His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Chapter 0198 The next morning at 10 a.m., Woolpackton’s Grand Garethy Hotel was bustling on its top-floor banquet hall.

It was not OI’ Mare’s fanciest spot-just a four-star hotel-but with the year-end holidays still in full swing. snagging any room was a win. The holidays were the reason Amber's classmates could finally squeeze ina


Amber’s college crew was about forty, mostly hitched by then.

Despite the festive break, some were tied up with work and could not make it. Thus, there they were. less than thirty alumni mingling with their spouses, kids left at home, gathered around four tables.


As she and Alexander stepped into the room, the guys’ faces lit up.

The belle of Ol’ Mare, unrivaled even here in Woolpackton, was every guy’s dream girl back in the day. Strolling through campus, she was a sight to behold.

Seven years on, and she had not lost a bit of her charm. The youthful blush was replaced by a touch of sophistication, but she was still the goddess from their dreams.

“Sorry I’m late. Work at the company’s been crazy,” she apologized with a graceful smile.

Amber looped her arm through Alexander’s, greeting her old high school friends with a bright smile. “It’s been years, but you all haven't changed a bit!”

Her classmates returned her smile joyfully. A few of the guys even teased her, “Amber, some of us are still on the market! We came to this reunion hoping for a shot with you, but you’ve gone and tied the knot! Guess we're

out of luck now!”

A blush crept across Amber’s cheeks, and she was about to reply when a voice cut through the chatter. “What? Amber’s married?”

The voice, filled with surprise and disbelief, echoed from the entrance of the hall

It was Gael Fabin, an old classmate of Amber's.

He was the picture of luxury, clad in a tailor-made Versace suit, a Lawrence platinum watch that screamed opulence on his wrist, Saint Bonio crocodile leather shoes on his feet, and a Montblanc belt with a dragon

motif. His tie was fastened with a diamond clip that glittered under the lights.

His ensemble screamed a net worth of millions of dollars.



“Come on, folks, show some respect. It’s Mister Gael Fabin...”


As Gael made his entrance, the crowd of old friends lit up, each one eager to welcome the man of the hour.

Out of everyone there, Gael had made it big. Rumor had it he had married into corporate royalty-the daughter of a CEO and his status skyrocketed. He became a high-powered general manager with clout to spare.

That reunion was all thanks to Gael, who footed the bill for the whole gathering.

“Amber, you got married and didn’t even drop me a line?” Gael walked up to Amber, ignoring Alexander completely. He reached out, his eyes locked on hers with an intensity that was almost palpable. “Amber, it’s

been too long.”

Amber greeted Gael with a warm smile instead of a handshake. “I tied the knot the second year out of school, and my little girl’s already five. Somehow, the news never made it to the old gang.”

“Been hitched that long?”

Gael blinked in surprise before turning to give Alexander a once-over, his gaze traveling from head to toe before he let out a knowing chuckle. “The Chesire family’s got a bit of clout in Ol’ Mare, Amber, but your hubby’s style... Well, let's just say it's unique.” He smirked at Alexander’s casual getup.


Alexander arched an eyebrow. He chose a snug casual ensemble and a pair of breezy sneakers from a local

shop-easygoing and affordable, with the whole outfit costing a modest sum.

Next to Gael’s luxury threads, Alexander’s choice was modest, to say the least.

“Alex isn’t one for the flashy stuff,” Amber replied, unfazed by the Jab. Her smile did not waver as she added,

He’s the head of security for our company. We wouldn't be where we are without him. Everyone at work absolutely adores him.”

Warmth spread through Alexander’s chest.

All his efforts for Amber had not gone unnoticed. She might not talk about it much, but she clearly cherished it all.

“Head of security? For the Chesire business? That's not just living off your success, is it?” Gael’s laughter was loud, his comment tossed out carelessly before he waved it off. “Don’t mind me. Amber. Just pulling your leg.


Amber’s smile dimmed just a touch, but she held back any sharp retorts for the sake of old times.

“Amber,” Alexander said, casting a brief glance at Gael and the sea of strangers. He offered her a soft smile. This place is filled with annoyances. Ill be in the car when you're ready.”

He finished speaking, leaned in, and kissed her softly on the cheek before turning to stride out of the banquet hall.


Gael’s face turned to stone, and he was on the brink of exploding with anger. However, as he watched Alexander leave, his eyes darted slyly toward Amber’s graceful figure, and his look turned predatory.

Alex was gone! Good riddance!

‘lll make sure Amber drinks herself under the table tonight, oh yes.’ A thought crossed Gael’s mind.


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