Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 225

Chapter 225: Enter the secret room with the hungry basilisk

"Holy guard!" Ivan waved his magic wand.

The white mist gushes out from the top of the magic wand and turns into an illusory white unicorn. After happily walking around with its hoofs, it plunges into the deep pipe...josei

The patron saint is usually the best choice for pathfinders, but it can also be used as a light in a dark place...

controlled the unicorn one step ahead, and Ivan no longer hesitated and jumped down.

The surrounding pools slowly merged together and restored to their original state...


Ivan felt like he had fallen into a slimy slide, and was falling all the way down the **** of the pipe. The two "owls" on his shoulders retracted into Ivan's arms in horror.

is dark and dark, no light can be seen, and only the shadow of a unicorn with fluorescent light flowing around not far away can barely illuminate the road ahead for him.

I don't know how long it took, and when Ivan felt that he was about to be stunned by the winding pipes, he suddenly found that the **** in front of him began to gradually become flat.

Ivan suddenly understood that he was coming...

Sure enough, the nozzle in front of it got bigger and bigger, and Ivan quickly slipped out of it and fell to the ground...

Ivan climbed up from the ground grinning, and patted his clothes covered with mud and dust. The two "owls" also fell from his arms to the ground in a dazed manner.

"Clean up!"

Ivan simply cleaned up with the dust removal spell, and looked around.

Here is a straight forward tunnel, which looks very wide, the ground is wet, and the sound of running water can be faintly heard in the distance.

Ivan walked forward quickly, in the darkness and the fluorescence of the patron saint, went straight through the tunnel, to his surprise, he did not see the basilisk molting.

But when you think about it carefully, the basilisk hasn't been released yet, where's the skin...

Ivan actually saw the bones of many creatures on the ground. Most of them were rats in different sizes. They broke when they stepped on them. It seems that they have been piled up here for a long time.

At the end of the tunnel is a sturdy wall with two snakes entwined with each other. The eyes of the snake are shining with weird green light under the dim fluorescent light.

"Hiss~ (open! Ivan spoke again. The two snake shadows on the door seemed to be alive, and they squirmed quickly. The stone wall cracked in the middle, opening a path.

Ivan enters into it, and inside is a huge space with many towering stone pillars, on which are engraved with coiled snakes, standing on both sides like guards.

Right in front of    is a wide platform with a statue that reaches the ceiling at the end.

It was a statue of Salazar Slytherin. Ivan had to look up to see the huge face of the statue, where the basilisk was sleeping.

Ivan didn't intend to disturb the other party. He searched for himself in the secret room, and tentatively read the sentence in front of each stone pillar engraved with the serpent.

Tribute to the great forerunner-Salazar Slytherin!

The strange snake language kept echoing in the secret room, but all the big snake stone pillars did not respond, and Ivan tried unwillingly to find other clues in the secret room.

After a few hours, I finally found the text left by Slytherin somewhere, a string of strange characters, after the translation, it was such a sentence.

【Come to my statue, speak to me, and offer your highest respect! (Remember, close your eyes!)]

At the same time, beside the strange character, there is a strange picture.

It was a figure standing in the middle of the platform, with his mouth open as if he was muttering something, and a huge snake in front of him was coming out of the statue's mouth.

Ivan frowned. If he didn't know that this was Slytherin's secret room, he would have thought it was a sacrifice ritual made by an evil wizard when he saw it.

He didn't come here to summon the basilisk. If there is no need, he doesn't want to provoke the big snake that can kill with his eyes alone.

However, Ivan did not find Slytherin's research room all afternoon.

Thinking of Tom Riddle's previous words, Ivan became eager.

Maybe, he should call the basilisk out for questioning?

This terrifying idea came to Ivan's mind. This was undoubtedly the next step. He couldn't be sure how powerful the basilisk was. Once he made a mistake, he could defeat the opponent.

However, by contrast, Ivan was even more reluctant to go back and continue to wrangling with Tom, it was almost endless.

Even Tom Riddle placed some backhand in the secret room. Ivan didn't dare to bring him in. Instead, he used the isolation magic text to restrict him and stayed in the trunk of the bedroom.

Under the circumstance that the responsive house may be discovered, only the bedroom is relatively safer...

Ivan hesitated again and again, but still cruel, determined to give it a try, walked in the center of the platform, imitating Tom Riddle's movements in the original time and space, and uttered a snake language.

"His hiss~ (Talk to me, Slytherin-the greatest of the Big Four at Hogwarts.

In Ivan's eyes, above, the huge stone face of Slytherin moved, and his mouth opened wider and wider, revealing a huge round hole, enough to easily walk into a person.

Ivan quickly closed his eyes so as not to look directly at the basilisk that came out.

Fortunately, closing his eyes, Ivan can also see everything in front of him through the shadow of the unicorn, but it is not clear whether the scene seen through magic will affect the main body.

If he remembers correctly, the direct death effect of the Basilisk’s eyes is not effective on everything. Phoenix, which is also a top-level magical creature, can be directly immune. The mirror and water reflections will also weaken the direct death effect. Petrify the viewer.

When    was thinking,

Vaguely, Ivan felt a rustling sound coming from above, as if something was slipping out of the mouth of the statue.

The two "owls" who were brought by Ivan lay on the ground and shivered~www.mtlnovel.com~ There were cooing sounds in their mouths.

Ivan became vigilant, and if he fails to communicate with each other in snake language, he is ready to change the two roosters back to their original form at any time.

"Sizzle~ (hungry~ so hungry...

The clear voice of a snake came from the mouth of the statue,

The next moment, the huge giant snake came out from there, and the heavy body fell on the stone slab with a muffled noise.

It approached Ivan step by step, and the latter squeezed the wand tightly, the light of strengthening the magic text had been illuminated, and the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse was ready to be sent.

Through the eyes of the patron saint, Ivan clearly saw the appearance of the basilisk in front of him. The whole body was green with scales like old bark growing on its body, and the flat big head was covered with ferocious granular protrusions.

What shocked Ivan the most was the sharp sharp teeth like a saber, and the faint, weirdly fluorescent eyes...

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