His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 441

Chapter 441

Chapter 0441


Alexander would have laughed if Tyler mentioned any other city, but he brought up Ol’ Mare instead.

The core of the whole of Tormora, more important than the provincial city, the heart of several surrounding coastal cities, the headquarters of the New Chesire Group, and also his base camp!

“Ol Mare...” Alexander slowly chewed these two words, exhaling a long breath from the second- floor balcony overlooking the smug Tyler.

The good and the bad people were mixed up.

Ol Mare had long been built into an iron city, becoming a forbidden place in general, where absolutely no outside forces could penetrate.

“Who wants to build a resort here? Who found Tyler such a snake in the ground? Who is it that is so stupid?*

“| happen to know some people in Ol‘ Mare.”

He looked at Tyler, the corner of his mouth slowly curling into a playful smile, and said quietly,” Tell me the bigwig supporting you, and | might know them too.”

Oh? Was there such a coincidence?

Tyler was stunned, and his eyes narrowed slightly again. “Since you know | have someone in OI' Mare, how dare you still be so arrogant? You can’t afford to mess with my boss!”

“Is that so?” The smile on Alexander's face widened. “Now that you have the time, why don’t you call your boss and tell him that my name is Alexander?”

Alexander? Tyler frowned.

His brain searched for the name, but he could not remember such a person. He became even more arrogant and laughed hideously at Alexander. “Well, boy, you want it, so you'll get it. So much for a death wish...

“Today, I'll teach you that there are better people out there and there are higher mountains!”

With that, he gave Alexander a vicious glare before turning back to the side of the pool, picking up the cell phone next to the lounge chair and quickly dialing a number. In less than ten seconds, the call was smoothly connected.

“Mister Godfrey.” Tyler held the phone with a smile. “It’s me, Tyler! We're going to build that resort +15 BONOS over in Fighter Valley! Those unruly people aren’t cooperating, though, so | used a little trick...

“Right, right, at most one or two people’s lives, a small matter! However, there was one ungrateful brat who came to my side to cause trouble, and he also said that he knew someone in OI Mare. Oh, he just told me that his name is Alexander-

Ol Mare’s Mister Godfrey hung up.

“Huh?” Tyler, slightly stunned, looked down at the cell phone in his hand. He was a little hesitant and called another mogul. “Hey, Mister Remnant, it’s Tyler!

“I need you to assist me in something. Do you know that there is a person in Ol’ Mare named Alexander? This person wants to get involved in our resort’s business, and he also wants to get me! 1-”

This phone call ended quicker than the last! Tyler even heard the sound of a gush of air from the receiver.

“Ugh...” Tyler froze and looked up to see Alexander standing on the second-floor balcony. He hardened his heart and called Mister Remnant again.

“The number you have dialed is temporarily unavailable...”

Tyler persisted and called again.

“The number you have dialed is—”

Tyler called several times but could not reach the bigwigs. He was sweating profusely, holding the phone and shaking slightly.

“Just those two?” On the second-floor balcony, Alexander jumped and landed lightly in front of Tyler, his mouth slightly open. “If you can’t find someone more respectable, then don’t call again.

“In Ol Mare, there are many bigshots with the surnames Remnant and Godfrey, but none of them can meet my eyes.

“Even if | kill you in front of them, they'll only applaud. They won’t dare ask for mercy for you!”

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