Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 256

Chapter 256: I admire his cunning!

I admire his cunning! "On the other portrait, the middle-aged wizard dressed in black robes with a gloomy expression said appreciatively.

Then he complained about the sorting hat lying on the shelf playing dead.

"That broken hat must have been mistaken again. He should have come to our Slytherin! What a good boy... he was assigned to such a brash college."josei

Hearing these words, the crumpled hat on the shelf immediately quit. It jumped up and retorted.

"No, no, no! I still insist on my opinion. He has the corresponding qualities, so he should go to Gryffindor! You know I'm a sorting hat that never goes wrong!"

Who knows if you missed it? The long-bearded old man was very dissatisfied. It was obvious that the members of their Black family were excellent Slytherins, but this broken hat wanted someone to be assigned to Gryffindor Academy.

If he was still alive, he would definitely throw this **** hat into the stove!

"Have you heard, Ivan Hals belongs to our Gryffindor Academy." A sturdy wizard from Gryffindor said triumphantly, and then turned his head to look at the middle-aged wizard on the other side with dissatisfaction. The portrait of him, cursed.

"Also, which academy did you just say is the Majesty Academy? Honestly, did you always want to fight with me?"

The middle-aged wizard principal with a gloomy expression didn't want to pay attention to the brash man, but the latter had already got into his picture frame with a strange smile while holding the sword.

Although the two were powerful wizards before their lives, they are nothing more than a painting now. No one can cast spells and can only fight fiercely in this small picture frame.

Several portraits on the wall looked at this scene, all showing disgusting eyes.

They feel that everyone is a person with status, even if they have been dead for a long time, they shouldn't do such a shameful thing.

"I think this kid is pretty good. I didn't hesitate to return the wand. I can't do it with me," said one of the knowledgeable principals of Ravenclaw.

The Old Wand of the Deathly Hallows may be a secret to other wizards, but the portraits here are among the best wizards in the magic world, so many people have a certain understanding of this strongest wand.

It is precisely because of this that Ivan's performance is rare...

However, the next moment a portrait retorted. "How do you know that it wasn't pretended?"

"He's just a second-year little wizard, can you all think about the good things?"

The silent principal's room was soon filled with quarreling sounds... the usual silent principals joined the discussion one after another.

This is also because Ivan is so special that he did so many things that surprised them at a young age, so that everyone looked forward to his future achievements.

Just as the quarrel was getting louder, a middle-aged witch wearing a purple wizard hat suddenly yelled.

"Enough! How long has everyone been dead? What's the use of arguing here? This is not something we should discuss, I believe Albus will make a decision!"

All the portraits cast their eyes on Dumbledore...

Dumbledore's knocking on the table stopped, but he did not answer.

He knew more about Ivan than the portraits, and he was even more confused.

This small wizard is like being shrouded in a vast mist. There are a lot of contradictions in his experience and personality, making it difficult to distinguish the authenticity from the fake...

"Halse!" Dumbledore closed his eyes and thought for a while, and slowly took out an old photo from the drawer. It was a group photo of a group of young wizards with smiles on their faces, many of them Was beckoning to him...

Dumbledore’s slender index finger slowly moved across the photo, as if he was recalling something.

It's a pity that most of the people above can only stay in his memories...


On the other side, Ivan, who walked out the door of the principal's office, slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got over it.

He thought Dumbledore would ask him more things, such as how he destroyed the Horcrux, or how Tom Riddle tricked him into the secret room...

However, none. What made Ivan even more puzzled was that he didn't feel any trace of Dumbledore's use of contemplation during the entire process.

With this abnormal phenomenon, Ivan is somewhat disturbed...

Although Dumbledore was a lawful white wizard, restrained his own power, and generally did not use dementia on others at will, but there are always exceptions to Voldemort.

Judging from previous experience, Dumbledore will at least use the mind to confirm the truth when he talks about key points. This time there is nothing...

Could it be that Dumbledore discovered that he was using Occlumency?

Ivan couldn’t understand,

At this time, there was a system prompt sound in my mind.

Ivan curiously opened the system bar and checked it, and found that there was another title in the legend title bar.

[Legend Title: Heir to Slytherin

Legend: 1

Legendary event: You successfully solved the mystery, found the knowledge inheritance left by Slytherin, and fought to the death with another heir in the secret room and won the final victory! 】

"In that case, the five legendary points are half of the collection?" Ivan muttered to himself, touching his chin.

A few hours ago, the mission of the Dark Lord’s wish gave him some legendary points. Now there are two points. In addition, obtaining the Merlin Medal in the near future should also be a legendary event. It is getting closer and closer to redeeming the next protection mode. .

"Unfortunately, the phoenix who has just nirvana is still too young." Ivan muttered to himself with regret.

Ivan has always been very fond of Phoenix's bloodline, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, let alone Fox taking the initiative to dangle by his side this time. At that time, Ivan wanted to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to obtain the blood of the Phoenix.

But when Fox was just reborn, he was only as big as a fist, and he might have drawn a hundred milliliters of blood directly to death. In addition, the legendary points had not been collected yet, so Ivan had no choice but to give up the idea.


In the next two days, without the **** Horcrux and the attack, Ivan once again lived a long-lost leisurely life.

It is worth mentioning that after the Horcrux diary was destroyed, the few low-grade girls who had been in a coma also regained consciousness.

Not long after that, Dumbledore summoned everyone in the auditorium to explain the causes and consequences of the attack—their Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor Lockhart was so bewildered by an evil black magic book that he was right His own students launched an attack.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore dismissed Professor Lockhart and announced the cancellation of the following Defence Against the Dark Arts class...

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