His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

Chapter 0218 Could the death sentence be avoided? Fitch immediately nodded and raised his hand. “Silence him, but spare his life. Take him away then!”

A black-clad bodyguard stepped forward, left hand gripping Patrick Hill’s neck, right hand delivering a fierce series of slaps to his face.

Patrick Hill was slapped until he fainted. Then, like Trevor, he was dragged to the backyard of the establishment. “The main culprit has been dealt with. Today’s events end here.”

Alexander rose from the sofa and pointed toward the corridor. “Fitch, inform those outside that not a word about tonight should leak. | came to Walganus Capital to relax, and | don’t want to be disturbed by anyone.”

Aslight tremor ran through Fitch’s heart, then he nodded vehemently. He knew what Alexander meant.

The invincible Lord of War, Lord Alexander, came to Walganus Capital in silence. Once this news got out, it would undoubtedly trigger the sensitive nerves of many. The helmsmen of the five major families would undoubtedly rush to visit, desperately trying to strengthen their ties with Lord Alexander.

“I'll do as you say, Sir Kane!”

Fitch Duncan hesitated for a moment, lowering his voice so that only he and Alexander could hear, “Lord Alexander, I’ve offended you greatly today. How about you stay in Walganus Capital for a few more days? Tomorrow, I'll arrange a private banquet. You and your cousin must grace us with your presence. I’ll personally apologize to you and your esteemed cousin!”

“No need.” Alexander turned, holding the unconscious Coral in his arms, his brows slightly furrowed. “My cousin has been drugged, and the effects have not yet worn off. She won’t be comfortable tonight... No more talk.”

He walked out of the private room, carrying Coral in his arms.

In the corridor outside the private room, the rich young men and women, moguls, corporate professionals- everyone present-fell silent, their breathing barely audible. None dared to scrutinize Lord Alexander.

‘Heavens, this was a genuine heavyweight figure. Even Fitch was easily subdued by him!’

In the wake of such a remarkable figure, just a single glance could be considered a transgression, an absolute offense not to be committed.

It was not until Alexander walked away that Fitch sat in the compartment, facing the chief bodyguard with a low growl, “Send Trevor and Patrick overseas. Let them spend their lives in the mines! They dared to provoke Sir Kane? | want them to regret it for a lifetime!”

The chief bodyguard immediately bowed. “Yes!” +15 BONUS

“Also. .” Fitch squinted, extending a finger toward the collapsed Spencer and Whitney. He then ordered, ” These two ants, aiding and abetting? Don’t spare them either. Send them away together!”

The chief bodyguard hesitated for no moment, raising his hand with a strong swing. “Drag them away!”

Crying for their fathers and mothers, Spencer and Whitney were forcibly dragged away by several black-clad bodyguards. Their fate was sealed, destined to spend the latter half of their lives in mines of a distant land. This was the consequence of provoking Alexander.

“One last thing.” After some contemplation, Fitch raised his hand to stroke his chin. “Did you remember Sir Kane's cousin’s appearance?” The chief bodyguard was momentarily stunned, quickly bowing his head. “Mister Duncan, ever since you called him ‘Sir Kane’, |

knew something was amiss and didn’t dare to lift my head. | didn’t dare to look either.”

Fitch smiled bitterly, then rallied, “It’s okay. Check the surveillance later. Make all the staff remember her face. If she comes here to spend again, regardless of the amount, it’s all on the house.”

The chief bodyguard nodded hurriedly, his gaze thoughtful. He cautiously asked, “Mister Duncan, the true identity of Mister Kane

is... “Don’t ask what you shouldn't!”

Fitch waved his hand, turned, and walked to the compartment window, gazing at the bustling streets below. A trace of worry gradually appeared on his face, murmuring to himself.

“That beast Trevor has harmed many girls. He uses imported drugs with potent effects. | hope that Lord Alexander’s cousin will be fine...”


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