His Mischievous Time-Traveler: How To Capture A Celebrity Husband?

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: I have to live

They say that death can find you anytime. But, there is also another saying in the wind. You can't die unless it's your time to die, even if you jump off the top of the building.

That's what happens to Kang Si An. In his drunken stupor, he didn't notice that the cable got entangled with his left foot. He jumps from the building, falls through the air, hoping that death would free him through his suffering, only to find out that even death doesn't want him.

In the morning, people are shocked to see a man suspended in the middle of the air - one tug and he would fall. They click pictures and make videos. Someone is sane enough to call help. The man is unconscious in the air. It takes a lot of efforts to save that man.

The netizens have been dissing him on his social media for leaving such a message. When they hear his attempt at suicide, the reactions are mixed. They don't know whether to call him attention seeking fool or someone born with an extreme stroke of luck. Even if it was a fake suicide attempt, is there any person in the world who would live because his foot was barely tangled in a cable?

It's luck. Pure luck.

His story becomes popular again. Many people want to see who this woman is. How cruel she is to him? Why wouldn't she come and forgive him?josei

Kang Si An wakes up in the hospital. There is only emptiness in his eyes. He gazes out of the window, waiting for death to seek him.

"How long are you going to live like that?" Manager Jeong clicks her tongue. She has invested so much in this boy. He is trying to die when he is at the peak of his career. He keeps taking risks, doing whatever he wants where he wants. "It's just a woman. Get over her. Stop being clingy. Date someone. There are plenty of women who would still throw themselves at your feet. So..."

"Clingy?" He looks at her. There is no anger in his eyes. If someone called him clingy before he remembered, he would have argued and fought with that person. The previous Kang Si An was never clingy.

There is only that woman who can turn him this way. Their relationship was older than a thousand years. She left him. He's still hoping for a miracle. He will never be able to get over her. There is no meaning. He has lost the right to be by her side.

Manager Jeong sighs. "Don't attempt anything like that. Think about your family. How will they feel?"

Mother married someone last year. Half brother is trying the acting career. Both are doing well. They don't need him. He doesn't need them. There is only one person.

Kang Si An spends some days at the hospital. He returns to his home. He hasn't changed his mind. He prepares the noose to hang himself. Unluckily, the noose breaks down. He stares at the ceiling and laughs like a crazy man. The gods must have gone mad. Is he really not allowed to die?

"Challenging me?" He won't give up. He pours himself a drink and mixes it with poisons. He shakes the glass before gulping it down without any hesitation. As his body starts going numb, he lies down on the cold floor.


"You won't come back. So, I am going away."

"I am too weak to bear your punishment."

"Please let me say goodbye."

However, he wakes up again in the hospital. When he was dying in his apartment, his half-brother decided to check on him and found him poisoned.

Kang Si An's attempt fails. He doesn't understand what's going on.

"How many times have you come to the hospital?" Manager Jeong shakes her head in disbelief. "Can you stop? Otherwise, I am sending you to a hospital for mentally insane people."

"I won't do it anymore," He tells her with his eyes closed. "I understand. I have to live."

He has to keep his promise to her. He has to outlive her.

"I hope that you keep your words." Manager Jeong lets out a breath of relief. "This is a new script based on your life. They want to make a movie about your story. They are asking you to play the main role."

He doesn't make any effort to take the script. "Tell them to make a bio of someone who got a Nobel prize."

"Your story is interesting. Everyone wants to know why." She puts away the script. He won't do it and it's not fair to ask him either. "There are other scripts waiting for you. I will show them to you once you get out of here."

Kang Si An rolls on his side and closes his eyes again, wishing to dream about her.

Two days later, he is seen walking alone in the garden. He seems to have aged in the last few days. There are dark circles around his eyes. He has lost too much weight. He takes slow steps, thinking about something.

The child also likes candies. Does she have her eyes? She must look like Kyuri. It's better if the girl looks like her mother more.

He is relieved that she is happy where she is. With or without him, her happiness is more important.

He stops when he sees an unkempt woman standing in front of her. She is wearing faded clothes. Her facial expression is ugly. It's hard to believe that she has been called the nation princess once.

It's been more than two years since Ki Mi Ran disappeared from the entertainment industry. One can guess that she isn't living a good life.

"What do you want?" Kang Si An stares at her.

"Because of that woman, you ruined me." She glares at him. "If she was here, I would have done this to her. I have had enough. Kang Si An, you will pay what you did to me."

Before Kang Si An could react, she stabs him. One of the patients in the garden scream. The guard comes running and holds her back. Kang Si An lay down in his blood as his vision begins to darken. Is he going to die this time? It would be better if he does die.

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