Hitman With A Badass System

Chapter 1226 Ice Skater Invented

Chapter 1226 Ice Skater Invented

As the realization of their predicament sank in, with the ancient spider beast lurking somewhere in the blizzard, Gaya turned to Michael, her face etched with concern. "What the hell are we going to do?" she asked, the urgency in her voice cutting through the howling wind.

But without waiting for Michael's response, Gaya launched into a story from her past, a rare glimpse into her vulnerabilities. "You know why I fucking hate spiders?" she began, her voice tinged with a mix of fear and disgust. "When I was little, I stumbled into a nest of them. Felt them crawling all over me before I even knew what was happening. It's a feeling you don't forget," she confessed, shivering at the memory.

In the midst of deflecting arrows being fired at them with a casual flick of his hands, Michael couldn't help but chuckle at the irony. "You, the Goddess of Monsters, and you're afraid of spiders," he said, amusement clear in his voice despite the ongoing assault.

"Everyone has something they fear, human," Gaya's response was a low growl, her annoyance evident. Meanwhile, the archers hidden from sight, continued their assault on Michael and Gaya. Unfortunately fo them, they were not thinning the herd as they were thinking but messing with two gods. "Quit playing with them and finish those fuckers up," Gaya commanded, her tone shifting from irritation to determination. Then, she loaded crossbow bolts into the God Slayer, preparing to take matters into her own hands and eliminate the threat of the unseen archers targeting them.

The air around them crackled with tension as Gaya took aim, her focus narrowing on the hidden assailants. Sensing her shift in mood, Michael ceased his playful deflection of the arrows and cracked his neck.

"You are right. Let's quit playing," As the barrage of arrows continued to slice through the misty air towards them, Michael, with a determined glare, dashed forward, his two swords ready in his hands. His figure blurred into motion, a shadow racing towards the unseen threat.

Hidden among the snow and fog were the archers, clad in the golden armor that bore the crest of Aurumvale. They stood in formation, their bows drawn, aiming into the mist with uncertainty clouding their vision.

"I can't see shit through this storm," one of them cursed, releasing another arrow into the white abyss. "Just keep firing," the leader of the group commanded, an elf wielding a halberd with authority. "Fire at every shadow, every movement. We need to thin the herd," he ordered, his voice cutting through the wind with a cold determination.

In the midst of their assault, one keen-eyed elf squinted into the distance, noticing something moving towards them at an alarming speed. "Is that the ancient beast?" he asked, a trace of fear tainting his words, the possibility of facing the monster they'd been warned about looming in his mind.

"No," another archer responded, catching a brief glimpse of black long robes through the swirling snow. "But I think it's an adventurer in black, probably the one we've been firing arrows at."

The elf who had spotted the figure snickered, his fear replaced with a rush of adrenaline. "Then kill that idiot," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand, underestimating the threat racing towards them.

As Michael surged forward through the icy mist, he leaped with a ferocity that matched the howling storm around them. With a swift, precise slash, he silenced one of the elves instantly, the unfortunate soul's head cleanly severed from his body in a chilling display of efficiency.

The elves, momentarily frozen in horror at the sight of their comrade falling so abruptly, quickly descended into panic. "Fuck, what the hell was that?" one of them cried out, barely able to comprehend the speed and brutality of their assailant.

"Attack, you fools!" another shouted, trying to rally his companions into action, but his command was cut short as a crossbow bolt whistled through the mist, striking him squarely in the head. The bolt's impact was lethal and immediate, sending another elf to the ground in a lifeless heap.

The remaining elves, now shouting in a mix of horror and anger, realized the true danger they faced too late. "KILL THEM!" one managed to yell, his voice tinged with desperation and fear.

"You picked the wrong targets." Michael snickered. He moved among them like a shadow, his movements a blur of deadly grace. Despite their training and armor, the elves stood no chance against the God of Darkness. One by one, they fell to Michael's blades, their cries and shouts quickly silenced in a matter of seconds.

As Michael stood amidst the fallen bodies of the Aurumvale elves, his victory was abruptly interrupted by an unexpected assault. A medallion, hurled from the mist, flew at him with precision. In the fraction of a second before it could reach him, emerald green chains burst forth from the jade medallion, rapidly coiling around him in an attempt to bind him.josei

"Fuck," Gaya exclaimed as she witnessed the sudden attack. But Michael, with his newfound power as a Greater God, easily shattered the chains. The emerald links shattered upon contact, their fragments scattering across the snow.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm However, the energy released by the medallion drew the attention of the ancient beast, the giant spider lurking within the mist. Reacting instantly, Michael leaped out of the way as a white form, the spider, shot through the mist and struck the ground where he had just stood. The impact left behind an empty cocoon, a silent testament to what might have been had Michael been slower.

Their sudden burst of speed didn't go unnoticed by the other adventurers struggling through the storm. "What the hell? Did you see that?" one exclaimed as Michael and Gaya zoomed past them, a blur against the snowy backdrop.lightsnovel

"Is he using celestial energy? How is he not getting killed by that damn spider?" another shouted, confusion and envy coloring his voice as he watched the pair disappear into the distance.

"They're fucking flying on a board!" another shouted, pointing in the direction Michael and Gaya had disappeared.

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