Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 232

Chapter 232: Catch Dobby

When the two came to have dinner in the large exhibition hall, they were once again warmly welcomed by the little wizards of Gryffindor.

Ivan deliberately said indignantly about the two wandering ball attacks, which caused a burst of indignation, and they discussed who the **** who cast a spell to disrupt the Quidditch game was!

"Let me say, which Slytherin must have done it! Most of them were unwilling to lose the game last time, so this time they are ready to take revenge on Harry again." George vowed to speculate, which attracted many little wizards. Harmony.

Then it was rebutted by the little Slytherin wizards, and the large exhibition hall was full of scolding for a while, but this also intensified the discussion of this matter again.

Until Ivan finished dinner, the discussion still couldn't stop, but Ivan had quietly left the large exhibition hall, wandering in as remote a place as possible.

He knew very well that Dobby, who ran out of the rules, didn't want outsiders to see it, so he usually came out when Harry was alone.

I have been walking around the castle for several hours, but I haven't waited for Dobby to arrive.

Ivan frowned. Did Dobby still not know the news, or did he have been confused by Tom Riddle?

Seeing that it was late at night, Ivan sighed and prepared to return to the bedroom, waiting for the news to spread for a while tomorrow.

Just then, a high-pitched voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Is the sir looking for Dobby?"josei

Ivan turned his head abruptly, and on a dark corner of the corridor, a small figure slowly walked out.

It has a pair of big bat-like ears, its bald head is full of wrinkles, and there are only a few dirty rags hanging all over its body. Two tennis-sized green eyes are staring at him directly.

"Yes, that's right, I'm looking for you!" Ivan's right hand was on the wand, but he didn't take it rashly. It only takes a moment for the house elf to release the apparition, which is much faster than his coma spell !

"Have you heard of what happened on the field?" Ivan asked.

"Of course... of course! Dobby watched every game of Mr. Dobby!" Dobby nodded excitedly, and then as if thinking of something, his big green eyes stared roundly.

"Sir, shouldn't you think that Dobby controlled today's roaming ball?" Dobby asked in a panic.

"Isn't it?" Ivan asked pretendingly.

"How can you think that, sir!" Dobby shook his head frantically, his big raised eyes faintly burst into tears.

"Dobby... Dobby saw you being chased by a stray ball today. What I was worried about was hitting his toe with a rock below!"

At this point, Dobby stretched out his left foot. The five dirty toes were swollen...

The corners of Ivan's mouth twitched, he really couldn't understand Dobby's peculiar brain circuit.

"So I hope Mr. Can understand that this is not what Dobby did!" Dobby retracted his feet, his big watery eyes flashed pitifully.

"Where is the one who sneaked into the bedroom and stole?" Ivan said tentatively.

"Dobby doesn't want to steal anything, sir!" Dobby's eyes fell with bean-sized teardrops, and it continued talking choked up.

"But Dobby can't let these dangerous things stay by Mr.'s side, so he can only figure out a way to take it out and destroy it!"

Ivan finally understood why Dobby made the move. It turned out that it was because he and Harry were in the same dormitory, which caused Dobby's worry, which led to the idea of ​​stealing the Horcrux.

"So, did you destroy it?" Ivan hurriedly asked.

"Bad Dobby...Bad Dobby!" At this time, Dobby had already fallen into self-blame of theft. He kept hitting the wall with his head and muttering in his mouth.

"Faint!" Ivan had no choice but to use the opportunity to cast a coma spell, so that Dobby suddenly disappeared.

Dobby, who was hitting the wall with his head, couldn't react in time, and was hit by the light of the spell.

Dobby only had time to turn his head to show a look of astonishment, and then fainted to the ground.

Ivan shook his head and dragged Dobby, who had passed out into a coma, to the nearest classroom. Using Transfiguration Curse, he **** Dobby Wuhuada with a rope. The hands specially used for casting spells were directly wrapped around several times and became dumplings.

After confirming that Dobby could not use magic, Ivan then lifted the coma spell.

Dobby opened his eyes dizzy, and then immediately felt that he was bound.

What went beyond Ivan's expectation was that Dobby did not yell, but stared at him silently with big bulging eyes. After a while, two lines of tears suddenly flowed down, and his lips trembled.

"Dobby... Dobby knows that he has done a lot of bad things. Is your husband going to punish Dobby? That's fine... If you can do this for your husband to forgive Dobby..." Cried.

"Shut up! I just want to ask you something." Ivan interrupted Dobby's conjecture.

Suddenly, Yifan felt that his body was slowly beginning to deform, and when he thought about it, he knew that the time limit of the compound decoction had passed.

But Ivan is not replenishing the potion. Since Dobby has caught it, there is no need for him to pretend.

Right in front of Dobby~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan's figure began to grow taller, his hair turned golden, and the glasses that were in the way were taken off by Ivan.

"You are not Harry Potter!" Dobby's sobbing stopped immediately, staring at the little wizard in front of him.

"Of course not, my name is Ivan Hals... Can you tell me where you put the diary?" Ivan asked.

"Dobby remembers you! You must want to hurt Mr. Potter with what the mysterious man left behind, right? Dobby won't let you succeed!" Dobby showed a generous and determined expression of death. Resolutely unwilling to disclose the slightest bit of news.

Ivan is having a headache, can I still speak well?

Ivan had to be patient to explain that his goal is the same as it, which is to destroy what Voldemort left behind, and he also reiterated the previous rhetoric that fudged Harry...

However, Dobby was unwilling to believe it, he saw Ivan open the diary with his own eyes, and often carried it with him, so it must be the minion of a mysterious person.

"I also destroyed the mysterious man's resurrection plan with Harry in the last school year. If you have learned about Harry at school, you should be clear!" Ivan said that he is a partner of justice and will never Bewitched.

Noting that Dobby started to hesitate, Ivan continued to add.

"I guess you can't find a way to destroy that diary, can you? I can help you!"

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