His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 261

Chapter 261

Chapter 0261 Around 7 p.m. that night, in the inner city of Briand City.

Over 500 fierce bandits gathered, some having dinner and others cradling firearms, patrolling the streets and alleys of the inner city. Some thugs were responsible for guarding hostages-a dozen or so merchants from various countries around the world.

“Look, everyone! Wyverna is here to pay the ransom!”

Three bandits escorted Alexander, entering the inner city and laughing heartily. “Just asked him on the way here. He’s a son-in- law here to rescue his father-in-law, Patrick!”

Alarge group of thugs gathered from all directions, teasing and mocking Alexander. Some even threw leftover food at him, laughing loudly. “What's this? A son-in-law dares to come here? Didn’t you wet your pants out of

fear? Haha!”

“| know, | know!” Some thugs, evidently aware of the Wyverna’s situation, joined in the mockery. “Over there in the Wyverna, a son-in-law is just a freeloader. He has no status at home and gets scorned. Even if you spit on

his face, he won't dare to retort!”

The surrounding bandits burst into raucous laughter. Some pushed and shoved, others stood by watching, surrounding Alexander as they entered the largest building.

Inside this building lived the leader of their organization, Vulture. “Boss, this is the guy!”

Entering the building, a bandit pushed Alexander forward, then covered his chest with his right hand and bowed to the Vulture. “He says he’s Alexander, Patrick's son-in-law, here to pay the ransom.”

“Alexander?” Vulture sat on a wooden chair, holding a glass of white wine. He embraced a seductive blonde with blue eyes, wearing a super short skirt adorned with the Umbracian flag. She twisted and turned in Vulture’s embrace, constantly throwing flirtatious glances.

He glanced at Alexander and sneered. “Speak honestly. Who sent you? Don't think | don’t know that people from your Wyverna are the most cunning. If you claim to be here for a ransom, you must’ve sent an army.

“Where’s your army? Speak!”

As Vulture said this, the face of a nearby bandit changed abruptly. He suddenly pulled out a Desert Eagle, pressing the muzzle firmly against Alexander’s temple. His finger was hooked on the trigger, poised to open


In another part of the room, the faces of the two fierce bandits changed dramatically. They raised their submachine guns, simultaneously pressing the barrels against Alexander’s chest.

Before seeing Patrick, Alexander naturally made no attempt to resist. He pretended to be full of fear, shaking his head repeatedly at the Vulture. “I came alone, sir, ready to pay and bring the man home.

“| have money in my phone, so | can transfer it to you first. | swear, | really have money!” 1/2. +15 BONOS

Money? Vulture grinned and reached around the seductive woman in his arms. “Useless trash, scared so easily with just a few threats. No wonder you're a son-in-law who came knocking on the door!

“Menka, go and bring Patrick here. If this kid can’t come up with a hundred fifty million, behead him and Patrick!” Menka was a sub-leader who spoke English. He holstered his gun at his waist and sneered at Alexander

before turning and heading toward the room where the hostages were held.

In the pitch-black room, Patrick and several other Wyverna businessmen were confined together. Their heads were covered with black cloth, their backs against each other. They had not eaten for a whole day.

“Patrick, your son-in-law has come to pay your ransom!” Menka walked into the room, kicked Patrick, and spat, “Get up, follow me!” Patrick shuddered. His joy was swiftly overtaken by bitterness.

His good son-in-law Alexander had finally come, but what use was it?

New Chesire Group developed rapidly, but the liquid capital was very limited. Most of it was invested in production, and the available funds on the books were less than 30 million.

The bandits had said they must see 150 million, and any less would result in beheading.

“Be safe, Mister Patrick!”

Several Wyverna businessmen were full of envy, but because their faces were covered, they could not see Patrick’s expression. They congratulated him. “When you get out, send us a message and have the domestic

side come to pay our ransom quickly!”

Patrick nodded quickly, then shouted again, “Alexander, are you there? Can you hear me? I’m coming over to find you!”


Alexander, still in the room where Vulture was, could hear Patrick’s voice in the distance. His gaze slightly brightened.

His tightly bound hands with hemp ropes clenched.

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