His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 304

Chapter 304

Chapter 0304

With a jolt, the scene kicks off.


Kelvin felt a shiver run through his scalp. Like a puppet on strings, he turned stiffly to face Alexander, who wore a slight, knowing smile. Struggling, Kelvin managed to force a weak grin. “Sir, are you pulling my leg?” “Benefits? Threats Wanda’s more family to me than my own sister, and I...”

Mid-sentence, Kelvin snapped out of it, backpedaling fast. “Why the heck do | owe you an explanation? Wanda’s business is her own!”

However, Alexander just chuckled.

Poor Kelvin, Wanda’s agent, was no Oscar winner. His fear was too raw, his act too rough around the edges. Since Andrew, Hec, and Hunter had skedaddled, Alexander had dug up everything there was to know about the Ledgers.

Marcus Ledger, the family’s third son, was a piece of work. He was cruel, the type who had never let Wanda slip through his fingers.

“Alex, what in the world are you saying?”

Wanda, standing by Kelvin, had overheard their exchange and was shaking her head in dismay. “You've got it all wrong about Kelvin. He’s not like that. We're practically like family—”

With a soft chuckle, Alexander interjected, “Miss Briers, you’re probably clueless that while you and Amber were in therapy, the Ledger’s chopper made a little visit to snatch you away

“And just three hours later, here comes Mister Kelvin Scruggs to fetch you, sporting a fresh bruise on his forehead, looking like he’s been roughed up, and...”

He stepped closer and yanked back Kelvin’s jacket. The sight was startling.

Kelvin was a patchwork of pain, his skin etched with the angry marks of rough pope and the dark splotches of a brutal beating. Sores had opened up where his flesh had given way, and, there had not been a moment to

slap on even a basic bandage. “Kelvin!”

Wanda’s voice broke, tears streaming down her face as she took in the sight of his wounds, sobbing uncontrollably. “Marcus did this, didn’t he? It had to be him! Let’s go to the cops, let’s take him to court! | don’t care about my acting career anymore, | don’t care about anything—I’m ready to take him on!”

Kelvin crumpled, his hands covering his face as he crouched on the ground, a grown man reduced to childlike sobs.

He had turned his back on Wanda, but there she was, worried sick about him, ready to go to war on his behalf. The pain of empathy was too much to bear.

“Mister Kelvin Scruggs, | pride myself on being a good judge of character, and you're not a bad guy.”


Alexander watched Kelvin with a steady gaze. “Speak. How did Marcus get to you? It must be life or death for you to have turned on Miss Briers. | bet it's...your family, isn’t it?”

Kelvin, swamped with guilt and fear for his parents, wept openly. “I just want Wanda to be safe, but Marcus... He’s ruthless! He took my folks and used their lives to threaten me! If | don’t bring Wanda back...”

His voice was strangled by sobs, unable to go on.


At that moment, Amber had also gotten out of the Porsche, standing by Alexander’s side, her grip on her husband's hand firm.

Just six months earlier, she had been swallowed by the same black pit of despair and knew all too well the

storm of emotions Kelvin was weathering. The choice was tearing him apart, the torment worse than death itself. Betraying Wanda would shred his soul. “Wanda, I’m so sorry!”

Kelvin collapsed to the ground, slapping his own face hard, tears streaming down his cheeks. “I never should've lied to you, shouldn’t have broken your trust! Run, get as far away as you can. I'll go back and face Marcus alone. If he wants a showdown, lll risk it all. ’'d rather die than not leave my mark on him!”

Alexander watched with a nod of approval, applauding Kelvin’s display, then turned to Wanda, whose face was etched with grief and rage. He smiled gently and said, “With the truth out, the rest will be easy.

“Mister Kelvin Scruggs, give Marcus a ring. Tell him Miss Briers took the bait and she’ll be coming back with you tonight.”

“And she won't be alone!”

Amber stood by, her eyes softening as she gazed at Alexander’s sharp, handsome profile, her heart skipping a beat.

This was her husband, Alexander.

With Alex stepping in, she knew they could handle any crisis, no matter how dire.


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