His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 407

Chapter 407

Chapter 0407 The nine Grandmasters...came at last.

In the Saunders’ living room, Blaine’s body tensed, his eyes darting from the shattered gate to Roslyn’s ghostly pale face. Despair washed over him.

It was too late.novelbin

The Saunders family had just caught wind of an impending attack by the three major families. Before they could even think of escaping, the nine Grandmasters struck. They descended like a silent storm in the night, leaving no room for the Saunders to run.

Their intent was clear: total annihilation, without a shred of mercy.

If they did not surrender Roslyn, the Saunders family would face their end.


Upstairs in the villa, Roslyn’s grandfather, the former head of the Saunders family known as Cingen, made his way down the staircase, his voice as grave as his expression. He leaned on a beautifully carved wooden cane, declaring, “The Saunders have always been warriors, not cowards afraid to die.

“We won't give up Roslyn! | may be old, but | still have some fight left in me. I’d rather be broken to bits than let our child suffer!”

The Saunders‘ Quick Blade Team, all 120 of them, drew their iron blades and encircled Roslyn, their voices thundering as one. “We swear to protect our leader, to share her fate, whatever it may


Her grandfather, father, and all those brave men..

Tears streamed down Roslyn’s cheeks as she looked at them. She stood up from the sofa, bowed deeply to Cingen and Blaine, and managed a tearful smile for her protectors.

Her voice wavered. “I always thought | was clever enough to take on the northern tycoons. But now, | see | was so very wrong.

“In the shadow of overwhelming force, every clever plan becomes pointless. The Saunders family was on the brink of ruin, and as their daughter, the leader of our time, | knew | had to step up.

“If it means saving everyone, | won't hesitate to risk my own life,” Roslyn declared.

“Please... Just survive. Don’t try to stop me!”



With those final words, she bowed deeply to Cingen and Blaine, her face set with resolve. She then marched toward the villa’s doorway.

She was ready to trade her life for the peace of the Saunders family.


Behind her, Cingen’s frail form trembled, tears carving paths down his cheeks. Blaine’s hand was white-knuckled on the hilt of his knife, his urge to intervene nearly overwhelming, yet he held back, his eyes a fierce red.

The Quick Blade Team members were all in tears, their cries echoing. “Our leader!” At the Saunders family villa entrance, the presence of the nine Grandmasters was suffocating.

Eight at the pinnacle of their power and one a half-step from being an overlord, they stood like immovable mountains, their aura so fearsome that just being near them made Roslyn’s steps


The short walk from the living room to the front gate, less than 200 meters, took her an agonizing minute. By the time she reached the outside, her legs were barely holding her up, her body on the verge of collapse, nearly kneeling several times.

“So, you’re Roslyn?”

Tristan towered at about 1.9 meters, his frame as imposing as a dark steel tower. With the alloy blade held aloft in his grasp, his voice was as impassive as ice.

“The young master’s decree is clear. Roslyn Saunders, head of the Saunders family, you’ve overstepped, blind to the danger you court. Your sentence is death.*.

The words had barely left his lips when his arm whipped down, the blade slicing through the air

toward Roslyn’s pale neck.

“This is the end...”

Aghostly pallor washed over Roslyn’s beautiful face. A wry, sad chuckle escaped her as she envisioned one last time the man who was always so light-hearted, his smile a constant fixture,

his demeanor ever so serene.

“How | envy Amber. In another life, I’d throw caution to the wind and tell him how desperately | want to be his wife... Alexander, this is goodbye...”



As the deadly whistle of the blade loomed overhead, she shut her eyes, bracing for the final blow. However, in that fleeting fraction of a second...

“Miss Saunders.”

Avoice she knew all too well, tinged with a hint of amusement and brimming with an unshakable confidence, whispered in her ear.

“Under my watch, no one will lay a finger on you. Doubtful? Let them try.”


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