Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 240

Chapter 240: Absorbed vitality

Latest website: After agreeing to Lockhart's request, Ivan did not leave directly, but asked him to teach himself the forgetting spell.

The experience of this semester made Ivan deeply understand the importance of this spell.

If he had forgotten the curse in the first place, Hermione would not have known about sneaking into the Gryffindor girl's bed.

It can also allow him to deal with today's things more calmly, for example, he can completely erase the memories of the two Ravenclaw boys and clean up the handwriting on the wall before the others arrive.

"You want to learn the Forgetting Curse? Why? Are you going to erase anyone's memory?" Lockhart asked curiously.

"Just in case." Ivan glanced at him without explaining. "What do you ask so much for? I won't use it to you..."

"I didn't say that, it's just that this magic is not so easy to learn..." Lockhart smiled brightly, and began to explain to Ivan the spells, gestures, and methods of the Forgotten Curse.

In other magic, Lockhart may be just a mediocre, but in the accomplishments of the Forgotten Curse, he is a real master, and the entire magical world may not find a better wizard for the Forgotten Curse.

After all, Lockhart has used all his ingenuity on this curse for decades.

Finally, there was an opportunity to show off the truth. Lockhart said that he was very devoted, and even explained some of the small skills he had summarized.

Of course, this is also related to the little wizard in front of him holding his handle.

Under the guidance of Lockhart, the master of the Forgotten Curse, Ivan's understanding of the Forgotten Curse also increased linearly.

After consuming a certain grade point, Ivan can hear the sound of rising proficiency in his mind every once in a while.

Soon, Ivan saw the magic of Forgotten Curse appearing in the magic column of the system.

"Forget it all!" Ivan waved his wand, and a creamy white spell light hit the wall.

Since there is no goal, Ivan doesn't know how much it is.

"You learned it? So fast!" Lockhart was surprised. As a master of the Forgotten Curse, he of course could see that Ivan had already mastered this curse.

You must know that the Forgotten Mantra is a very difficult memory mantra. It took him three days to learn it. He thought it was already very fast. He had been complacent about it before.

"Almost." Ivan nodded casually.josei

"Your talent is really amazing." Lockhart sighed with emotion and a little jealousy.

"There is no need to envy me, for the simple understanding of the Forgotten Curse, I am afraid that no one in the magical world is better than you." Ivan shook his head and said aloud.

"That's natural, otherwise I wouldn't be so famous." Lockhart said triumphantly.

This is also the only thing he deserves to be proud of. Not everyone can clear the memories of so many powerful wizards with the Forgetting Curse, without revealing any flaws.

Ivan doesn't bother to correct Lockhart's ideas, everyone has their own way of living.

After learning the forgetting spell, Ivan opened the door and was ready to leave.

Suddenly, Ivan remembered something, turned his head and tentatively asked.

"By the way, Professor Lockhart, what do you think about the attack today?"

Lockhart was stunned, and then replied regretfully. "That's an enthusiastic Ravenclaw. I signed the girl before, but luckily she's okay..."


Walking out of Lockhart's office, Ivan followed the crowd back to the Gryffindor lounge.

Almost everyone along the way was guessing who attacked the Ravenclaw girl, and all kinds of rumors continued.

This situation continued until noon the next day. After Hermione asked about the secret room from Professor Bins, the little wizards who were born in Muggle families suddenly felt themselves in danger.

They think that the opener of the Chamber of Secrets must be like the rumors that the Muggle-born wizard is not worthy of learning magic, so they wanted to kill the Ravenclaw girl.

The writing on the wall is to warn everyone that anyone who intends to prevent the other party from cleaning the campus will also be killed together.

The most unlucky is Harry, who was listed as the first suspect in the attack because of his previous exposure of the snake-like voice.

Because it is said that the Chamber of Secrets was established by Salazar Slytherin, and the most famous trait of the founder of Hogwarts is the vibe!

"Damn, how could they suspect you? You were with us all the time yesterday!" Ron said angrily in the hallway outside the classroom after class.

Harry was also very depressed. He obviously did nothing, but was somehow thought to be the attacker.

"Do you think it has something to do with Voldemort?" Harry suddenly thought of Ivan's stolen diary, lowered his voice, and said.

"Perhaps..." Ivan said casually, then turned to look at Hermione, and asked aloud. "Hermione, is the injured Ravenclaw awake?"

To find out who took the Horcrux, the most direct way is to ask the girl who was injured yesterday. The other party will most likely know some clues.

"Not yet, I heard from Madam Pomfrey. In addition to being injured, she seems to have been hit by a very powerful black magic, and the lack of vitality is very serious." Hermione said sadly.

"Lack of vitality..." Ivan frowned, and he found that the situation was worse than he thought.

It seems that Tom Riddle is not only planning to frame him, but also secretly trying to restore his strength.

This discovery also gave Ivan some clues.

Having been in contact with Tom for so long ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan has a deep understanding of the power of Horcruxes.

Unless the girl has 100% trust in the Horcrux and is willing to open up part of her soul for it, it is absolutely impossible for Tom to absorb so much vitality from a little wizard in a short time.

This means that the Ravenclaw girl is likely to hold Horcrux for a long time to establish this degree of trust.

Now that the poor child has lost the value of use, Tom cruelly abandoned him, threw it out as an abandoned child, and caused him some trouble by the way.

"Amazing, Tom, you are really getting more and more skillful." Ivan is having a headache. He used to tease Tom every day by relying on the advantage of information, but now he is almost cheated by Tom.

Compared with Ginny in the original time and space, Ivan understands that Tom has now recovered a certain amount of strength, but it should not be enough to be resurrected, because the Ravenclaw girl is still alive...

But wait for Tom to breathe in the vitality of a few more people!

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