Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 222

Chapter 222: Our plastic friendship broke down today!

How is this possible?

Tom Riddle was in shock and confusion. He saw that snake language was an innate talent given to him by blood, which could not be mastered by others.

"Hiss~" Ivan was still trying to adjust his tone to match Tom's previous voice, and soon became more and more alike.

"How about? Tom, is my pronunciation still standard?" After learning a few times, Ivan turned to look at Tom and asked aloud.

Tom was still in a daze, and after a long time he came back to his senses, his eyes revealed complex colors when he looked at Ivan, he nodded, and said reluctantly.

"What you said is pretty good"

"That's good! It seems that the snake language is not as difficult to learn as you said." Ivan sighed with relief. He was always worried about whether the snake language had a special doorway. Now that Tom, the snake language master, confirms that he can rest assured. Some.

Immediately, Ivan turned to ask again. "Tom, what do you mean by the snake language you just taught me?"

"That means death!" Tom Riddle explained aloud, after thinking about it, he couldn't help but uttered again. "Halse, have you ever been exposed to snake language before? Who are your parents? Has he ever tried to talk to snakes?"

Tom Riddle is really hard to believe that Ivan can master snake language, and he learned it too fast, right?

He just demonstrated it a few times

Ivan shook his head, saying that there was nothing special about his birth, just that his learning ability was relatively strong.

Then, Ivan hurriedly urged Tom Riddle to teach him the next word.

Tom Riddle relentlessly taught a few more words and sentences, and finally completely confirmed that Ivan does have a talent for learning snake language.josei

This discovery made Tom Riddle more regretful. The reason why he revealed so much important information to Ivan was to let the other party take him to the secret room.

After devouring the flesh and soul of a spider, Tom can barely take shape in the real world. Once he returns to the secret room, he can control the basilisk and kill Ivan.

For so many days, Tom’s patience has been exhausted, and he has no hope of controlling the little wizard in front of him to serve him.

Instead, he wants to break away from the opponent's control and look for the next target that is easy to bludgeon.

That’s why he actively threw out the concept of blood fusion, and explained that after completion, he can greatly improve his strength and talent.

Tom knows very well that Ivan, a little wizard who is keen on studying magic and power improvement, can never resist this temptation.

However, he had calculated everything, but he did not expect that Ivan could easily master the most critical snake language.

This means that the little wizard in front of him has the ability to abandon himself and go alone to find clues to the secret room.

So, after teaching a few simple words and sentences, Tom stopped looking ugly.

"What's the matter?" Ivan was quickly filling up his snake language vocabulary, and seeing Tom suddenly no longer pronounce it, he was suddenly a little strange.

"That's it for today, my strength is still weak, and there is no way to maintain this state." Tom sighed and said, taking back all the black fog and preparing to return to the diary. He needs some time to be quiet. Quiet

Ivan was confused, but fortunately, he came over, he let Tom's abacus fall to nowhere, of course the other party could not teach himself as hard as he could.

"Then we will learn again tomorrow." Ivan nodded, did not force Tom Riddle, just casually mentioned.

"By the way, you haven't told me where the entrance to the secret room is? Are there traps and traps there? Are there any other dangers, or wait until I learn snake language and take you with you when I enter the secret room."

Tom Riddle, who was about to return to the Horcrux, stopped and looked at Ivan in a daze. Then he remembered that besides Snake Whisper, he had another card to play. That was the entrance to the secret room.

Thinking of this, Tom Riddle gave birth to hope again.

However, Tom was vaguely aware of something wrong, but he couldn’t understand it. He just felt that the timing of the little wizard in front of him seemed a bit too coincidental.

"Okay, then I'll teach you tomorrow!" Tom nodded with a weird expression, agreed and turned into a black mist and got into the Horcrux.

Seeing Tom nodded, Ivan's heart that had been hanging down so that he was finally fooled.

But thinking about the black stains that appeared at the door of the responsive house, Ivan frowned again, put the diary in the pocket of the wizard's robe and carried it next to him. It seems that he has to pay more attention these days.

In the next few days, while learning snake language with Tom Riddle, Ivan did not forget to check the situation in the responsive house from time to time.

Hope to find someone who sneaks into the responsive house while he is away.

However, after a few days, Ivan didn’t notice anything, and the bait deliberately placed in the responsive house was not lost, and there was no sign of anything being turned over, as if the previous smudge was just his illusion.

This makes Ivan even more puzzled. Is it really an accident?

Ivan was depressed for a while. Fortunately, after a few days of learning snake language, he finally cracked the characters given by the system.

As Luna guessed, it was just a sentence,

Tribute to the great forerunner-Salazar Slytherin!

Ivan recalled the meaning of the characters in his mind~www.mtlnovel.com~ His complexion was very strange, he remembered the words Tom said when he opened the basilisk in original time and space.

It seems that this password is also used to open some place, and the content of the password is also in full compliance with Salazar Slytherin’s narcissistic style.

When Ivan checked the task progress of Blood Mystery again, he found that after cracking the characters, the current task progress had reached 45 percent.

What’s lacking is to find the place where the password needs to be opened. Ivan guessed that that place is probably the place where Salazar Slytherin did the experiment, and most likely it is somewhere in the secret room.

[Halse, what you want to learn, I have taught you, can we go to the secret room? 】

The diary book placed on the table turned over by itself, and black ink appeared on it.

Ivan quietly looked at the Horcrux diary, but did not reply.

In the past few days, Ivan has used various reasons to prevaricate Tom Riddle’s requests several times. The relationship between the two parties has dropped to a freezing point, and it is not far from a complete breakdown.

So that Tom Riddle stopped answering any of his questions, only asking him again and again like the repeater when he could take himself to the secret room.

In view of this, Ivan is not pretending to be pretentious, and has not done anything with the Horcrux for the time being just because the other party still has the last bit of information.

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