Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 244

Chapter 244: It seems we misunderstood you before

Latest website: Hearing this shocking news, the hall fell into a short silence, and the two professors, Flitwick and Sprout, whose faces changed a lot, immediately ran out.

There was no need to continue the duel on the field. Ivan turned his head and asked Snape to restrain and protect the students in the hall, and then eagerly followed.

Snape was very dissatisfied with Ivan's command, but still fulfilled his duties as a professor, ordering all the students to stay where they are, not to go anywhere!

On the other side, Ivan rushed to the third floor as quickly as possible.

Except for Snape, the several teaching professors at Hogwarts had all arrived, and Madam Pomfrey squatted on the ground to check the attacked person.

Dumbledore stood aside frowning, not knowing what to think...

Ivan walked a few steps before seeing the injured girl. She looked like a Hufflepuff girl in the second and third grade. Her complexion was extremely pale, and her breathing was very weak.

Unlike the last time, the girl was not hurt and bleeding, and there was no mess of handwriting on the surrounding walls.

Ivan is not surprised, he has been in the duel club tonight, Tom may know that there is no possibility of planting him.

"Poor child, her vitality loss is very serious, just like the Ravenclaw girl before." Madam Pomfrey sighed with a sad face, but she couldn't help it.

"What kind of dark magic can cause this effect?" Professor McGonagall was very angry, and her wand was shaking. She looked at Dumbledore and expected him to answer.

"The important thing is not how to do it, but who did it!" Dumbledore did not answer, but said in a deep voice.

"Perhaps we can investigate which students have not come to my duel class tonight, I think the number of students should not be too many." Ivan made a suggestion.

He suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity to catch Tom Riddle. The corridor on the third floor was not remote, so the time for the girl to be killed should be very short, at least after the duel club started!

This means that the suspicion of the vast majority of people is eliminated at one time!

The remaining few little wizards who did not come to class, as long as they investigate one by one, they will immediately know whose hands the Horcrux is in!

"Very good advice! We'd better act now!" Professor McGonagall soon wanted to understand this, and said in surprise.

"By the way, where's Severus?" Professor McGonagall hadn't seen Snape come back for a long time, somewhat puzzled.

"I let him stay in the big exhibition hall to protect the children, lest the attackers take advantage of our absence to attack them, and now it is just convenient for us to count who is not there!" Ivan said confidently. He thought this Tom will never run back!

"Professor Lockhart, it seems that we misunderstood you before. I didn't expect you to be very reliable at a critical time." McGonagall was surprised by Ivan's careful arrangements.

The other professors also looked at "Lockhart" in front of them strangely. It was hard for them to believe that Lockhart had said the words just now.

Seeing everyone's puzzled gaze, Ivan realized that he had acted too far, not in line with the personality of Lockhart.

But because this opportunity to find the Horcrux was so rare, he was so excited that he even forgot to play the role.

Ivan hurriedly coughed twice and remedied it out loud.

"Ahem... That's natural. I don't know how many times I have encountered such an emergency in my legendary career. I dare say that no one in the magical world knows how to deal with a crisis better than me!"

Ivan reluctantly came back, but fortunately, several professors didn't have the intention to study carefully, and their thoughts were all on how to catch the attacker.

Ivan volunteered to catch the little wizards who hadn't come to class.

He felt that he had better find the Horcrux before the others, and make up a reason to destroy it before reporting it, lest Dumbledore learn something unfavorable for him from the Horcrux.

Although this possibility is very small, it must be guarded.

Unfortunately, after Ivan offered to participate in the search, Dumbledore rejected it.

"No! I need you to inform Severus, protect the children in the hall with him, and count all the students who did not attend duel classes!" Dumbledore said.josei

Can't you send someone else to this little thing? Ivan opened his mouth to refute, but noticed that the eyes under Dumbledore's half-moon glasses were staring at him, and then closed his mouth decisively.

"Okay, I'm going to inform Snape..." Ivan cast aside his eyes, avoiding looking at Dumbledore, and turned away.

Ivan had been running Occlumency, but when he walked out of the corridor, he didn't find any traces of the brain being invaded.

Even so, Ivan was aware that Dumbledore seemed to have a slight doubt about his identity, otherwise he would not reject his proposal to participate in the search.

"Damn, I should have brought the map of the live spot with me at any time!" Ivan couldn't help sighing as he headed to the large exhibition hall.

Because he was going to exchange identities with Lockhart today, he put away everything that didn't meet his identities, so as not to fall out and be suspected during a fight.

Ivan did not expect Tom Riddle to be so bold that he would choose to carry out a second attack at this time!


Back in the large exhibition hall, Ivan found that Snape had cast a spell to remove the duel platform and replaced it with the long table of the four major academies. All the little wizards stayed in their seats honestly.

Snape saw Ivan walking in the hall and walked over with a sullen face. "What happened? Someone encountered an attack?"

Ivan nodded and talked about the attack on a third-year Hufflepuff girl~www.mtlnovel.com~ and then continued.

"In short, we need to count the number of people now. I believe the attackers should be among the few students who did not come to class! I will be in charge of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw College, as for Slytherin and Hufflepuff. is you."

After explaining, Ivan rushed to the long table of the two colleges to check the list of personnel.

Snape was very awkward. He didn't want to follow Ivan's command, but he had to admit that the other party's arrangement was reasonable, so he had to do it with a black face.

After spending more than half an hour, Ivan and Snape checked the list of personnel, and were overjoyed for a while. There were fewer little wizards than he had imagined, and there were only two girls in lower grades!

The Horcrux must be in the hands of one of them!

Ivan felt that Tom was afraid that it would not be long, but things went so smoothly that Ivan faintly felt something wrong...

(PS: I wish you all a happy New Year's Day! In addition, 2020 is coming soon, everyone vote for a monthly pass to celebrate!)

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