Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 269

Chapter 269: Capture Sirius Black

The black dog...or Sirius also realized at this time that something was wrong with the gray-white owl.

Sirius, who had been hunting down like a frightened bird, immediately became vigilant. As an Animagus shapeshifter, he certainly would not despise any animal with abnormal behavior...

The black dog snarled at Ivan, but didn't dare to move.

Because Harry was here, he wasn't sure if the opponent would harm his godson.

However, it seemed to Harry to be another scene. The black dog in front of him seemed to rush up to bite him at any time. Harry hurriedly took out his wand and pointed it at the opponent, recalling the magic he had learned in his heart.

Sirius realized this, and after a curse in his heart, he gritted his teeth and ran away. He was betting that another Animagus shapeshifter came for him, just squatting at Harry here. , There is no malice towards Harry.

After running for a while, Sirius turned his head and saw the owl chasing him. While relieved for Harry, Sirius also understood that he might be in danger, and immediately buried his head and ran all the way.

Ivan’s changing owl quickly followed, with a high-altitude vision, he was not worried about losing, and besides, he did not come alone...

The black dog galloped all the way, at an amazing speed, walking more and more in the small alley. At this moment, a house elf suddenly appeared at the end of the alley out of thin air, blocking him in front of him.

"Quickly stop, **** dog!" Dobby screamed, and at the same time stretched out his right hand, a dazzling red light flew out from the tip of his index finger.

The black dog's pupils tightened. He didn't expect that there was a house elf in the hunting team. At this time, it was too late to turn.

He leaped up and stepped on the wall of the alley. He turned to avoid another spell released by Dobby. He jumped directly onto the two-meter-high wall and turned into another alley in an instant. in.

Nice response!

Ivan, who had witnessed all this in the sky, thought of it in his heart.

It seems that this thug is still qualified!

Ivan speeded up and dived down, and it seemed that he could no longer watch the battle.

Sirius also noticed Ivan's approach, and after running a few steps forward, his body changed and returned to his human form. He grabbed the trash can beside him and threw it at Ivan.

Ivan flicked his wings and accelerated his ascent once, avoided the trash flying in the sky, and accelerated again to lean towards the opponent.

Without a magic wand, Sirius couldn't use many decent attacks, not to mention that he hadn't eaten for a long time, and his physical strength was limited. It was almost exhausted after running for a while.

Dobby had already teleported behind him with Phantom Shift, blocking his retreat, and another spell hit.

Sirius rolled and dodged, he was very clear that he might not be able to escape today, his eyes were full of madness, and he planned to fight to the death.

However, Ivan did not give him the opportunity to use the blood magic basilisk pupil in the form of Animagus!

Orange-yellow vertical pupils appeared in the eye sockets of an owl, and Sirius, who was staring at him, was petrified in an instant and fell to the ground.

After a period of crazy practice, Ivan has mastered this bloodline magic, which can control the power of the snake's eye very well, so he is not worried about Sirius being stared to death by himself.

And this special bloodline magic can be used with only two eyes, and the invisibility of Animagus is enough to make the enemy lose the ability to resist unconsciously.

The gray-white owl fell to the ground slowly, and in an instant it transformed into Ivan's appearance. He glanced at the stiff Sirius who had fallen into a petrified state, and said.

"Dobby, take him back with us."

Dobby stepped forward and grabbed Sirius’s arm and looked at Ivan in awe. He only saw Ivan’s deformed owl flapped its wings a few times, and then Sirius, who was still alive and alive, was hit by a petrification spell It fell down like this.

so horrible...

Dobby shook his head, quickly shook off the thought, and then grabbed the arm that Ivan handed over, performing Apparition, and the three of them disappeared in place.


Back in the station in Knockturn Alley, Ivan found a bottle of dark potion from the room.

This is a special potion boiled with mandela grass, which can be used to eliminate the petrification effect of snake eyes. After obtaining the blood magic of the basilisk pupil, Ivan brewed some and kept it next to him. Need.

Ivan filled Sirius with the potion, then put the reagent away, turned back to the table and continued to study the improved data of the potion, waiting for Sirius to wake up.

Just as he turned around, Sirius suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up and swooped, acting as fast as thunder!

Then he fell to the ground with his stiff hands and feet...

Dobby was taken aback, and looked at Sirius vigilantly. The index finger of his right hand was already shining with magical light, and he just waited for the other party to change and blasted directly!

Ivan was not surprised, he didn't even turn his head, a slightly hoarse voice came over.

"Don't struggle, it will take a while for the potion to completely remove the effect of petrification. Now you can't stand up..."

Sirius braced himself hard, staring at Ivan with an incredible color on his face. He did not expect that he had not been caught by the Auror, but instead fell on the boy who was at most thirteen or fourteen years old.

Feeling the heavy limbs and groggy head, Sirius wisely gave up the idea of ​​direct confrontation temporarily, and calmly looked around, looking for a chance to escape.

Obviously this is a dilapidated house. Although it has been cleaned spotlessly, it can be easily seen from the basic furniture and the cracks and holes in the walls.

What attracted his attention most was the lifelike stone sculptures of animals placed on the balcony, most of which were common creatures such as rats, snakes, and geckos.

Sirius squinted, thinking of the orange-yellow pupils he saw before he lost consciousness, and his stiff body now, and his heart felt cold.

That's probably not the stone carving ~www.mtlnovel.com~ but the living creatures. They should all have a very special kind of petrified magic that can be released by looking at each other.

Ivan ignored Sirius' movements, and still improved the potion on his own. No matter how much he can do, it won't help.

Ivan tentatively added the black silk powder into the crucible, and after a while, billowing black smoke came out.

Failed again...

Ivan was very irritable in his heart, resisting the idea of ​​blowing up the crucible, recording the data on the paper, then turned his head to look at Sirius, and said.

"Sirius Black?"

"It's me..." Sirius grinned fiercely.

Thanks to book friends 20190917071457184 for rewarding 600 starting coins.josei

(End of this chapter)

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