Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: You must not know how this professor's position was vacated...

With the promise of Professor McGonagall, Ivan went to the auditorium for dinner in a good mood.

When he arrived, the auditorium was already full of people, but fortunately, Hermione, Harry, and Ron had reserved a place for him...

"Ivan, why did you come so late?" Hermione was struggling with a steak, turned her head and asked aloud.

"Just ask Professor McGonagall for some questions..." Ivan smiled and said casually, without revealing much information.

The transformation of Animagus is a secret. Although he trusted Hermione, the less people know about this kind of thing, the safer it is..

"No wonder your Polymorph is so good!" Hermione said annoyedly.

The little witch somewhat understood the gap between herself and Ivan. It must be that she hadn't worked hard enough and didn't actively ask the professors of various subjects for questions!

Thinking that when Ivan was in the school year, he often tried to practice transfiguration while eating. Hermione also took the last cup to practice, and asked for the release techniques of transfiguration from time to time, and Ivan answered one by one.

Harry and Ron couldn't speak at all, and they had to complain to each other about the recent bad luck.

Ron, in particular, kept complaining about something wrong with his wand. Harry reluctantly asked him to write home and ask for another one, but Ron directly refused because he didn't want to be scolded again.

Ivan suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Ron, can you show me your broken wand?"

Ivan has always been curious about the method of making the wand.

However, he usually doesn't have any extra wands to study, and he doesn't want to take those intact wands apart and have a look, so Ron's broken one aroused his interest.

"Of course, Ivan, can you fix it?" Ron immediately handed his wand over, looking at Ivan expectantly.

Ivan took the magic wand and looked at it carefully, and found that the wand was badly damaged, almost broken in two, only some wood fibers were barely connected in the middle, and the outside was repaired by Ron with magic glue. Once, so that the wand won't fall off.

After opening the system bar, the information was displayed clearly.

[Magic items: magic wand (ash wood, unicorn hair)

Magic: low (medium)

Special state: broken

Explanation: This is a badly damaged wand. Although it did not damage the core of the wand, using this wand to cast spells has a certain probability of injuring yourself. 】

"Perhaps it can be repaired, but I can't guarantee it!" Ivan was a little sure after seeing the explanation, but he was still uncertain.

"Then you can do it whatever you want, it's bad enough now anyway." Ron said indifferently, and he was angry when he saw the wand now.

Ivan nodded and temporarily put the wand away.

Hermione suddenly remembered something at this moment. "Ron, you gave Ivan your wand, what about the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

"Trust me, I won't use the wand in the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class!" Ivan said.

"Why?" Hermione was holding a brand new timetable in her hand, which circled Lockhart's courses in a heart shape, she said expectantly. "I think Professor Lockhart will definitely let us learn some new spells!"

Ivan looked at Hermione with a weird look. He thought that Lockhart's ruthless performance in Diagon Alley had already saddened Hermione.

But I believe this Defence Against the Dark Arts class will definitely impress Hermione...

"Even if I teach us a new spell in the next class, I won't be able to release it with that broken magic wand." Ron was very discerning, anyway.

Harry faintly felt that Lockhart's teaching was absolutely terrible, because the other party didn't look like a serious professor.

The facts were worse than they thought, or they were in trouble on the way to the classroom.

A first-year, very thin, gray-haired boy was stuck in the middle of the road with a Muggle camera in his hand. He blushed when he saw Harry and couldn't wait to greet him.

"Hello, Harry? I...I'm Colin Crevy and I'm also at Gryffindor College. Excuse me... I mean, can I take a picture of you?"

Take a picture? Harry was very confused. No one had ever asked him like this before.

Colin seemed very enthusiastic. He talked about Harry's legendary deeds, such as how Harry escaped the mysterious man's murderous hand, and even planned to let Harry sign a name for himself.

Ivan glanced sympathetically at Harry. Being famous doesn't seem to be all good, and sometimes it can be troublesome.

But what Ivan didn't expect was that this little devil named Colin Creevey, after telling Harry's legendary deeds all over, quickly looked at himself again.

"Also, you are Ivan Hals, right? I've read the newspapers these days, my God, it says you are the savior of the werewolves, the best potion genius in hundreds of years!

I heard a senior named Seamer say that you killed a giant when you first entered school, and at the end of the semester riding a giant dragon flying in the sky and breathing fire..."

Colin was so excited that he couldn't speak. He didn't expect that not long after he had just entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he would meet his idols and be divided into the same academy with the two!

This is awesome!josei

The corners of Ivan's mouth twitched. Looking at Colin, who was excited to take pictures of him, he understood Harry's usual troubles.

Colin screamed loudly as if thinking of something suddenly. "By the way, I also know that you killed a professor named Chino last school year!"

The high screams of Colin Crevey spread all over the corridor~www.mtlnovel.com~ attracted the attention of a group of little wizards, and Lockhart's iconic voice rang.

"what are you guys saying?"

Lockhart, wearing a fancy costume, strode over from the other side of the corridor and squeezed away the little wizards who were surrounding him. Then he asked with interest.

"Someone killed a teaching professor? Who? Which professor died?"

"It was the last Defence Against the Dark Arts professor named Chino! He is a liar, an evil dark wizard. He deceived everyone with a superb disguise, but Hals found out the clue... "

Colin looked very excited when he talked about gossip, and he didn't know where he heard the gossip, he didn't feel that Lockhart's face was a bit wrong.

"In the end, Hals prevented Professor Chino from attacking the Forbidden Forest Ranger, and successfully killed him with Harry, so President Dumbledore will find Professor Lockhart this year for you to take this position... "

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