Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 206

Chapter 206: You couldn't beat him, so you came to beat me?

"Who is your master? Tell me!" Harry grabbed Dobby's wrist and said loudly.

"Dobby can't say it, sir! Stop asking, stop asking poor Dobby..." Dobby blinked his eyes the size of a copper bell, looked at Harry pitifully, and muttered.

"Dobby can only tell sir that this school will become very dangerous, because Dobby saw the little wizard open the dangerous thing with his own eyes...

is by Mr.'s side! Dobby wanted to **** the dangerous thing from him, but Dobby was just a poor, weak house elf, not his opponent. "Dobby couldn't help screaming.

So, if you can't beat him, come and beat me? Kick me out?

Harry rolled his eyes, had to endure Dobby's unpleasant scream, and asked loudly. "Then tell me who the little wizard is?"


Dobby hesitated whether to say, after all, in his opinion, it was the master's plan and should not be revealed.

The concern for Harry Potter finally prevailed. Dobby opened his mouth and prepared to speak.

But the next moment, it seemed as if he had sensed something. Dobby snapped his fingers with a "pop" and disappeared in front of Harry.

Harry stretched out his hand to catch him, but caught him empty, when there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, Harry lay down and pretended to be asleep.


The door of the school hospital was opened, and Harry's eyelids opened a gap. When he saw that it was Madam Pomfrey who came in, he guessed that the other person might have been attracted by the sound just now.

In fact, it was the same. Madam Pomfrey walked to Harry's bed, looked strangely at the pillows and jars that had fallen on the floor, sorted them out, and left again.

Harry opened his eyes sharply and called Dobby's name in a low voice, but no one responded for a long time...


The next day, early.

When Ivan stepped into the large exhibition hall, he saw a large number of people around the scoring pool. After a glance, I found that Gryffindor's scoring pool was completely empty.

But this is also normal. It hasn't been long since the beginning of school. Professor McGonagall has deducted two hundred points at one time. Naturally, they have all deducted and lost a lot of points.

This may be the first time there has been a negative score since Hogwarts was founded?

Ivan thought so, and to his surprise, the scoring pool of Slytherin College next door was also empty, and it was obviously deducted.

"Professor Snape is so willing to deduct points from Slytherin College?" Ivan said strangely, remembering that Snape was quite short-handed.

Ron, who was eating hot porridge, raised his head and said gloating.

"Of course, I heard that Snape was knowing about those Slytherins, and we had a vicious cleanup on the Quidditch pitch. It was almost irritated..."

It turned out to be like this... Ivan suddenly understood that Slape guessed it was angry that Slytherin lost to Gryffindor in the melee before deducting points.

George and Fred also leaned in at this time and said grinningly. "Anyway, you were so handsome yesterday! We all saw you rushing up, and a dozen Slytherins were lifted off at once. If you hadn't been there, we wouldn't have been able to win..."

"It's okay, that's it." Ivan said casually.

In his opinion, it just knocked down a group of little ghosts, there is nothing to be happy about...

Hermione couldn't help but interjected at this moment.

"You should be able to calm down yesterday, instead of fighting Slytherin on the Quidditch pitch without understanding the situation.

Otherwise, we would not be deducted by Professor McGonagall a full two hundred points! Now we will definitely not get the Academy Cup this semester! "

Hermione seemed very angry. Originally, when she and Ivan worked hard to get points, Gryffindor's academy points already led Yaoyao.

If nothing happens, this semester will be able to get the Academy Cup safely. Now that this thing happens, it's mostly out of play.

The biggest profit from this event is probably Ravenclaw Academy. They immediately surpassed Gryffindor, which was originally ranked first and second, and Slytherin, to reach the top!

George and Fred didn't dare to speak, and they deducted the Hogwarts Academy all of a sudden. Even if they are usually mischievous, they were a little guilty when they mentioned it.

Ivan doesn’t care,

After all, he is at Gryffindor College,

points are too many! Whatever you deduct!

Anyway, Dumbledore will add it back by the end of the semester...

Ivan thought so, but soon realized that this year's **oss Tom Riddle was already under his control.

Harry has lost a thrilling adventure, Dumbledore can't seem to find a reason to give him extra points...

Is it possible that you really want to lose the Academy Cup this year?

Ivan scratched his hair, and there was no solution for a while.

After eating breakfast, Ivan packed up and went to today's Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

In the middle of the journey, Ivan noticed that Harry seemed a little absent-minded, but he didn't care too much, thinking that maybe Dumbledore had come to him for a conversation.

After class, Lockhart stood on the stage as always, performing the book story with Neville.

Today’s content is how he subdued a vampire hiding in the crowd on Halloween.

However, the little wizards below cast distrustful glances at him, and some even talked loudly about Lockhart fainting on the Quidditch pitch, which immediately attracted bursts of cheerful laughter~www .mtlnovel.com~ The classroom was filled with joy for a while...

Lockhart tried to explain that he was only in poor condition yesterday, but unfortunately it attracted more ridicule from the crowd. This time even Hermione was unwilling to help him to defend him.

Lockhart appeared calm and composed, but behind his back he was restless.

He really couldn't bear this kind of life, so after the course, he found a reason to bring Ivan to his office.


Lockhart locked the office door with his backhand, then turned his head and said anxiously to Ivan.

"Halse, when will you be able to do all the things you said..."

"It will take a month at the earliest. My materials have not yet been shipped." Ivan said helplessly.

"But I can't wait for a month!" Lockhart paced around the office anxiously, almost fainting Ivan.

"Then add five hundred gallons, I will think of a way and try to finish it in two weeks!" Ivan hesitated and said.

"Okay, five hundred gallons, two weeks!" Lockhart nodded without hesitation.

Seeing Lockhart's promise so readily, the corners of Ivan's mouth twitched. It seems that he still underestimated Lockhart's financial resources. He had known that he should add more...

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