Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 178

Chapter 178: One of the lifelong wishes of the Dark Lord is...

Ivan kept complaining in his heart, but Tom Riddle's concern for Defence Against the Dark Arts class surprised him.

After a delay in getting Ivan's reply, Tom Riddle didn't care, and complained in his diary for himself.

[Why would Dumbledore find such a person to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts class? 】

Following Ivan's side, Tom Riddle, who had been in contact with Lockhart several times, naturally could easily see through the reality of the new professor.

He is vain and passionate about expressing himself, he is completely arrogant and incompetent...josei

The only thing that makes Tom a little strange is how the other party writes those best-selling books that are still recognized by the public.

[I think you come to teach better than this guy does...] Tom finally wrote this at the end of the diary.

This is not only a ridicule, but also Tom's recognition and emotion for the little wizard in front of him.

In the process of discussing and learning in the past, Tom consciously figured out the details of the other party. In the understanding of the basic spell, Ivan is not like a normal adult wizard.

Although there is still a big gap between the level of the teaching professor, but no matter how you look at it, it is better than Lockhart's straw bag...

Ivan doesn’t agree with Tom’s remarks at all.

He knows who holds this position and who is unlucky. He thinks Tom must be secretly trying to cheat himself.

Just as Ivan thought this way, the system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Ding, activation mission: The Dark Lord’s wish

Mission Objective: Tom Riddle directly or indirectly teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts class

Task reward: legendary point*1

Mission description: One of Voldemort's wishes is to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. However, when he made this request, Dumbledore, then the principal, refused him without hesitation!

An angry Voldemort turned this obsession into a curse. From then on, all teachers who teach the subject can only teach for one year at most! 】

The sudden task reminder surprised Ivan. He never knew that Voldemort had such a desire.

When watching "Harry Potter" in the previous life, Ivan thought that Voldemort wanted to teach in the school, he planned to spread his evil ideas there, or he planned to steal all the relics of the Big Four and make them into Horcruxes to satisfy him. Collection habit.

But he never thought that the Dark Lord really wanted to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

But thinking about it carefully, Ivan felt that it seemed to be the case. If it weren't for the position of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor, Voldemort had no need to apply this powerful curse here.

And the goal of the curse is clear. To drive away a professor in a year, but the process of "removing" is a bit fierce, causing some casualties..

Is it planning on the day when Dumbledore will have no one to recruit, remembering the snake-faced youth who was driven away by him?

Ivan kept thinking maliciously in his mind, and what made him a little more puzzled was that since Voldemort had this kind of curse, why didn't he continue to use it.

Wouldn't it be better to curse the position of principal directly, curse the school's closure, or even curse Dumbledore himself?

Ivan thinks that maybe this curse has the conditions to activate it?

Can only be activated once in a lifetime? Or has a strong obsession with something?

Looking at the diary in front of him, Ivan thought, and just ask me directly?

Thinking of this, Ivan picked up the quill and dipped it with ink, and wrote on it.

[I heard from the senior students that the Defence Against the Dark Arts class was cursed, Tom, do you know anything about curses? 】

For the legendary point of reward, Ivan still wanted it very much.

If there is a way to break the curse, Ivan doesn't mind applying for the title of an assistant in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and then let Horcrux help him prepare lessons to accomplish this task.

Moreover, Ivan was also very interested in this powerful curse magic. It seemed that even Dumbledore had nothing to do with this curse, otherwise it would have been solved long ago.

Unfortunately, after Ivan waited for a while, Tom replied in his diary very modestly.

[Curse? I don't do much in this area... so I can't teach you. 】

Ivan didn’t believe it at all, but there was nothing to do with Tom for a while.

When asked about Li Huo last time, Tom also kept silent, and said no, I wonder if he was worried that he would use this to destroy him after he learned how to Li Huo...

When the curse couldn't be lifted, Ivan had no choice but to leave the task behind.

He can't give the Horcrux to Lockhart and let Tom control Lockhart's Defence Against the Dark Arts class, right?

Although Lockhart's recent behavior annoys Ivan a bit, Ivan does not intend to deliberately entrap him.

More importantly, this behavior led to some unpredictable consequences, and it would be bad if Tom was resurrected by accident...

All kinds of worries made Ivan look at the diary more and more unpleasant.

Fortunately, the Horcrux nowadays has become less and less useful for Ivan, and he has a new learning plan, so he immediately decided to refrigerate Tom for a period of time to make this **** sober and sober...

Thinking of this, Ivan put the diary in his pocket, took out the tattered "Advanced Potions Making" and flipped through it. Within two minutes, the system prompt sounded in his mind...

[Ding, after a period of study, your potions proficiency has improved...Currently, Potions Level 4 (1467/1600)]

Ivan was stunned, and then he looked at the book in his hand a little more eagerly. He felt that maybe after reading this book, Potions could be upgraded to level five.


After half a day of class, Ivan returned to the hall for lunch.

Harry on the side complained about the boring class in the morning. "Does Lockhart do nothing other than telling stories?"

"Yes!" Ron said while biting a piece of shortbread. "I heard people say that Lockhart made a cage of Cornish elf in another class for everyone to catch."

"What's the result?" Ivan put down his textbook when he heard the words, and asked curiously.

"The result was out of control~www.mtlnovel.com~ Lockhart was hung from the ceiling by a group of elves, and Professor McGonagall who rushed over in time put him down!" Ron shook his head regretfully, feeling that It must be interesting, but unfortunately I didn't see it with my own eyes.

"No wonder..." Ivan murmured, and he said why Lockhart hadn't messed up lately, and instead told a story, it turned out that he had already lost his face once.

Ron also planned to continue to share some interesting facts about Lockhart, but seeing Hermione walking towards this side, Ivan told him to shut up quickly, otherwise he would have to fight again...

(PS: In the sixth book, [Dumbledore said to Harry: Since I rejected Voldemort, no Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher can teach for more than a year] This shows that the curse should be real.)



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