Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 275

Chapter 275: Change the method of death

There are werewolf wizards!

Ivan has not forgotten that Tom said that many werewolf wizards participated in that battle, and several werewolf wizards were left behind...

Will it be Walker, Fren and the others?

Ivan frowned deeply and continued to torture Joseph, trying to get more information from him.

But to Ivan's disappointment, Joseph knew very little.

When the Bockin Bock store was attacked, Joseph happened to be outside in charge of snooping for information. When he returned, the battle had already ended.

Therefore, for more than a month, Joseph has been in a state of losing contact, wandering in Knockdown Alley, wanting to know what happened that day, and summoned the other people who had lost contact.

Ivan did not give up and poured Veritaserum into the remaining black-robed wizards, and after inquiring one by one, the news he got was almost the same.

No one knows whether Karaktakus Bok is alive or dead, only that the Ministry of Magic has not found his body.

It looks like I have to go to the Bogembock Magic Shop...

Ivan's thoughts moved slightly, and he was going to go to the scene to see if he could get any useful clues.

While the effect of Veritaserum was still working, Ivan finally asked. "How did you confirm my disguise before?"

"We sent ten people to attack the dark magic shop, and your answer was wrong..." Joseph said dullly.

"Ten people in all? But I only found the bodies of nine attackers there." Ivan muttered to himself.

During the question and answer, Sirius who was in the audience gradually understood the cause and effect, and there was a little pity in his eyes when he looked at Ivan.

"Don't be too sad, Hals, sooner or later we will find the murderer and kill them all to avenge your mother." Sirius said comfortingly.

"No, there is another possibility!" Ivan interrupted Sirius's comforting words. There were indeed ten dead bodies at the time, but...

Thinking of this, Ivan decided to verify it and put a long hair into the bottle containing the compound decoction.

He remembered that in the original time and space, someone had crossed the sea with a concealment, causing one person's body to be buried as another person, creating the illusion that that person was dead, and successfully deceiving everyone...

After debugging, Ivan walked to the gorgeous witch named Kelly and poured the potion in her hand.

While pouring the medicine, Ivan's wrists were trembling, and his eyes fixedly looked at the gorgeous witch in front of him and began to change his body shape in front of him.josei

After a while, her appearance changed to another strange witch, with the same hair color as Asiah.

Ivan was trembling with excitement all over, his eyes glowing, and he grasped Kelly's face and looked at it carefully several times.

"What are you going to do?" Sirius looked at Ivan's expression in a short period of time, confused, and worried that Ivan was too irritated and went crazy.

Ivan ignored Sirius' words and muttered to himself in a low voice.

Before putting Aysia's body in the basement, he once took a piece of Aysia's hair as a spare, just to confirm some things through this method.

It's just that Ivan has never had the guts to do this, because the time converter cannot change the established reality. Once the result is confirmed, the closed loop is completed, even if it goes back to the past, it cannot be reversed.

Ivan knows this very well, so he even plans to abandon the idea of ​​verification, so that the result will always be unknown.

The unknown means that it can be changed...When he uses the time converter to return to the past in the future, he will be able to deflect things according to his own expectations.

It wasn't until Ivan learned from Joseph that the number of assailants was one more than he had imagined, did he remember this again, and made up his mind to verify.

Because if Aysia’s corpses were counted at the scene, there would be exactly ten corpses, the same number as the assailants...

"No, this is not enough!" Ivan quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart, because he still had a lot of questions that needed to be confirmed.

Next is the point...

"Bone to pieces!" Ivan silently walked behind Kelly, and suddenly drew out his wand to cast a spell on her back.

The white light hit Kaili's back, and a screaming screams sounded, and the huge pain directly broke Kaili out of her trance state.

Before Kelly could resist, Sirius waved her magic wand, and a cyan magic hit her head. The screams in Kelly's mouth stopped and the body fell to the ground.

"Enough, Hals! I know you are angry now, but I hope you can calm down." Sirius exhorted with a calm face.

Sirius can understand Ivan's inner pain, but he really doesn't want to see Ivan lose himself in hatred.

Whether it was killing or torturing, Sirius felt that this was not something a child of Ivan's age should do. If it is really necessary, Sirius hopes to do it for him...

"No, I'm not interested in torturing her, I'm just confirming something." Ivan shook his head, then turned to Dobby and said.

"Dobby, be optimistic about him, don't let him make trouble..."

"Yes, sir!" Dobby nodded, his copper bell-sized eyes staring at Sirius' every move, his fingers were shining with magical light, ready to knock him out at any time.

"I'm not so easy to deal with..." Sirius grinned. With a wand, he wouldn't be afraid of a house elf.

However, Sirius hesitated for a while ~www.mtlnovel.com~ still did not interfere with Ivan's follow-up actions, he was ready to see what Ivan wanted to do.

Ivan did not continue to torture or kill the next person as Sirius imagined, but stared at the dead Kelly.

Kaili's body was lying on the ground quietly, losing its vitality, but the effect of the compound decoction still worked on her body.

Ivan was not surprised, because this was something he had known for a long time.

In the original time and space, young Crouch once said that his mother had been taking the compound decoction during Azkaban instead of him, so that after his death, he did not immediately change back to the original appearance, and was finally regarded as him. Buried into the earth.

This means that taking a sufficient amount of the compound decoction may allow one person to die and maintain the appearance of another person in a short time...

As long as he can go back to the past, directly intervene in the battle, save Aysia, and then use compound soup to find someone to die, he can reproduce the scene he saw when he returned to the black magic shop!

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