His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

Chapter 0257

When Alexander first said to Leandro that he was ‘as good as dead’, Leandro laughed it off.

However, faced with those same words then, there was no more scoffing, only a chilling stiffness that seized his entire body. “Polluting the land, bringing disaster to the Cheshire family’s village-that’s your first sin.”

Alexander stood tall, his two fingers raised in a chilling gesture, his voice stern and conclusive. “For insulting my wife and trying to seize New Chesire Group, you’ve committed your second offense.

“The penalty for such crimes is death, and death alone.” As his words hung in the air, Alexander’s right hand unfurled slowly, a deadly energy gathering in his palm, ready to strike. “No!”

On the ground, before Leandro could utter a word, Matthew shook violently, his voice rising in a desperate plea. “Alexander, you can’t do this to us! We're the sons of the Jackman family, its future leaders!

“Kill us, and the Jackman family will hunt you to the ends of the earth! We're one of the northern powerhouses, with a legion of warriors at our beck and call! You...”

His protest was cut short.

Alexander did not let him finish. With a mere flick of his wrist, a silent, almost imperceptible force brushed across Matthew’s forehead.

Ashudder ran through Matthew's body, his last words trapped in his throat as blood trickled from his nose. mouth, ears, and eyes, streaming down his face as life faded from his gaze.

He collapsed with a heavy thud, his body twitching briefly before falling silent.

“Is he... Is he dead?!”

Three of the Jackman family’s bodyguards were petrified, rushing to Matthew’s side. They checked for any sign of life and broke into loud, anguished cries. “Mister Matthew Jackman... He’s gone!”

Leandro turned as white as a ghost, his injured hand shaking with the shock of what happened. Alexander’s move had been swift and deadly, a silent reaper’s stroke that claimed Matthew’s life without warning.

Even the top dog on the Chart of Fighters would struggle to pull off a move like that, let alone someone ranked a measly eighty-third. “You do the crime, you do the time.”

After offing Matthew, Alexander did not even flinch, treating it like he had just swatted a fly. He calmly eyed Leandro. “Big-shot families or local toughs, none of that gives you the right to stomp on folks or run wild.

“Take that to heart-if you get a do-over.” +15 BONOS With that, he lifted his hand, fingers snapping shut in the vold.

Leandro’s mouth opened to protest, but all that came out was a “no” before his head popped like a melon. under a sledgehammer, spraying a cloud of red.

He hit the ground, dead as a doornail, no twitch or shudder.

“Mister Leandro Jackman!” The three guards and Yaron, the driver, let out heart-wrenching cries, collapsing beside the fallen brothers, sobbing like it was the end of the world.

Those guys were the brothers’ right-hand men. With both gone and the Jackmans being notorious for their cutthroat ways, they were as good as dead even if Alexander had not finished them off.

Why, oh why, did they mess with Alexander? They were freaking out! “Me, kill you? You wish.”novelbin

Alexander’s look was ice as he glanced over at them, “Go tell the Jackman family to send someone who actually matters to make things right for the Chesire folks. This drug plant is now under New Chesire’s wing, and I’ll be sending my people to take charge.

“If the Jackman family wants a piece of me, they can come to Ol’ Mare. I’m not against erasing them from the map.”

No longer sparing a word at the men, Alexander ushered the shell-shocked Asher into his Porsche and drove


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