His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Chapter 0174

“You want me to bark like a dog?” The sturdy man’s bewilderment was replaced by a laugh—-one that sounded cold. “I gave you a chance, dude, but you just wouldn’t appreciate it! I'll let you know what's the true-”

Alexander struck as quick as lightning. He grabbed the man by the neck and flung him away.

The sturdy man flew 20 meters away, crashing into the walls of the welfare home in the distance with a loud bang before slowly sliding down to the ground.

He twitched on the floor before cocking his head. He passed out on the spot.

Many elderly people were basking under the sun in the courtyard, including Donovan on a stretcher. Their eyes widened in sheer shock at the sight.

Alexander was too strong!

“Alex-..” Amber was equally baffled. She had seen Alexander fighting a few times already, but she never thought that he would be so swift

on his feet. An ordinary person would not be able to track him!

*Fuck! How dare you touch my men!” Jeff was seething. He turned to look at the five gruff men behind him and barked, “What are you standing there for? Go! Kill him!”

The five men came to their senses and charged at Alexander, growling at him. “Puny humans.” Alexander casually waved his hand, one crisp slap each for five of them.

His unsuspecting opponents never got to graze even his hair. They merely saw a blurred figure in front of them and a slap on their faces.

They were sent flying back with their necks turning before they slammed to the ground, groaning and whimpering. Their mouths were bloodied just by the sheer impact.

“I-Impossible! The tongue-tied Jeff looked at Alexander and trembled.

His hired mercenaries were seasoned fighters that no one would dare challenge, yet they could not even go up against Alexander! How

was he so strong and so quick? Was he even human? “It's your turn.” Alexander calmly walked to Jeff. He took off Jeff's glasses from his face.

“My glasses! My glasses!” His sight rendered blurry, Jeff frantically grabbed around. “Alexander, what are you trying to do? Give me my


“As a secretary, you should know better who you can afford to offend.” Alexander threw the glasses to the ground and crushed them with

his feet. He said calmly, “Clearly, you have no eye for these things. It’s a waste wearing glasses. Also...you probably don’t even need your

eyes as well!”

Alexander gave Jeff a backhanded slap, sending Jeff flying. His eyeballs exploded and turned into a bloody mush. “Ah!” Jeff wailed out loud and fell to the ground feebly. He was rendered blind.

This was the price he had to pay for insulting Amber.

“Aahh! My eyes! My eyes!” Jeff writhed as he clutched his face. He was going mad. “You dare blind me, Kane?! My superior will hunt you! You’re dead! You’re dead!”

Nearby, the men that were slapped away by Alexander immediately helped Jeff into the Audi A8 by the side and fled the scene right away. They also brought the passed—out sturdy man as well.

“Mister Kane.” Gary could not recover from his shock even as he watched the men flee. He stood by the door of the office for a long time before he finally came to his senses and smiled bitterly at Alexander.

“| never thought you'd be that strong. Though it was fun to beat them up, but...” +15 BONUS His phone suddenly vibrated. A call came in.

“Could it be...” He had a guess on what this was about. He took his phone out and looked at who was calling. He instantly stiffened. It was him! The boss of Ol‘ Mare Construction Group, Sebastian Winfrey!


Chapter 0175


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