His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 293

Chapter 293

Chapter 0293 “Wanda, calm down!”

In the presidential suite, the bespectacled man called Kelvin Scruggs wrapped the trembling Wanda tightly in a blanket. His eyes reddened. He said in almost a whisper, “Be quiet. Mister Ledger is just next door!”

Wanda trembled and stifled her sobs, not daring to be too loud. “From the moment you become a celebrity, you should know that you won't be able to avoid these things.”

He bent down and looked at Wanda’s tear-stricken face. He said helplessly. “If it was some other investor or producer, I’d find a way. Perhaps you could escape this. But the Ledger family...”

The Ledger family of Zabaleta was too cruel. Located at the junction of two rivers, Zabaleta was a true cosmopolitan city.

The Ledger family was one of the most powerful families in Zabaleta. Their roots in the city were deep, tracing back 200 years. With such powers, even the mayor of Zabaleta has to show them some respect, let alone a celebrity who just started.

“If | need to sell my body to advance my career, then...I’d rather quit the industry!” Wanda bit her lip. Tears welled in her eyes.

“Kelvin. You’re my manager. I’ve always treated you as my brother. | beg you to save me! | don’t want to sleep with Marcus Ledger. H-He’s a monster!”

Kelvin was silent for a long time. He finally sighed and said softly, “When you were called over by Marcus a moment ago, | knew this would happen. Which is why I’ve been trying to think of a way.”

At that, he walked over and opened the door a little. He scanned the corridors before closing the door. It was as if he was making a tough decision.

“Wait until two in the morning; everyone would be the sleepiest at that hour. Then, you sneak out of the hotel. Run to Ol’ Mare. The underworld forces there have been unified, and the Ledger family’s powers won't be able to reach there.

“Only by escaping to Ol’ Mare can you escape the Ledger family. Only in Ol’ Mare!”

Ol Mare...

Wanda looked out of the window in the direction of Ol’ Mare. Her eyes gleamed hopefully.

Kelvin was a good guy. He would never lie to her.

Thus, to Ol’ Mare she would go.

At OF Mare.



“How could we let George spend all that money on us to buy six mansions at once? We have to pay him back!”

In Belmont Hills, Patrick and Susanne were pushing Harry and Donovan’s wheelchairs respectively. “Although it’s for security, it's more than a hundred million dollars. The entire company needs at least half a month to

recoup that amount...” They looked at each other and smiled.novelbin

For New Chesire Group at that moment, 100 million was not too big of an amount. The net profits of Life One alone every month were beyond 400 million.

The healthcare industry was truly a profitable one. They were selling Life One at a cheap price. If they were to set the price higher, their profits would be much higher. “We can just move in with our bags now. Alexander is arranging things over at the mansions. We'll move in today.”

Amber had already called the movers. She was standing by the door of her bedroom. She blushed a little shyly. “They can do the heavy-lifting while we pack up. We'll be able to do it in one trip.”

The furniture in Belmont Hills was old. They gave most of them to second-hand furniture shops. They only kept those tiny electronics that they could not bear to throw away.

As for clothes and personal belongings, they would not let an outsider pack for them, obviously. They had to do it themselves.

“Sigh! We've stayed here for such a long time. I'll really miss this place.”

Patrick touched the couch and looked around longingly. “Amber, your mother and | would like to stay here a little longer to take some photos for keepsake. Please take our clothes to our new home. Don’t let Alexander wait too long.”

Amber did not insist. She placed all her belongings into a suitcase. Then, she drove the Porsche toward

Baltimore Mansions.

Just when she was five kilometers away, she spotted an emaciated figure on the side of the road. Narrowing her eyes, she was baffled when the sight registered in her mind.


They were on the coastal road on the outskirts. Few cars passed by. The figure in front of her looked like a lady. She was waving her arms frantically as if trying to make Amber stop her car.

“T-This shouldn't be a problem, right?” After being kidnapped a few times, Amber had been even more cautious. She looked through the rearview mirror to see an Audi A8 behind. She was instantly relaxed.

It was Ray.

Alexander had ordered him to protect Amber round the clock.

Well, it was only one lady. Even if she had any ill intentions, Ray and his men would be able to deal with her. “Miss.” Amber slowed the car down and stopped next to the lady. She rolled down the window a little and 213


The young lady who had been asking for help by the side of the road took one step forward with difficulty. She had barely muttered the word ‘help’ with her cracked lips before stumbling and falling.

In the process, however, her head slammed against the front tire of the Porsche.


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