Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 258

Chapter 258: I also want to experience this kind of trouble

As the person involved, Ivan seemed very calm. He had known about the Merlin Knights' awarding ceremony a few days ago, and he would have received a letter from the Merlin Knights leader when the school just started.

In fact, what made him a little surprised was that the award ceremony was delayed for so long. The letter clearly stated that it was around Halloween.

As a result, it is now in April of the second year, and there are only two months left until the end of the semester.

After Dumbledore on the platform said the shocking news, he waved his magic wand, and the long table of the four colleges immediately showed more dishes.

"That's all I want to say, you can start today's dinner now..." Dumbledore said to the little wizards of the four major colleges, and then returned to the teacher's bench.

However, the power of food did not dissipate the enthusiasm of everyone, and the conversation was endless.

After dinner, Ivan returned to Gryffindor's lounge with Harry and Ron.

In the middle of the journey, Ivan once again experienced the troubles of being a celebrity. He became the focus of almost everyone, and I could hear everyone talking about himself everywhere.

When approaching the lounge, a strange little witch ran into him. Vaguely Ivan felt that the other party had put something in her arms, and then blushed and ran away.

Ivan was confused, and suddenly remembered that the little witch seemed to be the Slytherin girl he had saved.

After being possessed by Tom Riddle, she has been in a coma in the storage room of the responsive house.

When Ivan came out of the principal's office a few days ago, he rescued the girl and sent it to the school hospital.

"What is this? A love letter?" Ivan took out the envelope in his arms, glanced at it a few times, and said dumbfounded.

Ivan shook his head. He wasn't ready to accept it, so he would just write a reply letter and tactfully refuse.

"You are really famous this time!" Ron looked at Ivan enviously as he put the envelope away. When would he be treated like this.

"It's not good to be famous, but it's a lot of trouble..." Ivan vomited.

Harry nodded in agreement, which he felt deeply.

Ron looked at his two friends with a weird look. He opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. He also wanted to experience this kind of trouble...


The next day, Ivan got up early, and when he walked to the auditorium, he found that the place had changed, and it was decorated and magnificent.

The flags of the four colleges were flying high in the sky, and a bright red carpet was placed in the center of the auditorium, extending to the steps outside the door. From time to time, golden and red light spots fell from the sky onto the carpet, and then again. Disappear without a trace...

More than a dozen ghosts shuttled back and forth in the exhibition hall, and they seemed very excited.

"Salute you, sir!" Nick, who was almost headless, saw Ivan coming in, and even got up and took off his hat to salute.

"Hello, Sir!" Ivan nodded, not sure why Nick respected himself so much. When he was about to ask, he heard an annoying voice.

"Ha~ look at which big person is coming?" Pippi ghostly danced over the castle, and he giggled.

"It turned out to be Hals, can you tell me? How does it feel to kill two professors one after another? Who are you going to deal with next?"

"I'm going to deal with you next!" Ivan looked at him and drew his wand from his sleeve.

Pippi's complexion changed. It remembered the fear curse that Ivan released last school year. He was so scared that he didn't dare to come out for several days, and immediately a rush floated far away...

However, at this time, a white light flew out and hit it accurately, and Pippi Gui was horrified to find that he was unable to speak.

Ivan turned his head and looked over curiously, only to see that it was Professor McGonagall who had cast the spell.

"Get out of the way, Pippi!" Professor McGonagall said angrily with a calm face. "If you dare to make trouble at the honoring ceremony later, I will put you in a box!"

Pippi was frightened, nodded fiercely, and escaped from the auditorium with a swish.

Professor McGonagall said to Ivan. "Well, Hals, hurry up and eat, you will receive the award later."

Ivan nodded and walked toward the Gryffindor long table.

At the same time, Ivan also noticed that Professor McGonagall changed into a luxurious red robe today, and he looked much younger than usual, as did the professors sitting on the faculty bench.

Ivan suddenly understood that today's award ceremony, I am afraid that he would not come down with a medal as he thought.

Sure enough, after eating breakfast, it didn't take long for Dumbledore to talk to a group of strange wizards and walk in.

Many people followed behind them, some of whom Ivan had met before, and seemed to be reporters from the Daily Prophet.

"It's really troublesome, can't you just send me the medal?" Ivan sighed, feeling a headache.

"How can this be done? Issuing the Merlin Medal is a big deal! Not to mention Ivan, you are the youngest Merlin Medal recipient in nearly a thousand years, no matter how important it is..."

Hermione twittered to Ivan about the information she had found in the book. She was so excited that she didn't know she thought she was going to receive the Merlin Medal.

Ivan was not listening at all, but he soon saw Dumbledore beckoning at him, and got up and walked over.

Dumbledore took the initiative to introduce him one by one. Only then did Ivan know that the wizards in front of him were members of the Merlin Knights and were here to witness his award ceremony.

Ivan said hello politely.

Several members of the Merlin Knights also responded very politely. Everyone knew that the little wizard in front of him had a promising future. No one would be uncomfortable at this time~www.mtlnovel.com~ After a while, more and more people came. Many, the auditorium becomes very lively.

Ivan was struggling to deal with it, because almost everyone would come up and say a few words to him, which made him have to keep a smile all the time and talk to these famous wizards.

He has never been good at this kind of communication, so he just flattered each other out a few words...josei

On the side of the Gryffindor table, Percy Weasley was very jealous watching Ivan chatting and laughing with the big guys. He always wanted to find a chance to come forward and say a few words, but he didn’t. People care about him.

The next award ceremony was simpler than Ivan had imagined, and it was not so cumbersome.

It's just that he had to read a long and stinking oath in public, and briefly describe his contribution to the magical world...

After that, Dumbledore, as the nominee, personally wore the second-class Merlin Medal on his chest, and the surrounding applause suddenly rang...

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