His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 448

Chapter 448

Chapter 0448 Zane felt like he was about to explode at Alexander’s words. The audacious Martial Power, challenging the Yanker family? That was just plain bullying!

Last time, his loss to Alexander had gone unnoticed, sparing his reputation. However, a public challenge from Alexander then? He had no choice but to accept, and the outcome was painfully clear. The Yankers would be crushed, no two ways about it.

Complete and utter defeat.

The news spread like wildfire, north to south, tarnishing the Yanker family name. Their once- mighty stature crumbled, and the vultures of high society might just have swooped in for the kill.

It was a merciless tactic, and there was no way out. No answer meant stepping into the ring.

“What's your question?!” Zane spun around, glaring into Alexander's eyes, his breath heavy with tury. “Say it. If I've got the answer, I'll give it to you straight, no holding back.”

‘If only you'd been this cooperative from the start,’ mused Alexander.

The smile on Alexander’s face slowly disappeared as he leaned in and whispered two words,” Black Maple.”

Black Maple?

Zane’s body tensed for a moment, his breath evening out as he mulled things over in silence. Finally, he spoke up, his voice measured, “If you were asking about anything else, | might have some answers for you. But when it comes to Black Maple, all | can say is that they're shrouded in secrecy and tangled up with many social powers.

“Their leader, their setup-it’s likely only the folks on the inside, and | mean the top brass, have any clue.”

He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing with gravity, “But | promise you that if | get my hands on any intel about Black Maple, I'll get it to Ol Mare straight away. Does that put your mind at ease, Alexander?”

Alexander remained quiet for a beat, then gave a small nod.

Zane was probably telling the truth.

Black Maple was cloaked in too much mystery. Even the intelligence outfits under Walganus Capital's Dragon Court and Regulus Windsur had only bits and pieces about the northern turmoil

+15 BONOS from three decades back—nothing substantial on Black Maple.

Still, with Zane’s word, the investigation ahead might just smooth out. The Yanker family were the big fish in the northern pond, with eyes and ears everywhere. The play then was to wait; making a move too soon could scare off the prey.

“Alright, we have an agreement.”

With that thought, Alexander gave a respectful bow and announced, “Mister Yanker, till our paths cross again.”

He then spun on his heel and strode out of the Yanker family hall, his steps swift and determined. The moment he was off Yewspire Mountain, Alexander headed straight back to Ol‘ Mare.

In just a day, the place was buzzing with tension, everyone on high alert.


At the New Chesire Group’s headquarters, in the glass—walled conference room that crowned the skyscraper, Amber’s jaw was set in a hard line, her face a storm of fury.

“Business is about fair play, about competing on a level field. So why are there those who insist on playing dirty, on taking cheap shots in the dark?”

The room was filled with executives, each one wearing a grimace, their minds racing for solutions

that just would not come.

That was not some local Ol' Mare hiccup. That was a full-blown crisis from the north!

Chasing after fame and fortune was just part of the human game. Some played it straight, others played it sly. For example, the Xanthos family had put the squeeze on New Chesire Group. It set off a chain reaction, with every no-name company out there jumping at the chance to do the Xanthos family’s dirty work.

In a mere three days, New Chesire Group’s shipments had hit roadblock after roadblock. The business partners they had so painstakingly secured were then cut by more than half.

Amber had tried to outmaneuver the chaos, but even she could not right that capsizing ship. The real kicker? Their carefully crafted supply chain had been shattered with brute force.

Shipments that should have been dockside were then in lockdown.

“They're saying we have to bail out our own people, and the price is the northern market. If we don’t back off...” Amber’s voice trailed off, her lips a tight line.novelbin



Holding on to the northern market was a pipe dream. They had three days before the ‘New Chesire *name would trigger a death sentence for their captive workers.


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