in her situation to stand as a witness, and I’m proud of Nydia’s courage.”

The weight of the world seemed to press down upon the Ashbourne family and Evadine felt every ounce of it. She wanted nothing more than to shield her sister Nydia from the harsh glare of the limelight she so adored. The choices we make in the heat of the moment can lead to a lifetime of regret, she confided to Thaddeus, her voice thick with the burden of responsibility

Thaddeus drew her close, wrapping her in his embrace Evadne, as her sister you have the heart of a caring mother,” he said, his voice a soothing balm to her worries

I’m just being greedy, I guess, Evadne murmured, her cheek resting against his broad shoulder always want to find the perfect solution, to see everyone happy, and most of all, to keep those I love safe. But I’m learning that I’m only human, and there’s only

so much I can do”

Thaddeus exhaled a soft chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood “Admitting you’re human is a relief. I was starting to think I

was courting a celestial being.”

Evadne couldn’t help but smile through her tears.

“You’re doing more than enough, Evadne. I couldn’t even match a fraction of your effort, Thaddeus replied earnestly

“Oh, Thaddeus, flattery will get you everywhere, she teased, eyes narrowed playfully

“In your presence, I have but one title – your husband,” he responded in a husky tone

Evadne’s defenses crumbled at his words, and the tears she’d been holding back spilled over.

As Thaddeus awkwardly tried to dry her tears, she playfully chided him. This is all your fault, stirring emotions out of nowhere!”

“it’s good to cry, to let it out, Thaddeus said, gently pinching her damp cheek. “After you and Nydia have calmed down tonight, we’ll go see her tomorrow. We’ll figure this out together”

No one else might understand her painstaking efforts, but he did.

Evadne, who couldn’t stop crying, rubbed her eyes and said in a delicate voice, “I’m hungry, cook something for me to eat.”

Thaddeus stroked his chest with his right hand and bowed behind his left hand, incarnating an elegant and handsome male


“Yes, my lady.”

The following day, Thaddeus and Evadne went to Skyrim to find Nydia, only to discover she hadn’t returned home. Instead, they learned she had contacted Myra, mentioning important school matters that required her to stay in the dorm for a couple of days Thaddeus and Evadne exchanged puzzled glances. Nydia had graduated and moved her belongings home – what could possibly necessitate her stay at school?

“Myra, what’s going on with Nydia? is something wrong?” Evadne asked with genuine concern.

Myra’s expression was fraught with worry. “Since Byron’s release, Nydia’s been struggling with insomnia, hardly eating. She insists she’s fine, but I know it’s taking a toll on her.”

Guilt gnawed at Evadne’s heart. She regretted the harsh words she had spoken to her sister the day before.

Under the calm expression, Nydia’s body and mind were suffering an unprecedented torment. As a victim, she needed comfort and care more than anyone else, but in turn, she was worried about her sister’s situation. It was really too sweet and sad.

“Please, if you can manage to take her out, distract her a bit, I’d be so grateful, Myra implored.

Leaving Silverlake Harbor that evening, Evadne felt a heaviness settle over her. She dialed Nydia’s number, only for the call to be abruptly disconnected.

“Why would Nydia hang up on me?” Evadne stared at the darkened screen, panic rising within her,

“Perhaps she’s occupied with something.” Thaddeus offered reassuringly.

“No, Nydia never hangs up on me. If she’s busy, she just doesn’t answer. This has never happened before.” Evadne insisted, her anxiety palpable as she clutched at Thaddeus’s arm. I’m scared, Thaddeus. What if something bad’s happened?”

“If you’re worried, let’s head back to Elmsworth now. I’ll have Gordon check on Nydia at her school,” Thaddeus suggested.

Before he could finish, Jason’s call came through to Evadne.

“Miss Evadne! Can you try reaching Nydia?” Jason’s voice was hoarse with urgency, as if he’d been shouting for hours. “I’ve called her countless times since last night, and she hasn’t picked up a single one!


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